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Change the pvp system


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The pvp system is bullshit i lose and i receive -25 to -32 mojo penalty but my enemies only give 5-10 mojo and the retarded critical hit system is making me lose over  easy match ups with equal or  less ego than me. please do something over this bullshit system.

Edited by ShadowFeax
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who cares. Mojo doesn't get you anything, just do your 3 battles, doesn't matter if you win or lose, your just trying to get some extra money/cash. Higher mojo doesn't get you gifts, girls, it doesn't matter if your ranked 400, or 4000, it means nothing except just saying your rank 400 instead of 4000. If you lose a battle and lose mojo, money isn't swiped from you, you only get stuff when you win, and if you don't battle you can't win. If you battle and lose, so what.

They don't have any system in place yet to have any benefit from getting it higher, you don't get x amount of money based on your mojo level per day, you don't get legendary gear if your 100th in the rankings, etc. Just do your battles and stop worry about mojo until they have a reward system of some sort in place that pays you for being higher in rank/mojo over where you were yesterday.

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