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Event set reward


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Comparing the current reward item set to the last revival event it is pretty apparent that it follows the exact same pattern: hardcore head, charm armor, know-how pants, hardcore/charm trinket1, hardcore-knowhow pet, knowhow-charm trinket2. I understand that the set is free and everything, but could you please rotate the stats per slot? Now every revival set will just be a straight upgrade to an older one, but if you are e.g. hardcore and have a fresh legendary single stat helmet you literally will never be able to use the revival item, if the revival sets would rotate stats it would be much more useful as you get a singlestat head in the first event, then an armor in the next one, pants in the third revival event etc. This basically means that one is guaranteed to get a full set of every combination within 6 revival events (which is half a year, so a lot of leveling would be going on anyway).

Now you basically only use 1 out of the 6 items and the rest can be trashed and as soon as a new revival events comes the complete old set can be sold aswell.

This would be a very small userfriendly QoL change

Edited by wthvr
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2 minutes ago, Varnart said:

true, but you always can but the stuff of it comes up in the market if your a high enough level, it does for me atleast 5 or 6 times a week and its only 285000 that's actually not a lot of money so its not really a big deal

As I said this would mainly be a QoL change. The way it is now each event set basically is money only and an stat upgrade of <50 compared to the old one. They might aswell just give gold then if the set is barely useful and sold right away. And obviously you dont want to buy every upgrade you get in the shop but wait until it gives you at least +200 stats or so and once you get a legendary item the epic items wont match its stats for at least 100 level.

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