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  1. So ever since yesterday, the game has become completely unplayable for me on mobile. Maybe one out of 20 tries, it loads correctly. The other times I get a white Screen and the following error message: PC-hh::getPlayer(): { This is using the nutaku version on an Iphone 5S using the newest available System Update. The Bug happens both when using Safari and Chrome. This started yesterday afternoon. The last few weeks before yesterday I always had to load the site twice when playing on my phone because the first time I tried there'd just be a white screen, but then the second time it always worked. Now it seems to be completely broken. Please fix this as soon as possible. With the way the rewards work in this game, you get heavily rewarded for logging on every 30-60 minutes. If I won't be able to play on mobile I might as well not play at all anymore.
  2. 12.5 hours later and they guy who somehow snagged first place in D2 is still sitting on his abyssimal stats. That seems to debunk the explanation that the Server just hadn't started displaying his boosters correctly. So now the question is, do Boosters also end sooner for other people fighting you than they do for yourself fighting other people? Im starting to think this deserves to be treated as a bug. Boosters used to be mostly irrelevant so nobody cared about stuff like that. But now that they absolutely decide the higher level leagues I dont think these issues should continue going unnoticed.
  3. And that seems to be debunked as the last update was 21 minutes ago and the guy is still looking just as weak. 🤬 I also activated my boosters yesterday morning so they definitely should’ve been active for other people today at 5 AM. any other guesses? Or do my boosters not only activate later but also deactivate sooner for other people?
  4. Are you absolutely sure about that? Because their stats dont change when I'm fighting them either. If there's a delay of up to a few hours for your boosters to actually take effect when other people fight you, that seems like absolutely critical information.
  5. I didnt lose against him, when I fought him I beat him with 100k Ego to spare. But he somehow must've beaten me 3 times as well. Because he got the maximum amount of points already. And it just seems impossible for someone who is a comparitively weak as him to get lucky enough to beat so many players with better stats than him 3 times out of 3. Maybe he could get one or two lucky victories against most of them. But not a single loss? It just doesnt seem possible. Yet it obviously is. Also what do you mean you can't crit 2 times? Of course you can. You could theoretically crit with every attack couldn't you?
  6. Got to get a rant off my chest: Last week I got up at 5:00 AM in the morning and made sure to have full legendary boosters active to try and have a shot at rank 1 in D2. I lost a match against some1 who had about the same ego as me and ended up ranking 5th overall. Frustrating, but it happens. This week I did the same but very quickly noticed that two players had gotten a headstart on me when the page was still having loading problems for me so after spending about 2000 Kobans on refills I sat back and hoped for them to lose one of their matches as they were both pretty weak when compared to me and some of the other top players. One of them did lose one match, the other guy didnt. At the time this guy had: 240'000 Ego to my 278'000 1k dmg less than me. 7k defense less than me in our respective classes. 4.4k Harmony compared to my 24k Expert compared to my Hardcore class, which should've given me another advantage. In a direct fight, my critchance was 43.4 while his was 6.6 And this guy somehow beat me and like 5 other players who were slightly weaker than me 3 times out of 3 ?! I mean WTF is going on? How can this guy be so incredibly lucky? To have a chance against me he'd need to crit 2 more times than me at least. While my crit chance is 8 times as high as his. I just dont fucking get it. It's so frustrating to get up at 5:00 AM, pay out of my ass for legendary boosters, make sure to have the Kobans for refills available and then lose like this. I honestly dont feel like playing anymore right now.
  7. So has anyone had the opportunity to test out the new Event Pachinko with the attraction feature yet? I made 3 new accounts and got a total of 8 girls with 45 spins. It honestly almost feels like they just added a 50/50 chance for girl drops to give 50 or 100 shards and didn't otherwise change the the probability of getting a girl drop at all when they should've compensated by significantly raising it. This new feature is looking worse and worse. Of course those numbers are nowhere near significant. I sure hope I was just unlucky, but I don't feel like taking the time to make dozens of new test accounts. How have you guys been doing on the new Event Pachinko?
  8. You're certainly right in that it might be more complex how exactly a drop-rate neutral implementation of the attraction feature would influence the amount of Kobans spent on refills. However, i think you underestimate how many Kobans players were spending on refills during Legendary and Epic Days. That fact that it should now be much less likely for someone to fight literally thousands of battles without getting a legendary girl should cut into their income a bit. As an aside, I would really be interested in knowing how much Koban sales go up during those events, but it's highly unlikely they'll release that information any time soon. As for my luck, keep in mind I'm only talking about full length regular event boss girls, not Epic Days or Legendary Days that don't last as long and most likely have lower droprates as well. I've spent plenty on Kobans on refills during those. As for full length events, even with the now shorter duration you get about 600 free tries for two girls. I think the worst outlier I ever had was needing almost 500 battles for Lilith. Thankfully I got Maleva within my first 50 tries so I didn't need refills even then. ☺️
  9. Reposting this here as I've been told that Devs are more likely to read feedback to test server features here: So after testing the new attraction system out on the test Server for a few days, I have to say I'm quite concerned about it. First off, the Attraction system in principle fills a demand that players have long held, it's in effect a safety net for rare drops. Instead of a low probability for an immediate girl drop, we now get a higher probability for a partial girl drop. What this means is that the odds of getting nothing at all even though you spent thousands of Kobans and tried hundreds of times will now be much lower. Additionally, progress accumulated during events will remain and be available again during revival events. So far so good. Now let's imagine there were no further changes to drop rates. By no further changes to drop rate I mean that if a partial drop gave 5% of a girl, then the probability for a partial drop would be 20 times higher than the probability for an immediate drop was before. This would basically just mean that extreme outliers become much less likely. With the new system people wouldn't be able to get a girl with only 5 tries anymore, but it'd also be much rarer for someone to need 1000 tries. Now whether someone needs 10 tries or 200 to get a girl basically makes no difference from kinkoid's perspective. The players will be able to get the girl with their free battles anyway. On the other hand, if no one needs 1000 battles for a girl anymore, that means quite a few less Kobans are spent. So introducing the attraction feature while keeping drop rates proportional to what they were before would basically mean a net loss of income for Kinkoid. I understand this and I therefor expected them to lower drop rates overall. Something like an increase of the average battles needed to get a girl by 10%-25% would seem reasonable to me. However, based on my tests on the testserver I have calculated that with a 95% probability, the dropchance for attraction from Mala during this event was at most 12%. Most of these drops gave 3 shards, one gave 4. Now let's assume that we're lucky and we always get 4 shards. That still means we need 25 shard drops to actually get the girl. If we assume the based on my tests very optimistic drop chance of 12 percent, that means we'll need an average of about 210 battles to get an event boss girl. Now this is a very optimistic estimate. A more balanced one would be a dropchance of about 6% with an average of 3 shards. Wich would mean we'd need 550 tries on average to get an event boss girl. Based on almost two years of playing this game and getting every single event boss girls available during that time, I can say with quite high certainty that event boss girl droprates so far were somewhere between 0.5-1%. My personal average for getting regular event boss girls with a sample size that is literally in the thousands is somewhere between 100 and 150 tries. To sum up: Right now it seems like proportional drop rates have been absolutely gutted. Yet another example of a long demanded feature that seems to be on track for being implemented in a way that would be hugely detrimental to the players. Not to mention the psychological factor that getting attraction shards is far less satisfying than getting a girl drop. Please do not implement this feature in this way. I would really prefer if everything just stayed the way it was.
  10. So after testing the new attraction system out on the test Server for a few days, I have to say I'm quite concerned about it. First off, the Attraction system in principle fills a demand that players have long held, it's in effect a safety net for rare drops. Instead of a low probability for an immediate girl drop, we now get a higher probability for a partial girl drop. What this means is that the odds of getting nothing at all even though you spent thousands of Kobans and tried hundreds of times will now be much lower. Additionally, progress accumulated during events will remain and be available again during revival events. So far so good. Now let's imagine there were no further changes to drop rates. By no further changes to drop rate I mean that if a partial drop gave 5% of a girl, then the probability for a partial drop would be 20 times higher than the probability for an immediate drop was before. This would basically just mean that extreme outliers become much less likely. With the new system people wouldn't be able to get a girl with only 5 tries anymore, but it'd also be much rarer for someone to need 1000 tries. Now whether someone needs 10 tries or 200 to get a girl basically makes no difference from kinkoid's perspective. The players will be able to get the girl with their free battles anyway. On the other hand, if no one needs 1000 battles for a girl anymore, that means quite a few less Kobans are spent. So introducing the attraction feature while keeping drop rates proportional to what they were before would basically mean a net loss of income for Kinkoid. I understand this and I therefor expected them to lower drop rates overall. Something like an increase of the average battles needed to get a girl by 10%-25% would seem reasonable to me. However, based on my tests on the testserver I have calculated that with a 95% probability, the dropchance for attraction from Mala during this event was at most 12%. Most of these drops gave 3 shards, one gave 4. Now let's assume that we're lucky and we always get 4 shards. That still means we need 25 shard drops to actually get the girl. If we assume the based on my tests very optimistic drop chance of 12 percent, that means we'll need an average of about 210 battles to get an event boss girl. Now this is a very optimistic estimate. A more balanced one would be a dropchance of about 6% with an average of 3 shards. Wich would mean we'd need 550 tries on average to get an event boss girl. Based on almost two years of playing this game and getting every single event boss girls available during that time, I can say with quite high certainty that event boss girl droprates so far were somewhere between 0.5-1%. My personal average for getting regular event boss girls with a sample size that is literally in the thousands is somewhere between 100 and 150 tries. To sum up: Right now it seems like proportional drop rates have been absolutely gutted. Yet another example of a long demanded feature that seems to be on track for being implemented in a way that would be hugely detrimental to the players. Not to mention the psychological factor that getting attraction shards is far less satisfying than getting a girl drop. Please do not implement this feature in this way. I would really prefer if everything just stayed the way it was.
  11. Since I'm often one of the people who provide largely negative feedback, I though I'd argue for the other side for a change. I actually don't dislike this update. I admit, at first I wasn't too happy about getting affection rewards from the new boss rather than money, but ever since I've read that the boss will have a chance to drop epic or legendary affection items past a certain level, I'm catiously optimistic. The rate of new girls and especially new epic and legendary girls released has been so high during the last year, that I can hardly image even top players have so many affection items stocked already that they wouldn't ever have bought new ones. So as long as I'm getting more or less the same value out of it, i don't really care whether I get it in money or in affection items. The deciding factor will be the relative drop rates of the different affection item tiers and correspondingly the estimated value of one fight against Karole. As for Karole's Boss girls not being available in Epic Pachinko, I can not for the life of me understand why anybody would complain about this. This has been one of the main wishes of the playerbase for years. Nobody likes paying 5400 Kobans for a Boss girl. Many players, myself included, absolutely do/did not play EP while they still had boss girls to claim. So this actually seems like a great change to me and I applaud it.
  12. Dear Devs, as you can see the response to this update is overwhelmingly negative. Headbanger1066 brings up a point that I made before. I posted a suggestion thread on this and got little to no feedback but I think it's worth saying again: Kobans/EP Girls are too expensive. If I could get a guaranteed new girl for 5-10$ I'd probably be spending 20$ on this game each month. As it is, I'm buying the monthly card and that's it. I know you rely on wales to make up the majority of your income but i really believe there are enough people out there who feel like me to make an alternative business model viable. Instead you're now doing the opposite. Unless the chance to get a girl with this new Pachinko Modus is at least 25% rather than the estimated 10% we get with a regular single EP spin, you've just made event girls three times as expensive. Even though I usually prefer event girls to most permanent EP girls, I definitely won't be playing this new mode. So as of right now we really need more information. Will girl drop chances warrant this price increase? Or is this really just another try to implement a long-standing community suggestion in a way that costs the players an insane amount of extra money?
  13. Ever since the update yesterday it‘s become virtually impossible for me to buy any books or affection items from the market while playing on mobile. The market loads forever, then crashes and tries to reload. Usually when this happened I receive the error message „nutaku.net has crashed and must be reloaded“ this used to happen very rarely but now happens every time I try to access the book shop. I‘ve tried both safari and Chrome and I‘ve tried restarting my phone and emptying my cache. Nothing helped. As stated, I‘m playing on nutaku but posting here because the nutaku forum seems barely active. I like UI updates as much as the next guy, but the new victory screens are definitely not worth this hassle. Please fix this asap.
  14. Well maybe people could take a 5-10 minute break from work and take care of it on their phones. It's not like it'll be necessary every day either. But you're right, my suggestion has its drawbacks as well. Things is I doubt there is a perfect solution As you said there probably aren't enough members to split them up by region. Maybe timezone groups could be made within a range of 5 hours and then the timer would end in the evening for all of them? (7pm-12pm for example) Another option I thought about was to move the reset to 6 AM GMT. This would be possible for European, Asian, Australian and North American players but fucks over eastern South America. As I said, none of these solutions are perfect, but I'd certainly prefer them all to the current state.
  15. Hi guys As many of you probably know, activities and the league reset at 4/5 am in the morning for Europeans. This can be a huge disadvantage because you either have to get up in the middle of the night or you wake up in the morning just to realize you once again lost your 1st place in a contest to a few Americans who were able to wait until the last minute before spending exactly as much money/using exactly as many exp books as they needed to eke out a win. The same goes for the new league - if you go to bed at midnight, those 9 challenge tokens that go to waste can really cost you. So here's my suggestions: Change the timing so activities & the leauge will reset at 3pm GMT. This will make it so that for everyone in the world the reset will happen at a reasonable time in the day. The only ones who get slightly shafted are the very east of Australia and Russia who will have to stay up until 1 AM - and let's be honest, what percentage of the player base will that affect? As for everyone else: West Coast USA: 7 AM in the Morning East Coast USA: 10/11 AM in the Morning East Coast Brazil: 12 AM Europe: 3/4 PM India: 8 PM China/Japan/Southeast Asia: 8-12 PM It may seem strange not to have a reset at the end of the day or during the night, but it already isn't at the end of the day or in the night for a huge part of the playerbase and this way it'd be fair. Right now European players are at a big disadvantage and from what I've seen in the tower of fame, that seems to be most of your playerbase.
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