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Change the timing for activities & league resets


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Hi guys

As many of you probably know, activities and the league reset at 4/5 am in the morning for Europeans. This can be a huge disadvantage because you either have to get up in the middle of the night or you wake up in the morning just to realize you once again lost your 1st place in a contest to a few Americans who were able to wait until the last minute before spending exactly as much money/using exactly as many exp books as they needed to eke out a win. The same goes for the new league - if you go to bed at midnight, those 9 challenge tokens that go to waste can really cost you.

So here's my suggestions: Change the timing so activities & the leauge will reset at 3pm GMT. This will make it so that for everyone in the world the reset will happen at a reasonable time in the day. The only ones who get slightly shafted are the very east of Australia and Russia who will have to stay up until 1 AM - and let's be honest, what percentage of the player base will that affect?

As for everyone else:

West Coast USA: 7 AM in the Morning

East Coast USA: 10/11 AM in the Morning

East Coast Brazil: 12 AM

Europe: 3/4 PM

India: 8 PM

China/Japan/Southeast Asia: 8-12 PM

It may seem strange not to have a reset at the end of the day or during the night, but it already isn't at the end of the day or in the night for a huge part of the playerbase and this way it'd be fair. Right now European players are at a big disadvantage and from what I've seen in the tower of fame, that seems to be most of your playerbase.

Edited by BraumII
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Well, this does bring in that players will have other things to do around 3pm as well (I'm still at work for example with no good way to actually do something).

I do think the current time is not good at all, but unless it ends in the evening for me, it won't really matter for me and others with a daytime job.
I already was thinking about region based leagues and things like that, but then we need a larger player base to begin with.

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Well maybe people could take a 5-10 minute break from work and take care of it on their phones. It's not like it'll be necessary every day either. But you're right, my suggestion has its drawbacks as well. Things is I doubt there is a perfect solution  As you said there probably aren't enough members to split them up by region. Maybe timezone groups could be made within a range of 5 hours and then the timer would end in the evening for all of them? (7pm-12pm for example)

Another option I thought about was to move the reset to 6 AM GMT. This would be possible for European, Asian, Australian and North American players but fucks over eastern South America. As I said, none of these solutions are perfect, but I'd certainly prefer them all to the current state.

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8 minutes ago, Daniele said:

I think it's very subjective. I'm european and your 2 suggested times (3pm and 6am) would be definitely worse than the current one for me.

But i guess i'm in the minority here :P

Well, we are from the same country and I too prefer the current timing :P

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