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Everything posted by ShadowWeaver

  1. It will be easy to get girls from this new feature, as long as you spend a lot of kobans. Think about it, they are adding less girls to pachinko (which cost kobans, I know you can get orbs but the base cost is kobans), for this new feature, so there's no way this won't require kobans to get the girls or at least get them quickly as opposed to months/years. I'd almost be willing to wager that this is another ways to nerf orbs even more. Am I the only one who has come to dread reading the patch notes?
  2. So if the problem was with the #1-4 rewards mainly, why were the people like me who are generally D1 #16-30 and even the #31-45 players punished. I know that I'm going to be losing over 78 kobans a week which might not seem like much but as a f2p really hurts. The same bracket in D2 was only reduced by 28 and had an orb added. The same bracket in every other league went up with D3 gaining 438 and an orb. The #31-45 bracket was similar with D1 having a sizable loss, D2 a lesser loss and all others having a gain. Was there some great problem with mid-range D1 that required it to be singled out?
  3. So now we are officially at step two. Now we have to learn two sets of circles for weaknesses and 8 different passives go go with the weekly blessings. It won't solve anything as once the top guys have it figured out the system in a day or so everything will be completely back to the status quo of he who has the most toys and highest level wins. The rich will still be on top simply because they are rich, the poor will still be metaphorically to told to go fornicate themselves (likely with more nerfs thrown at the along the way), and in a few weeks we'll get abilities to repeat the whole process of more complication to solve nothing again. They want to develop the games into classic RPGs with depth and strategy instead of just being a porn game. If I want to play a game full of depth and strategy, I'd go play D&D or Battletech or Magic or and number of games, I come here to look at drawings of naked women with maybe a bit of a somewhat entertaining story.
  4. I'm a free player. When I see that they want to things to be exclusive, to me that translates to "We don't want you to have these girls." Considering that this is a gotta catch'em all game, it might as well mean "We don't want you here." You say there's nothing about the "thrill of the chase" that indicates it's about money but consider that if you don't already have the money, there's no chase at all. That sounds really thrilling. I will say that I do have 1 mythic, I try to keep an emergency supply of kobans for when something comes up that I really want, like when Matcha came up. However it's really hard as a free player to build that supply when PoA and LD drain most of the month's free koban supply. So I really can only dip into the rainy day fund once or maybe twice a year if I really push it.
  5. Exclusivity and the thrill of the chase. The first is kinda bad in a world that is basically about everybody having sex with everybody else. These exclusive girls sound like snobs, but that can't be because it would be in their bios and some of them are new versions of very not snobbish girls. Not that they care about their own lore as they have proven time and again. Dating tokens and very much a part of the thrill of the chase. Hoping to get those tokens to finish off that girl you couldn't quite get or to work that long journey towards getting that mythic, there's the thrill and it's going away because they want more money. If you need money be honest about it because right now everything comes across as being ever more blatantly greedy. It's a bad look and often doesn't end well. I've seen it many times, too many high dollar exclusives chase away the small spenders, prevent new players from becoming spenders, and leave only the whales. Games can't survive on whales alone because losing even one hurts badly without anything to replace them.
  6. At this point with all the very unpopular recent changes, it would take a game threateningly large amount of players to stop giving them money in any way to truly get their attention and stop them from actively pissing off the player base. This is the second change that was claimed to be for balance reasons (the first involved orbs) but it was never really explained how layers getting more girls for free caused an imbalance in the game. In fact letting free players get more girls sounds like something that would help balance the competitive parts of the game.
  7. In other words do your daily missions, use your kisses and other than that do not play the game or collect any rewards unless it's LC or PoA. So only really play for 9 days a month, which brings the question of why play at all? I'll be honest, playing with this mindset has made this game boring for me.
  8. There's way too many win fights in seasons. It's to the point that a single loss is devastating. I realize that there's no leagues or champions and that no champions also means that they can't use energy as well because it's possible to not be able to spend energy. You need 110 season wins that regenerate at a rate of 1/hour. Yes you need 265 villain fights at 1/30 min but there's no chance of loosing those. In general the main problem is they were trying to do seasons but with 3 less resources to work with and they really did a poor job on the balance by not reworking the rewards well. One tier is win performances in seasons with the reward being kisses, the resource you need to do it.
  9. I haven't played around with multiple teams yet but I'm guessing you could set up a weak "defense" team for seasons to swap in when you're not actively attacking. It would help others if enough people did it to avoid running into walls. We're supposed to be heroes, should we not try to help one another?
  10. So I hate the extra scrolling in PoP caused by two buttons I will never use. Generally buttons like that are supposed to be a convenience but they shouldn't be an inconvenience to everybody not using them, which I'm going to hazard a guess as being the majority. Yay, more sorting options! This would be great except there's still no way to sort when picking our team. We really now only realistically need one sort option for our team, sort by total stats. We can use these new ones to set up girls for the week but we need sort by total stats in the team selection screen to save us from a stupid amount of time finding and comparing girls.
  11. To be honest they should change the patch day or the day the league ends. This is twice recently were changes have been made that affect leagues greatly and those changes have been made on the last day of the league. It's really bad timing.
  12. The good news is they took out the energy tiers, the bad news is that they left the energy rewards instead of replacing them with something to help in the replacements. Having do do an extra bunch of season battles can be difficult depending on your level and what tier you're on not to mention the slow rate of kiss recovery.
  13. They stopped caring about how things interacted with the lore a long time ago. The only time someone stood between players and a girl were the ones collectively known as the villains (Dark Lord and so on). Then came legendary contests and later seasons and then all the player are effectively standing in everyone else's way to get girls, just like the villains. So while a while this site has really been Hentai Villains. Back more on topic, I've noticed a couple of times (also seen in CxH) in seasons where my reward was higher than expected, about 1.5X. I also lost a match and only lost 1 point and the opponent was not worth 39. A couple of fights also showed one one portrait in the league screen but a different one for the actual battle. One was Harmonia, it showed her 5* portrait on the league screen but it was her 2* in battle.
  14. Here's the problem with not releasing it all at once. You see all the confusion and anger now. This is for part 1. Guess what's going to happen when the next part is released? Crap storm part 2! Another thing I or two I hate about this are 1. I can't see my league ranking without finding myself in the list where before it was right above the number of fights I have. This is really annoying when you're when you are trying to stay in a certain range and you have to check after every fight. 2. When trying to find a girl in my unsortable list of 500+, the stats pop up covers most of the list, so even if I know who I'm looking for, she's even harder to find.
  15. I managed to get first in my bracket barely with 3.3 million points. It only cost me 6G.
  16. Including legendary days, I just want to say you're welcome to whoever is benefiting from the increased drop rate to average out my horrific drop rate.
  17. I called it. I just really hope that I'm wrong about the second part.
  18. Joining a 4 year old game should feel very different than joining a 4 week old game. A 4 week old game shouldn't feel like an overwhelming number of resources are needed and thus you need to pay cash or quit. At least give it a couple of months you try to slowly milk it for money. Ease people into a new game, don't scare them off by doing something like PoA as your first event. A porn game should be fun, relaxing, and turn you on. PoA dictates what you do instead of letting you play as you wish and feels like a job. I know I'm really turned on by slogging through a job. Can you image sticking with any game where that's your first taste on an event? The first thing a new game should do is to attract players and the clearly did not think that through.
  19. It just feels to me like they've they took HH and restarted with the worst aspects. PoA was the first event, one that requires 7200 gold to realistically do. If you hadn't given them money, too bad because there was no way for a free player to gain that much. That was a terrible idea for the first event. Second event is legendary days, I find that usually costs around 2k on HH. Sure you can make that much but you already know another PoA is coming that you need to save for. I've already had a mythic book show up, something I wish I could get rid of in HH. Seasons stared a 0 mojo around 10 into the month mean you need to spend to get a chance at the better rewards. The first impression the game is giving me is pay up if you want anything. I will not be shocked to the next event to legendary contests, which are generally not fun. Sadly I will be even less shocked if a mythic days happens before there is a simple event, which a simple event should have been the first event. They could have done it like way back in HH, 2 girls, 2 night club, 1 mission, 12 days. Then adjust it as more content becomes available. Overall, I seriously doubt I will stick with it. There are a lot of things I don't like in HH and they all seem to be showing up CxH before any of the things I do like.
  20. We all know the complaints so I'm going repeat them. As a free player I'll never use them. I would like either an option to turn them off so they don't take space from Items I would buy or just give them their own tab (4 of each maybe). Either would solve the problems not related to price.
  21. So I logged on and looked at my daily missions and to my surprise found the 7, 8, and 9 hour missions all in one day. So that's 24 hours right there in missions. Maybe it should be made it so that this doesn't happen because just to start these three takes a minimum of 15 hours. I think my point is that the Daily missions shouldn't require more than a day to do.
  22. Sadly the first thing that popped out to me about the girls was the pool balls that Lube-tan has for breasts. They look like the world's worst boob job. It's event worse when you consider the fact she's based on something somewhat fluid. Should have been somewhat "pancakey" instead of projecting spheres.
  23. Oddly funny that rares being being the missions girl. I found it odd that for some reason that the rare girl this time is not the mission girl. I wonder why the break from tradition? Gah I was watching Fiddler on the Roof last night and now because I this I want to yell TRADITION!!!
  24. It would be nice if they were not limited to just during the first event of the month. I wonder if they they will also drop during mythic days as they run concurrently with the classic. Probably will, but it never hurts to ask. They should have them at least drop during orgy days as well. Orgy days is all about getting girls you may have missed in past events so this is somewhat thematic with the dating tokens. In the end, while useful, their true true usefulness will as always come down to drop rate/amount.
  25. I do hope they extend it an extra day. I'm finished but for those who are not, it's not fair to lose an entire day through no fault of their own.
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