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Everything posted by YoyoHH

  1. It's been speculated (and it makes sense) that giving the boss a rare girl as his alpha makes him a stronger opponent. Obviously, higher tiered bosses should be stronger, but it's possible that his level/base stats is tied to his payout. So in order to make him tougher, but not screw with the economy, they gave him a stronger girl. If this is the case we may see a rare girl on bosses going forward. Or absolutely all of that could be bullshit. But it's fun to talk about this stuff.
  2. Sorry, but this is (probably) not a bug. The drops are random and the rate is low. Second, there is a thread already on this topic. It's frowned upon to start a new thread when one exists already.
  3. The devs won't like this idea, and I'm sure you would be told it's too much work etc. etc. (except that you likely won't get a response). That being said, pretty much everything in your post is brilliant and would add a tremendous amount of fun, variety, and (a little bit of) complexity to the game. Bravo. I won't hold my breath.
  4. Bump! Get on the train and help each other get your free arena goodies!
  5. Thanks, jelom. In another thread, it was Chthugha who posted that all opponents needed to be within 1,000 mojo. I admit to not knowing where he came by this information. Perhaps he can confirm this and source his material for us (when he checks this thread to ensure we are playing nicely)? I can confirm that, at least in my case, all of my regular opponents fall within both 1,000 mojo and 16 ranks of me. Although I will also admit that the gap between my "group" and other players within our level range is huge, both in mojo amount and ranking number. There are no players in my level range ranked above my group, and the nearest player (in my level range) behind us is 79 ranks and 4,412 mojo beneath me. I'll admit that's a lot of room for error.
  6. As far as I am aware, the following facts have been confirmed by the development team regarding boss drop rates. None of this affects the drop chance of event girls, only the boss girls. Event girls have independent, static drop rates. Winning an event girl does nothing to the boss' drop rate for the other girls. - Every time you fight a boss and you do not win a girl, the drop chance for that boss is increased slightly. - If you win a girl from a boss, the boss' drop rate is reset back to its original point. - If you win a boss girl from Pachinko, the boss' drop rate is reset as well (winning a girl from Pachinko is basically the same as winning a girl from the boss). Now my question. I read it posted somewhere in the forums that if you do not fight a boss frequently, there is a chance the boss' drop rate will reset to its original point. For instance, you may fight Gruntt 100 times without a drop. His drop rate will be slightly increased as a result. If you then go off and fight Bremen 1,000 times and come back to Gruntt, Gruntt's drop rate will have reset to its orginal point, due to the fact that you have ignored him for so long. I can find no official statement confirming this, so on the surface it would appear to be another random thing invented by a frustrated player. Can anyone confirm or deny officially that the increased drop chance you earn by fighting bosses (and failing to win girls) is permanent until a girl is actually won? This would be tremendously helpful information in helping to determine how best to utilize our valuable combativity points.
  7. The developers have stated it's intentional. I believe the logic behind it is that bosses going forward will have one "rare" girl as their alpha, in order to adequately increase their difficulty level.
  8. I love the edited pictures posted above. Astis is one of my least favorite girls, because of her hair. The edited pictures makes her much better. Bald chicks are just not sexy.
  9. I believe the 20% bonus against other classes was changed a few weeks ago with the harmony patch. Charm still has a 20% bonus against Hardcore, but that bonus is no longer in damage, it is instead applied as a 20% bonus to harmony (if this is wrong, someone please correct me).
  10. This topic came up recently in another thread, and I thought I'd give it its own discussion. As far as I am aware, the current game design randomly draws arena opponents for you based upon 2 factors: your level and your mojo. If another player is within 15 levels of you and also within 1,000 mojo of you, then they are placed in a pool of potential opponents. Each time the arena refreshes, 3 opponents are chosen randomly from this pool. If there are less than 3 players in this pool, then the game will assign a bot. If anything I've stated above is incorrect, I apologize and would love if someone could point out the correct information regarding the system. I currently have 2 problems with the system in its current form. 1) The pool of potential opponents is potentially very small. In my case, I have a consistent group of 19 players who I fight. Looking at the level and mojo range, it is virtually impossible for this group to change. If I win 90% of my fights and avoid all losses, I can climb to the top of this group (I have done this, reaching #3 of 19). But at that point my mojo gains from wins becomes very small (because all my opponents are below me), allowing them to catch up. I can be at the top of this group, but not climb above it. If I lose 100% of my fights, I can fall near the bottom of this group (I have purposely tried this, dropping to #17 of 19). But at that point my mojo losses become very small (because all of my opponents are above me), and I drop really slowly. I can be at the bottom of the group, but it would take weeks to drop out of it (waiting for all of my opponents to climb 1,000 mojo points ahead of me, which also means they must be active, winning, and climbing the mojo ladder). 2) The bigger problem, by far, is that the current system punishes you for being good. Lets say Player A works hard to get top level girls, buys top level equipment, pays to maximize his stats, and analyzes and sets a quality battle team and character. He will likely win in the arena and climb the mojo ladder. But climbing hurts him. Eventually Player A reaches a point where all of his opponents are also top-tier players, and his success chance against them is pretty set due to their various level ranges. Let's say Player B is a moron. No stat upgrades, shit gear, sets his Alpha to the girl with the biggest tits even though she's the wrong class. This guy will probably lose a lot in the arena and drop down the mojo ladder. But dropping helps him. Eventually Player B will reach a point where all of his opponents are also idiots, and his success chance against them is just as high as Player A's. So, in the long run, upgrading your stats and buying great gear and getting the best girls does virtually nothing for your success chance in the arena. The best players in the world will win in the arena at virtually the same rate as the worst players. 2 suggestions for fixing this problem 1) The obvious solution is to address mojo. We could eliminate it completely, as it currently does nothing. But let's assume the upcoming leagues are going to make it useful. In that case, simply eliminate mojo as a condition of setting opponents. Let the best players beat the crap out of the worst players within their level range. If Player A and Player B are within 15 levels, let them pull each other as opponents. That way Player A will be rewarded for being good, as he will be stronger than most of his opponents. Player B will be punished, because most of his opponents will be stronger than him (and rightfully so, he should learn to play). Currently, if you lose in the arena, you get a message saying you should upgrade your stats and gear to get better. If we made this change, that message would actually be correct. 2) Another option would be to scale the arena rewards. Give better arena rewards to players higher ranked. This would incentivize players to get better but still allow for a competitive arena. If Player A and Player B both win around 75% of their fights, then right now it is unfair (they both get the same amount of rewards even though Player A clearly is more invested). But if Player A was rewarded with more xp, more money, or higher tiered affection items and boosters, he would have less to bitch about. Think about it this way. If a professional tennis player competes in a tournament against other professional tennis players, he will win some and lose some (say he wins 4 matches out of 5). If my 10-year old kid plays in a tennis tournament against other kids, he will also win some and lose some (say he also wins 4 matches out of 5). Should they both get the same reward? Of course not, that's ridiculous. The professional gets like a million dollars and my kid gets to have ice cream on the way home. The rewards scale appropriately. I would love to hear some logic-based, reasonable discussion on this issue. All too often the forum is full of crazy bickering, whining and complaining, and far too little rational discussion. If I'm off base or have misinterpreted the facts, I'd love to hear why and how. If others agree with me that the system in place is unfair, I would hope to hear a developer response to my suggestions. This is a place for suggestions, and this is not a stupid, random "make the drop rate higher!" suggestion. This is (I hope) a legitimate and well-thought out concern that has now been communicated to the developers in the proper forum. I am optimistically hoping to see transparency and communication on their behalf.
  11. I normally roll my eyes at threads like these. It seems like every other day we have a new thread complaining about the game being "broken" because girls don't drop, usually from newer players who were spoiled by Dark Lord's seemingly higher drop rate and then are confused when they don't see boss girls dropping frequently later in the game. The drop rate is low and the drop rate is random. It's not a bug just because you're unlucky. That being said, I will add my own objective information to this particular thread regarding Edwarda. I am currently about halfway through Hamelin town, and I always push all of my combativity towards my current world boss. Some are maxed out and some not, and some I've fought more/less than others due to events. The bottom line is that I've fought all the bosses available to me quite a bit (except for Bremen, who I'm a newb with and won't count yet). Dark Lord has dropped all 3 girls. Ninja Spy has dropped 2 girls. Gruntt, Donatien, and Sylvanus have all dropped 1 girl. Edwarda is the only boss in the game who has yet to drop a single girl for me. Probably just coincidence and probably just shitty luck on Edwarda's drops for me and for the others in this thread.
  12. Similar to what others have reported, I have experienced significant, and at times almost game-breaking lag and HH1 errors. For what it's worth, I recently switched browsers and saw (subjectively) quite a bit of improvement. Still some lag and still the errors, but the lag windows are tremendously shorter and refreshing seems to fix the problem almost immediately. Previously, I had been playing on Firefox (both for mobile and pc), but switching browsers has made playing way easier (Safari on mobile and Microsoft Edge on pc). Maybe it's all in my head, or maybe the problem is improving regardless of browser, but it is what it is.
  13. Based on most of the forum feedback we've seen, I agree with BananaJoy that the drop rate looked better. But we should be clear that we have absolutely no evidence to support that "the drop rate was better than the first legendary event". Maybe a whole bunch of very vocal players all quit the game when they failed to get Levitya after throwing thousands of kobans at her. Maybe we're left with a thinned-out, much less-vocal community as a result. Maybe we have a whole bunch of people who also failed to get Norou after throwing thousands of kobans at her, but just didn't post 50 pages of frustration and rage (because that really didn't seem to get us anywhere the first time). However, knowing the condition of the event is an undeniable point. The community was, for the most part, very upset with how Levitya's Legendary Event was administered. When Norou's Legendary Event went up, the only change that we knew of was the addition of the legendary affection items. It was the same event with the same shortcomings. If anybody is angry that they didn't get Levitya, I feel their pain and mourn for their lost kobans and wasted effort. We all felt pretty duped regarding that event. But if anybody is angry that they didn't get Norou, they really have very little to argue about. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  14. Wow, you sure did trigger a response. I thought you made a good point, and I always appreciate good points made with good sarcasm. From now on, every time I see something around here that I don't understand, I'm going to always assume, er... Jesus?
  15. 162 fights and no Norou drop - that's not necessarily unlucky, but not lucky either. 5 legendary items in 162 fights seems a slightly above the general consensus drop rate, so that's a good number. Too bad you didn't get her. All 6 boss drop girls in a week? Tremendously lucky. I've been playing months and dropped a girl from Ninja Spy this event. But he still has one more girl that I don't have. And I've fought him A LOT. Hopefully your lucky streak of boss drops continues.
  16. I haven't read or seen anywhere where the actual devs have stated that they prefer a luck system to a progress bar. If they have said this, I agree with you that it doesn't make any sense, and it certainly should have some clarifications regarding the reason why. I do agree that a luck-based system is more "exciting" when you win. And if you look at my proposal, I'm actually not suggesting they remove/replace the current system. A luck-based, random drop system is fine, even if the drop rate is super low. The problem is that there is no safety net to protect players from horrendous bad-luck streaks (and they do happen). Adding a progress bar on top of the current random drop system would keep the "excitement" and the "challenge" but eliminate the needless frustration.
  17. I voted no. This game has a number of really horrible mechanics that are in desperate need of updates, a dire lack of any type of player/dev communication system, new story scrolls that come out very slowly, and over 150 girls who are only at 3 stars (when we've been told all girls will eventually be updated to 5 stars). We hear over and over that the development team is small and they have too much work and no time (and it's a fair point). I'd rather they focus the limited time and resources they do have to fixing the big problems first before adding something trivial like this (although, admittedly, it would be a nice addition).
  18. All due respect, but there is no logic to that argument. Once you get to the top, the players who you are competing against are just as strong as you are. If there are even 3 other players within your level range and mojo range, you (seemingly) would be forced to fight them over and over again. What if those 3 players out-level you? You can't catch up level-wise! I looked through the tower lists and found a horrible, terrible example of this problem in its extreme case: Global mojo #41 is a player named Flak. This poor bastard is level 235 with 15,003 mojo. There are 55 players in his "mojo pool" (between 14,003 and 16,003 mojo). Of those 55 players, 37 of them are between level 220-250, which is his "level pool". So, there are a total of 37 players in the entire haremverse that Flak will fight in the arena. All 37 of these players are top 62 global mojo (which means they are fucking strong) and all 37 of these players are a higher level than him! I thought I had it bad, this guy is royally screwed. Does that seem like a logical reward for one the most committed players in the world?
  19. Thought I'd bump this since it's more relevant than ever. If I was leading the development team I would stop working on leagues and harem V.2 immediately and address this one issue, which is by far the biggest problem with the game and biggest complaint from the players. The completely luck-based model is pissing off (and ripping off) your community and you don't seem to care. Both Jessie and Kinkoid read and post on this board (although not often enough). This idea has been proposed by multiple players and echoed by countless others. I would love to see a developer response.
  20. Christ, what bullshit. It seems like they keep coming up with different ways for luck to imbalance the game. Just get rid of the useless mojo and this is solved immediately.
  21. I don't think this is fair. Don't get me wrong. I have been extremely (but I think, fairly) critical of the development team. There is almost nothing good I can say about any post from Jessie or Kinkoid. They are patronizing as hell, completely void of actual information, and full of empty promises. I have a suspicion that the Jessie account is actually a robot who is programmed to write damage control answers for both Kinkoid and President Trump (if you think that is unfair you really need to reread Jessie's posts). However, your criticism of Chthugha I think is off the mark. He is, first off, just a moderator. I'm not aware of any actual affiliation with the game developers other than the fact that he is a dedicated player like the rest of us. Secondly, he is absolutely, without a doubt, the only person with any kind of contact with the devs who seems to give a shit about what we want. Finally, the example you are quoting was not Chthugha telling us what the drop rate is. He doesn't know. None of us do. He can't "check for himself". The 1/100 example was to try and explain the design behind the drop table, which may or may not be accurate. If you look back over those posts, you'll see the discussion (of which I was a part) stemmed over whether or not the affection items cut into the girls' drop rate, and we were going back and forth over a drop table design (which, honestly, none of us actually know). Regardless, at no point did he imply that the actual drop rate is as high as 1%. Because he is a mod, he obviously cannot be as openly critical of the devs on this board as the rest of us. He'd lose his job, and we don't want that. He might be replaced by someone else who is less active and gives less of a shit. As a result, he sometimes comes across as if he's blowing smoke up our butts, as you say. But I'd rather have him blow a little smoke than rely on Jessie, who gives us a colonoscopy full of smoke.
  22. YoyoHH

    coming soon

    Lmao, I like this.
  23. Thanks for clarifying this. It is an absolutely terrible mechanic that punishes players for gearing themselves and improving their battle team. I mean, it's really just terrible. Maybe if mojo was worth anything there might be a point to this, but as it stands right now, gaining mojo only hurts you.
  24. This. In another thread (subsequently closed) Jessie actually scolded us for discussing drop rates because we "don't have the facts" and suggested we should ask the development team. If they would just give us the real numbers then none of this wild speculation and experimentation would be necessary. What are the developers hiding? We are smart. We can take it. Just tell us how the damn game works and you will see a lot fewer pissed off players.
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