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holymolly last won the day on November 15 2023

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  1. Magnolia got butchered... if you compair her to the line art(on discord) .. the person that colored her drew over all the details ... that´s why I keep telling KK good coloring is also necessary...
  2. 🤔 You´re lvl 131 and at tier 62 ? tbh that´s not an issue due to match making but you simply getting way ahead of yourself as far as I can see. I´d simply stop and wait for a few more "lower lvl" peps to catch up.
  3. yeah I was wondering too.. like.. am I blind or what
  4. my first and best bet is always simply 🍝 and no plans
  5. none of the "free" girls do ..that´s also the case for clicker girls iirc
  6. beh..if you joined our club I and the others could have help you earlier Better is only meaningful when good enough isn´t strong enough to deal with it so as far as I´m concerned good enough is the best to me ..the game´s time consuming enough imo
  7. I don´t think rarity ( well mythic or legy) makes a bit difference tbh .. mine go to team is usually 5 or 6 legys and I´m able to clear it every time/ with 0 tired girls mostly (I use 2 sexomancers and mostly submissive girls )
  8. so? didn´t drop yet.. idk what people here should help you with since that´s not a bug just bad rng..
  9. I did over 1k fights on the test when it appeared but I think that´s just holy rng.. from what I saw and how much I know about KK ..if I had to guess it´s prolly 0,2-0,5% at best so I think everyone below 300-500 shards is prolly getting a good pull. As for the animation..it´s a nice addition and tbh not that expensive for well something that´s not really relevant imho.. if you get the girl and still have fights left cool if not it´s not like a big deal imo..I´d have just much more prefered if they fixed their extremely unconsistent art first instead of adding even more to the iceberg..
  10. Ok I´ll have to bring in the heavy artillery I supposed: 17,3mbit down and 7,03 mbit upload(yup just did a speedtest)...and no..I can´t get better internet here yet .. luckily we´re getting glass fiber..or well we should have last year..they´re trying their best to get it down before the end of this year so I´m sure we´ll get there by the time 2030 hits or well a bit later (apparently we´re close to one of the biggest cities here in germany um at least that´s what everyone who´s trying to sell or rent anything here is saying at least...will be quite fun to see what we´ll be able to acchieve first: a sloid internet connection all across germany or being climate neutral.. I´d gamble on the 2nd one if I had to choose denke mal die chancen sind genauso how wie die von @-MM- aufn JA von dir als antwort 😜 Also: to bring it to a full circle ... I just read this topics headline again..and at least for us Germans here the game isn´t the only thing that´s taking too long ..cause everything does here 😛
  11. I´m sure it wasn´t when @james1478 visted hence why I was surprised to hear "only" and 4G in the same sentence as Germany
  12. 4G??? you mean E or 3G right ?
  13. don´t get me started on Germany guys.. we have bamboo internet..sometimes I think the artist is starting to draw the girl in my laptop when I click on something
  14. don´t forget to never share your season id unless you want everyone to play on your acc too
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