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The 2nd legendary days event; summary of feedback


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So I want to make this as easy as possible for Jessie and the devs.
This post is what I think is the general consensus on this latest legendary days event, and what the community thinks should change.
I will also put my recommendations in it.

1. No safety net. The spread of when people get the girl is huge, and some players even use 10.8k+ kobans to try to get her, and then don't get her. I think the whole community agrees that there should be a safety net in play. I think people are more inclined to actually use kobans, if they know there is at least some kind of reward when a lot goes wrong.
My personal suggestion is that it should be at 10.800 kobans (1800 in Nutaku kobans), or equal to two 10x epic pachinko spins. This is a legendary 5-star girl, and to me that means that she is worth a lot of kobans. You can gather 10.800 kobans in two months, which I think is reasonable.

2. Better communication on forehand. Just make sure everybody knows that she is a legendary girl, and therefore she will be hard to get for most players. The change in specialty of Norou could've been dealt with better as well.
I do think it is improving, but it's better for all of us if we understand eachother better.

3. Some people want to know the drop rate and the drop system. This is not just now, but in general. I believe right now there are two different drop systems in play: 1. for event girls = flat percentage, 2. villain girls = changing percentage. People mix these two up, and then get confused. This part is really just something that should be clarified (so actually part of the communication), so that everybody knows what they are dealing with. The drop rate is something else completely. Some players want to know it, so they can make informed decisions on what to do during the event. I personally don't see the need to know the drop rate, because I can pretty accurately guess it, based on my long time playing experience. Anyway, it would be nice to get a statement from PorcoRosso or one of the other 3 OGs about why they don't want to give us the drop rate.

4. Alternative ways of doing the event. A part of the community would like to see this whole legendary days event done differently. Maybe put up a suggestion board regarding improvements or other ways of setting this up. I know that Kinkoid is looking to improve the legendary days events, but we haven't seen their thoughts on the matter. So maybe sprout those ideas as well, so we know what you are thinking about.

5. Legendary gifts. These things raised mixed feelings. Some people didn't want them at all, because they thought they were getting in the way of getting the girl. Others were glad they were at least getting some value out of Ninja Spy. My view on the matter is that it's a good addition, and it certainly takes away part of the money loss.
Even in this point communication is important again. There was confusion over the drop system. My personal believe is that it doesn't change the chance on getting a girl, others thought it was affecting their chances on the girl. This could've been prevented if on forehand you had made a statement about the loot system.


I would like to ask everybody to give me feedback on this summary, and then I will make a final recap on friday.


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3 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

Some people want to know the drop rate and the drop system.



And the thing about legendary gifts is not knowing the drop system we can't tell if they're good or bad. Just making up percentages here but if it's 1% girl, 9% gift, 90% money, (instead of the previous 99% money 1% girl) the gifts are great.

If it's 95% money, 5% special drop, then another roll under special drop to determine girl or gift, then the gifts are bad.

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5 minutes ago, Urist said:



And the thing about legendary gifts is not knowing the drop system we can't tell if they're good or bad. Just making up percentages here but if it's 1% girl, 9% gift, 90% money, (instead of the previous 99% money 1% girl) the gifts are great.

If it's 95% money, 5% special drop, then another roll under special drop to determine girl or gift, then the gifts are bad.

yeah, some. it just feels like a lot, because those people are vocal.

I think I actually dealt with the legendary gifts in that way already in my post -_-

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7 minutes ago, Urist said:

Can you find a single person/post saying they don't want to know the drop rate/system?

I'd be interested to know the exact numbers/formulas, out of curiosity, but idgaf if they don't tell us.

There's one.

And no I haven't bothered posting that to say "IDGAF", but like Chthugha said, we're not the vocal ones.

Edited by BoogerStick
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The Changes I would make if I had the ability to.

It should be at least one suggestion someone will like in this also I got the hardcore and know how legendary event harem members so these suggestions are only to make future events easier for other players because i will get them no matter how hard the event is.

Add an event timer to the top of the screen so that people know in the game when the event is going to end also have a legendary day event theme.

Have a counter near the event timer that says how many players have gotten the event harem member to drop so people don't ask if they are dropping.

With this event, the event harem member was on Ninja spy and the event before had it on the dark lord so hardcore legendary event harem member could have been made available again during this event on dark lord.
The next legendary day event could have the Charm legendary on Gruntt, The know how legendary back on Ninja spy and the hardcore legendary back on dark lord so players who missed out would be able to go for whatever class their legendary is.

The legendary gifts are great but making the gifts and money drop at the same time would be better to show players that getting them is not is stopping the event girl from dropping and that they are just a bonus you can get.


Instead of having legendary gifts make the villains the same level as the player so no money is lost farming low-level villains the money they can drop can be increased a little to make up for them not leveling up anymore but because so much time is used farming low-level villains players would make more money this way.  - Instead of doing this the event harem member could drop from a low-level villain and a high-level one giving new players access to event harem members but also give high-level players access to them without losing money farming a low-level villain.

Making the legendary harem members easier to get by adding them to epic pachinko like with other events, Having the same pity timer work for event harem member that works for boss harem members but having the increased drop rate depending on how long the event runs for such a faster rate of the pity counter increasing in a legendary event compared to a 14 day event.

Instead of an increased drop rate, the amount of combativity could be increased instead above 20 giving players more chances of getting them this way as well.

The cost of refills could be lowered in price to make them more worthwhile to do by giving a special discounted price offer during short events such as legendary days or revival events

Merge the legendary day event with the 14 day event of that month and increase the time of the event to 18 days the number of kobans gotten from the daily event mission could be reduced to balance this out but it would also give player extra days to get the free mission event harem member and make the free mission event harem member drop when exactly 12 event missions have been done.

Instead of merging with the 14-day event the number of days could just be increased.

I got the hardcore and know how legendary event harem members so these suggestions are to only make future events easier for other players because I would not benefit from it because I already have them.

Thank you for reading



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1. It's rare for games to do this nowadays, if at all. A nice change of pace compared to straight up gambling.

2. I can't say for all the others, but I found it pretty obvious that they were legendarys and supposed to be hard to get. The "once in a life" thing they have is debatable. Good and bad can be gained from this.

3. I can care less about the drop rates. The sense of mystery and joy comes from getting a Boss Girl, I love it. IF I'm spending money though, then things get a bit dicey. Definitely not feeling any Pride and Accomplishment.

4. I feel this is needed heavily! We have enough RNG. I would like to earn the legendarys if possible. Not like the "login for X/X days" type either.

5. I don't feel like legendary items affected the drops for girls. If they aren't moving events to later Bosses, than this should stay as a drop for some events.

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I would like to pinch in another great idea. Legendary Days is an event so why not add something to the town to show it's here. Nothing too fancy, just so people don't miss it.

All credit goes to @Urist!!! I saw his post and wanted to make sure it show in here as well. If you have any objections Urist, I'll delete this post.

Edited by Yamamura
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47 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

So I want to make this as easy as possible for Jessie and the devs.
This post is what I think is the general consensus on this latest legendary days event, and what the community thinks should change.
I will also put my recommendations in it.

1. No safety net. The spread of when people get the girl is huge, and some players even use 10.8k+ kobans to try to get her, and then don't get her. I think the whole community agrees that there should be a safety net in play. I think people are more inclined to actually use kobans, if they know there is at least some kind of reward when a lot goes wrong.
My personal suggestion is that it should be at 10.800 kobans (1800 in Nutaku kobans), or equal to two 10x epic pachinko spins. This is a legendary 5-star girl, and to me that means that she is worth a lot of kobans. You can gather 10.800 kobans in two months, which I think is reasonable.

2. Better communication on forehand. Just make sure everybody knows that she is a legendary girl, and therefore she will be hard to get for most players. The change in specialty of Norou could've been dealt with better as well.
I do think it is improving, but it's better for all of us if we understand eachother better.

3. Some people want to know the drop rate and the drop system. This is not just now, but in general. I believe right now there are two different drop systems in play: 1. for event girls = flat percentage, 2. villain girls = changing percentage. People mix these two up, and then get confused. This part is really just something that should be clarified (so actually part of the communication), so that everybody knows what they are dealing with. The drop rate is something else completely. Some players want to know it, so they can make informed decisions on what to do during the event. I personally don't see the need to know the drop rate, because I can pretty accurately guess it, based on my long time playing experience. Anyway, it would be nice to get a statement from PorcoRosso or one of the other 3 OGs about why they don't want to give us the drop rate.

4. Alternative ways of doing the event. A part of the community would like to see this whole legendary days event done differently. Maybe put up a suggestion board regarding improvements or other ways of setting this up. I know that Kinkoid is looking to improve the legendary days events, but we haven't seen their thoughts on the matter. So maybe sprout those ideas as well, so we know what you are thinking about.

5. Legendary gifts. These things raised mixed feelings. Some people didn't want them at all, because they thought they were getting in the way of getting the girl. Others were glad they were at least getting some value out of Ninja Spy. My view on the matter is that it's a good addition, and it certainly takes away part of the money loss.
Even in this point communication is important again. There was confusion over the drop system. My personal believe is that it doesn't change the chance on getting a girl, others thought it was affecting their chances on the girl. This could've been prevented if on forehand you had made a statement about the loot system.


I would like to ask everybody to give me feedback on this summary, and then I will make a final recap on friday.


1. agreed

2. definitely a lot of room for improvements here. very important: kinkoid should make definitive statements. pure facts. nothing vague. i'll cite once more the (in)famous "drop rate is neither higher nor lower, it's adjusted".

3. generally speaking: drop system needs to be known exactly. drop rate not. it's a little like modern encryption techniques: the encryption method is known and scientifically/publicly researched but the initial parameters are unknown for a concrete application.

personally speaking: i'd love to know the exact droprates. but i have an idea of how statistics and rng works, i can handle it. i'm afraid a lot of players out there will freak out if the droprate would be like 1% and they don't get a girl after 100 battles. that would pest the community.

4. i made suggestions/gave feedback on the discord after levitya. a lot of other people did the same. if kinkoid reads and compiles it we wouldn't need another extra thread.

5. i'm positive on this since i believe they are not on the same loot table spot as the girl. but that should be clarified when giving details of drop system (3.). the even better approach would be to put legendary girls on the latest troll and do the gifts on all others. like not everyone can get legendary girls.

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My idea....

1) Add a display that show total player that manage to grab girl, for girl that really hard to grab such as legendary girl.

2) Legendary girl should be droppable across all type of boss. Upgrading them already costly, doing so would allowed us to fight the highest boss available without jeopardizing our income.

3) Legendary girl type should be customizable by player instead of being available as HC, Charm or KH. Imagine you can customize them to be any class you desire unlike other rarity girl does. Of course, you can set the first change is free & cost koban for the next. Just like how switching class for player does.

4) Legendary girl should be unique enough to be animated into gif.

I somehow wish the legendary girl to be as unique as possible. Right now it doesn't feel much different apart from being hotter than the rest.

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Ok, Let me copy miself from the other threat.

To read the complete "book" go to the other discussion...



- I´m starting to feel more relieved rather than happy when I cath a legendary girl. There are things like "super stats" that makes the girl mandatory for some players or "she might not appear never again" that keep sparing me from relaxing and enjoying the event.

- If I was asked for a piece of advice, I´d put ALL the legendary girls together in the same event, as many as possible, assigned to different low level enemies (Dark Lord, Ninja Spy and Gruntt, for example). And let each player choose whose girl they are going to fight for. AND, this is very important, repeat the event every year, so you put out the pressure of "it´s now or never". They would be legendary because it would be very difficult collect them all if we combine short lenght of the event + low drop rates + different girls to choose between.

Edited by Pepe Lolo
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For me the main thing is clarity in communication up front. The change to KH surprised me as I only found that out when the first people that got her posted her stats. It seems that something communicative substandard happens every event. Makes me wonder what they're doing with the testserver.

As for safety net

People are not going to like me for this but as a safety net I would suggest you can downright buy her, but not at 10.800 kobans. The price should be equal to all the guaranteed kobans you can collect between two legendary events; that is daily missions and event kobans, but not contests and monthly card. So it is still F2P (if you play daily for two months straight).

That way ppl have a choice: Pay the premium or play with a chance of getting her a lot cheaper or not getting her at all and spending maybe even more kobans than the premium.

Whales can just outright buy her.

Ppl that want some wiggle room can buy a monthly card.

drop rate

I don't care. (that's three; one mod one non-vocal and one vocal. No offence)

legendary gifts

Whether you like them or not, I thought it was genius. Too bad they didn't take the opportunity to communicate it clearly to the community. It showed they listened and improved.


It would be nice to have an event free week every month. It is getting a bit much. At least they can post the calendar each month.

Lastly, I would like to compliment Chthugha for doing a good job. He clearly read the different threads thoroughly and compiled a nice concise list. I wish you succes in your discussions with the devs.

Edited by dirty harry
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I don't think much should change at all. It is fine as it is.

I do like the idea of a timer though. It is painful working out when an event ends depending on the international time zone you are in.

A theme change for the event is also aesthetically pleasing indeed.

Providing there is equal chance to obtain the Legendary girl regardless of if you have played for one week or one year, that is fair and acceptable.

There should not be a guaranteed drop if you reach a certain spend level, it isn't legendary then. She cannot be easily gained or bought! I have missed out on both so far, but if all things are equal, in a years time I'll win some and others will miss out. All is fair and balanced in the end. That rewards the long term player.

Like all games of chance, don't complain if you spend 10K worth of kobans and don't get the result you want. Learn restraint and set your own limits.

Don't let the vocal minority spoil the game for everyone else. 

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The legendary girl not worth 10800 HH kobans. The graphic are not so much interesting there is free girl better designed in scene & graphic than the two legendary. There is just the stat who are really interesting for PVP. Wasting 10K koban is huge. Should be not more than 3K kobans or 2K kobans. 

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2 hours ago, natstar said:

Have a counter near the event timer that says how many players have gotten the event harem member to drop so people don't ask if they are dropping.


2 hours ago, Valgo said:

1) Add a display that show total player that manage to grab girl, for girl that really hard to grab such as legendary girl.

Ok, guys, let's say that you are having trouble getting a legendary girl, you have already expended more than 10,000 kobans on refills, and nothing. You see a small counter on your screen that shows that like 50,000 people have gotten her. Are you gonna feel reassured? Are you gonna say "Well! I have expended all my kobans savings and 50 bucks, and only gotten in-game money and a couple of affection items for it... but at least a bunch of people who aren't me are getting her!"? Or are you going to get even more frustrated?

I think this is a reaaaaaally bad idea.

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14 minutes ago, Sombre said:

The legendary girl not worth 10800 HH kobans. The graphic are not so much interesting there is free girl better designed in scene & graphic than the two legendary. There is just the stat who are really interesting for PVP. Wasting 10K koban is huge. Should be not more than 3K kobans or 2K kobans. 

3k or 2k kobans would mean it's less than what you need for one 10x epic pachinko spin, which gets you a girl guaranteed as well.
That's just being greedy in my eyes.

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I would welcome pretty much every change. Considering I spend 6k on the first event and got her only during the last few hours + not getting Norou (who actually has my speciality this time) after 4.3k, I can safely say that I will never spend money on this game until the chances are reasonable or there is some kind of safety. While the gifts were a welcome addition, they did not prevent a net loss during these few days for those who were unlucky. "We" basically went into the event, spend currency (and time!) just to lose cash.

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17 minutes ago, Jack_HH said:


Ok, guys, let's say that you are having trouble getting a legendary girl, you have already expended more than 10,000 kobans on refills, and nothing. You see a small counter on your screen that shows that like 50,000 people have gotten her. Are you gonna feel reassured? Are you gonna say "Well! I have expended all my kobans savings and 50 bucks, and only gotten in-game money and a couple of affection items for it... but at least a bunch of people who aren't me are getting her!"? Or are you going to get even more frustrated?

I think this is a reaaaaaally bad idea.

Actually not a bad idea because for the first legendary event that dropped the hardcore legendary no one posted on the forums that they got her for around the first 3 hours but not everyone that plays the game posts on the forums and most people that spend kobans wait until someone else has gotten it to drop first to make sure people are getting her to drop.

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I think this may be an unpopular idea among free players, but I have mentioned the possibility of a girl you get solely for the first time you donate. Or a series of girls, each unlocked by donating a certain amount. I can see why free players would not want girls held hostage for money. But this another way of generating funds that can support the game. And I still think that if you at least got a guaranteed girl for donating, there wouldn't be as much for people to complain about during these legendary events. They could at least say, "Well, no legendary girl, but I got A girl."  Though something like that would hopefully still apply to those who have paid in the past.

Mind you, I am suggesting this as a free player, and I have no immediate plans to donate. In part because I know there's no guaranteed girl involved.  If that were to change, I'd at least consider it.

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Il y a 1 heure, Chthugha a dit :

3k or 2k kobans would mean it's less than what you need for one 10x epic pachinko spin, which gets you a girl guaranteed as well.
That's just being greedy in my eyes.

Look at the two legendary girl content. Compare with the rest of the girls. Bunny (Fully updated) for example. And tell me if it's worth more than Bunny. 

Bunny scene are better than the two legendary girl. The only quality graphic from the legendary are the animated gif (free content) & the first scene of the succubus girl. The rest is mostly ordinary. 
An Epic Pachinko with one girl garanted is about 5400 kobans on HH. For me the best girl to get from Epic Pachinko in term of Graphic quality is Empress Tsubame. And she's not worth 10K kobans. 10k kobans is really expensive in this word. It's about six month of koban farming. 

I really think than a legendary girl don't worth more than 3000 kobans. This is what i would give for it. And it's not greedy. 1000 kobans or 500 kobans is greedy. 

Asking people to drop 10K kobans on the table for having the legendary girl remain to ask them to put 75 euros on the table (If they buy the koban). Don't you think than it's really expensive ? It's not because you are moderator than you are right. No more than 20 euros on a legendary girl. Maybe 10 euros


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1 hour ago, Jack_HH said:


Ok, guys, let's say that you are having trouble getting a legendary girl, you have already expended more than 10,000 kobans on refills, and nothing. You see a small counter on your screen that shows that like 50,000 people have gotten her. Are you gonna feel reassured? Are you gonna say "Well! I have expended all my kobans savings and 50 bucks, and only gotten in-game money and a couple of affection items for it... but at least a bunch of people who aren't me are getting her!"? Or are you going to get even more frustrated?

I think this is a reaaaaaally bad idea.


Not when it also show a total number of player or account in existence. Imagine it announce 20,900 out of 5,000,000 user have gotten legendary girl. 

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@Chthugha I am sorry but throwing a legendary tag on something is not a good reason to tell people they will legit never be able to get something. Legendary should mean it is hard to get NOT something that is based on RNG especially a timed event that only last 4 days or basically just impossible for some players to get her. If you want make them ACTUALLY legendary girls they should be tied into in game achievements such as winning 10,000 pvp, battles getting to like lvl 500, defeating some of the bosses 10,000 times. That would be a legendary girl because it is something you have worked towards for a long time. there is nothing legendary about having a 4 day event where some people will get her after 3 tries and thus having a permanent advantage over the rest of the player base forever in pvp. Just getting lucky doesnt make anything about the event feel legendary it just makes it feel like it is a scam. Also have submitted 3 request now for my account to be deleted and it still hasnt. 

Edited by jz123
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1. If there is going to be a legendary girl/guy every month then I think cutting the kobans needed by half would be a better idea. Obtaining 5400 kobans would give every player an initive to log on every day to complete missions, battle in the arena and compete in contests because even with 5400 kobans not everyone will be able to save up enough by just doing those things. At the very least it could boost sales of the monthly card, get people to buy 600-1320 kobans or It could even increase 10$ patrons .

A lower price means more people will be willing to spend.


Edit: Please keep in mind that I don't know how much the game needs to bring in during an event to break even or make a profit so this suggestion may not be  plausible.

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