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HH ++: the "allowed" userscript


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In before my ass gets kicked by Jessie for making this thread xD

On the discord server most players are aware of or using this particular user script.
It was originally created by Raphael, and now it is updated by 1121.
This userscript gives you a couple of shortcuts, but also some useful information.
It's not giving you any advantages in the game itself, so therefore the devs allow the use of it.
We can only hope that some of these features will one day be implemented, but until that time, you can use this script.

The script is available here:

You will need to make an account on greasyfork, change your settings to allow 18+ content, and then download an add-on.
I advice TamperMonkey.


Now for the features of this userscript:

1. A dropdown menu underneath your combativity meter that has a link to the battle page of every villain in just one click.
No more need to go through the adventure world screens.

2. A summary of each of your stats in the shop, just by hovering over the ?.
It shows how many stat points you can still buy for that stat, how much money you will need to do that, how much you already spent, and a summary of all your stat boosts (through level, buying and equipment).


3. A summary in each shop inventory about the items you own.
It shows you how many items you have in your inventory, and for how much you can sell them.
In the case of books/gifts it also shows how much xp/affection you have in your inventory.


4. A direct link to the wiki page of a girl is available in the harem page.

5. A summary of the total amount of affection (including how much money that affection will cost you if you have to buy it) and money for upgrade scenes you will need for each star is available by hovering over the ? next to affection.
Note that this isn't cumulative. Every star shows you what you'll need if you have reached the previous star.

6. A top and bottom button underneath your harem list.
These buttons immediately take you to the top and the bottom of the list. No scrolling needed for those two actions.

7. A pop-up list of all your girls in alphabetical order. All those girls you can click, and it will take you to that girl.

8. A pop-up screen with all kinds of relevant information. It gives a complete view of everything you may possibly want to know.

9. When rewatching affection scenes, you will have a menu on the right that allows you to go to the other scenes of that girl in one click, as well as a link back to the harem page.
No more extra clicking!
Obviously you can only click on those you have already unlocked.
If you have a locked scene, the link will be grey and unclickable.

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