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Norou doesnt drop or purple items

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I am also having problems with the drop...u can say that it is all about statistics and drop rate. For Norou the droid but i also spent 3 days and extra energy on it and even reach level 50 on the ninja spy. so i have to believe there is something wrong as well.

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well after i did 12 koban refills i had finally got Norou.
i must say that some really fucking shady shit is going on with the RNG of the game and i can sort of prove that. i have been using the free energy until an hour or two ago, by that time i had only gotten 2 flowers aka purple items. after i became angry and started doing koban refills and spam battle i was fucking shocked. i got 8 purple items and norou after i did 12 refills. This is evident that the RNG devs made is clearly made to intentionaly favor combativity coming from kobans than the free generated combativity that is accumulated overtime.  This is a very serious scummy and shady practice that turn people off like me who have some self-respect from this otherwise great game. i am COMPLETELY fine with pay to get girls or having cosmetics or pay to advance features because they dont affect the individual casual player like me. its ok to have some content with paywalls but at least be fucking honest about it and dont be a fucking retarded cunt and exploit your player/fanbase and intentionally use rigged RNG and having fucking purple items to hinder RNG even more. these shitty items can be easily obtained through in-game shop. if you continue this shady practice you are going to get fucked even harder than finalmecia from every orifice where a penile penetration can possibly occur. 
I am very mad to accurately concur whether i will continue playing or not. for those who are going to continue GL&HF to all.
sorry if sometimes im not cohesive its because i am mad whilst writing this and English isn't my native language

P.S. a small advice to game devs or whoever runs this damn game PLEASE don't be fucking dicks and revert combativity back 1 point every 20 minutes .more free stuff makes stronger playerbases and strong playerbases make money. 


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33 minutes ago, ShadowFeax said:

well after i did 12 koban refills i had finally got Norou.
i must say that some really fucking shady shit is going on with the RNG of the game and i can sort of prove that. i have been using the free energy until an hour or two ago, by that time i had only gotten 2 flowers aka purple items. after i became angry and started doing koban refills and spam battle i was fucking shocked. i got 8 purple items and norou after i did 12 refills. This is evident that the RNG devs made is clearly made to intentionaly favor combativity coming from kobans than the free generated combativity that is accumulated overtime.  This is a very serious scummy and shady practice that turn people off like me who have some self-respect from this otherwise great game. i am COMPLETELY fine with pay to get girls or having cosmetics or pay to advance features because they dont affect the individual casual player like me. its ok to have some content with paywalls but at least be fucking honest about it and dont be a fucking retarded cunt and exploit your player/fanbase and intentionally use rigged RNG and having fucking purple items to hinder RNG even more. these shitty items can be easily obtained through in-game shop. if you continue this shady practice you are going to get fucked even harder than finalmecia from every orifice where a penile penetration can possibly occur. 
I am very mad to accurately concur whether i will continue playing or not. for those who are going to continue GL&HF to all.
sorry if sometimes im not cohesive its because i am mad whilst writing this and English isn't my native language

P.S. a small advice to game devs or whoever runs this damn game PLEASE don't be fucking dicks and revert combativity back 1 point every 20 minutes .more free stuff makes stronger playerbases and strong playerbases make money. 


Man, it's a complicated matter. I was worried, but luckly I got Norou yesterday without kobans. However, many people like you could not get her until you start to spend kobans. I really think that the devs should do with event girls just like they do with regular boss girls, a variable drop which increases with the number of fights, and specially ... HOW MUCH TIME LEFT ULTIL THE EVENT ENDS

The idea of a fixed drop rate which just depends on your luck was a very good idea. But the game changed a lot, before the recent updates, what really would determine if you would get the event girls is just your dedication, the number of times you wake up during the night just to fight the bosses again and again. So you basically do not have excuses, to complain about the drop rate ... Now it's an automatic thing. You know that ten hours after you fight 20 times with a boss, you need to fight another 20 times. This is not exactly a problem with the big events, 14 days is enought to get 2 girls. On the other hand, we are having more and more frequency of small events (Revival events) and we already had these two tiny legendary days in which this boss fight system just does not work

My suggestion for devs is to rethink about the fixed drop system

Ps: As aways...sorry for bad english

Edited by sanjkame
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After spending all my daily energy on Ninja spy for the past three days and dropping over 5k kobans on refills now and not getting the girl I decided to drop this game.... The stupid little 'epic' affection gifts that I can buy in the store every 8 hours are no consolation prize. Now if I'm lucky I'll be able to get her again in a year or two when they decide to offer her again if the RNG gods decide to smile on well eff that... I'm out.

No need to reply to this post, I just wanted to let the other 'hopefuls' what they can expect in these kind of events

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