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Everything posted by jamanga

  1. It's the same for me - all missions were completed but Flight Attendant saying only 3/20. Logged out and back in again. Lodged a bug request with support - wish me luck.
  2. I'm pretty consistently getting either 15 or 25 points per battle in the leagues. But mostly 15... This guy is high level but is not that strong. He wasn't there a couple of hours ago, but maybe at end of his boosters which would have made him a bit more powerful. He has only 2 mythic and one isn't maxed + 1 blessing. I am only level 395 and beat him easily just now. There are 106 in our group, so 105 x 3 = 315. 7450 / 315 = 23.65 per battle. This is definitely not a fair fight...
  3. it does seem strange to me that over last couple of years I did notice a logical pattern, which as an analyst programmer myself is part of my job. But nevermind, I will get over it! Thanks for the quick response.
  4. rng really!? Surely the contests, like the events are actually planned!? They generally used to follow a more logical flow e.g. orbs contest, followed by sell items, followed by donate money etc... my assumption was that they've noticed people have way too much money and this is the most obvious way to spend it - but multiple of the same contest in a row is crap, and even if it is rng as you mentioned, is simple enough to avoid programatically.
  5. And we are off again.. the monotony of contests is getting annoying. I don't get it.
  6. Um not sure what you mean - we are in agreement - both of our reasoning, to me, is sound. My point was why set an expectation, then lessen it.
  7. It's a strange decision by Kinkoid... I don't get why you would annoy existing customers - both paying (which I am) and FTP? I am guessing they noticed a drop in koban purchases over the month and this was the solution.
  8. Yeah I guess that's exactly what I am worried about, as it's already getting out of control for me - out of interest how roughly % wise how many girls in your harem are maxed? Also can I ask what your harem endurance bonus is, mine is +21,271
  9. One change in the last year or so is how easy it is to collect lots of girls (which end up being mainly 3* legendary). I'm level 390 and have 519 girls. For the last 30 girls I haven't even starting maxing out their XP, which means they come up elsewhere e.g. champions as underpowered quite often. This is exacerbated by the most recent change to reduce non-mythic items in the market. I'm starting to believe I should stop collecting girls completely, except the odd mythic for my battle team, or I'm just going to go backward further and further each week. In summary, the buzz you used to get by working pretty hard to catch a particular girl is, for me, losing it's novelty.
  10. 5th in a row by my count, I'm over it too.
  11. .. oh and please also consider: if we are a level 300+ player, we are only interested in legendary books/equipment or affection in the shop. I think this is part of the reason that feedback on this topic has been so strong - I am getting so many girls (esp. legendary 3*) that I'm becoming disillusioned that I will ever be able to level them all up... which is only further compounded by this recent change.
  12. Everyone please remember that you can use your dating tokens to finish off the mythic girls.. 60 tokens = 1 shard by the looks. I didn't think of this until I finished Nike... which took 14.6K kobans, quite a bit less than Red Battler thankfully. I have 1017 tokens = 16 shards, so just have to get to 84 for the 3rd KH mythic when this happens.. I will be ready!
  13. .. wouldn't that be nice!!
  14. The interesting thing about this new feature is how *universally* loathed it has been received. Quite a feat! I agree re: single slot - most I've had is 6 mythic so far (which sucked) OR how about each "refresh" regenerates more than just 8 equipment/books/affection... say 12 slots with 2 being mythic. Problem solved and everyone is happy.. well almost everyone you know what I mean
  15. Kobans are the most valuable currency in this game. Money may seem like an issue right now, but fear not the scales of justice will slide the other way in levels over 200+... then you will regret kobans you spent recklessly... save them up to use as best needed e.g. to get your class of mythic girl
  16. Yep, it's annoying.... using latest Chrome via deskop. I'm used to leaving the market open overnight - next thing you know I awake serenaded by hh... who knows what this is doing to my subconscious!
  17. I've waited a couple of weeks to post on this as I assumed it would just get fixed. Since this new login system I get flicked out of hh (desktop) multiple times a day. It's annoying! Occassionally it automatically relogs me back in (obviously I checked the "keep me logged in" option), but more often I have to re-enter my credentials - umm why!? Probably not related but when sitting in the market when the times runs out, it no longer automatically resets like it used to. Also, is this "bug" section actually reviewed by the developers - I ask because I don't see much response from issues other have raised. Am I better off raising a support ticket? TIA
  18. Hi Everyone! Welcome to the Land of Oz Updated link:
  19. Hi Everyone - Name: Land of Oz Updated link here (click the top heading):
  20. Made it with 4 hours to go... just the single path, and only spent kobans on refreshing champions. So I am satisfied with the balance for this event - I thought I was stuffed on the 2nd last day with a dodgy competition but it all worked out, just had to do a few more battles in the Arena for the final task. I see a lot of chatter about storing up contest wins. I get why you might do this for energy bonus when it comes time for a new event - but not for kobans. What am I missing?
  21. I hear you - when I saw the contest which encouraged you mostly to spend champion tickets... and I knew the PoA was coming next... I warned the other club members to not fall for it. p.s. it caught me out last time too... never again! Well not this time anyway... p.p.s. I predict a chest with a bunch of tickets will appear mid PoA.
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