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go to market click on 'boosters'


now equip any boosters of your choice


ginseng root and chlorella increase your ego (HP in battle)

cordyceps for increasing attack directly and jujubes increase attack indirectly thru increased critical chance

use it before arena/boss fight, some of these only last for 8 hours (commons) so use it just before you know u'll be grinding for fights

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yep, you shouldn't sell boosters either except for the critical boosters. Most people can reach 25% max pretty easy after a while, without any gear, so I don't find the critical boosters useful at all. You don't get them much, but when you do they are just for reselling. I wouldn't resell the others either, their benefits will help you win some fights well worth the piddling price you would get for them if you sold them. Plus don't ever BUY them from the store, it costs kobans which are valuable. Just use the free stuff you get while playing. Just a few battles won because of the boosters pay more than selling them.

Personally I think it would be good for the critical boosters to let you go temporarily over your 25% limit with boosters on, would make them useful. Maybe max them out at 30% criticals max.

Edited by eolsunder
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17 hours ago, eolsunder said:

yep, you shouldn't sell boosters either except for the critical boosters. Most people can reach 25% max pretty easy after a while, without any gear, so I don't find the critical boosters useful at all. You don't get them much, but when you do they are just for reselling. I wouldn't resell the others either, their benefits will help you win some fights well worth the piddling price you would get for them if you sold them. Plus don't ever BUY them from the store, it costs kobans which are valuable. Just use the free stuff you get while playing. Just a few battles won because of the boosters pay more than selling them.

Personally I think it would be good for the critical boosters to let you go temporarily over your 25% limit with boosters on, would make them useful. Maybe max them out at 30% criticals max.

So when my "Critical damage" reaches 25%, without booster, will not it make sense to increase because he is no more?

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17 hours ago, eolsunder said:

yep, you shouldn't sell boosters either except for the critical boosters. Most people can reach 25% max pretty easy after a while, without any gear, so I don't find the critical boosters useful at all. You don't get them much, but when you do they are just for reselling.

I think they are going to remove the limits for crits when they change what crits do. I'd keep them.

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6 minutes ago, Odr@noel said:

So when my "Critical damage" reaches 25%, without booster, will not it make sense to increase because he is no more?

Right now that is correct, but once all the updates for PVP are finally there this cap will no longer be there. What is now known as CRIT will have drastic changes, removing the cap is only one of it. The booster will have hopefully make sense then.

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