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Antimon last won the day on September 6 2023

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  1. Paired with the fact that videos might potentially highlight some problematic details the static images didn't show, the excitement I could have had skyfalls disastrously
  2. I'm late to the party, but I can't help to say that the title of this topic perfectly represents my feelings about getting most of the new girls lately
  3. That's even funnier when you get to the final boss, rejuvenate the girls, only to find out all the boss' girls have at least 5k defense points more than your strongest girl, and you do no damage at all.
  4. The pressure to try to get those girls during their original ME never left. Are you aware of how long does it take for a f2p to complete a single ME girl using the "side options" we have now (sapphire me market, laby shop, sultry coins shop)? Also the faster you complete one girl (buying more shards in the sapphire market or completing her when she's at exactly 40 shards in the sultry shop) basically means giving up entirely in getting other girls dor quite some time. And don't forget the crucial part: in all of the three markets, the girl has to appear in the shop when you have enough currency to get her.
  5. So for some reason Empress Avaritia is the only girl from the first lusty race "mounther cumbath" not revived in this ME market iteration. Kinkoid's ways are inscrutable, I suppose
  6. Oh right, tbf I only clicked on Anat before asking this question. Even considering what we had in the past ME markets, I pretty much gave it for granted for all the four girls of a specific past mega event to appear there at the same time, so I didn't check Hayden and, more importantly, Empress Avaritia. My bad. Apparently I still have to learn to never make assumptions based on logic, when it comes to KK.
  7. Given this premise, am I right in saying we should expect in the next Mega event market the 4 girls from the infamous first Lusty Race, aka Mounther Cumbath, so Rubinn, Hayden, Empress Avaritia and Anat?
  8. Seeing that mine were correctly lined up I had a little hope my hypothesis could be correct, but it clearly is not 🙃
  9. Thank God. Honestly looking at the first survey they made about roles I'd probably prefer for that feature to never see the light, even in labyrinth, but it very clear it will hit us like a truck no matter what. At the very least the PvP is spared from the super bug fiesta those roles will bring upon us. Mod-Edit: Content moved to "New Feature: The Labyrinth..." Thread.
  10. Oh, so they could very well be february, march and april MDRs. OK, so data suggests we officially restarted the cycle of revivals, with no Bunny's Mom revival in the foresseable fututre, at least until we won't reach again her turn in ~20 MDRs or so (unless unpredictable chaos is the path KK chose, which wouldn't surprise me that much, to be fair, especially after they chose to stop publishing those lovely calendars), and no Red, too. Have I understood that right?
  11. Data wizards (@430i and @Yamiray and anyone else that fits the description), has something changed in the matter of the second Mythic revival of this month? I read that the in game data of the revival of Lunar Bunny's Mom kind of vanished, and that next month we should expect Nike and Radka. Should we expect a seocnd MDR this month, but with Level up Red instead of LBM? Or is there still no trace to be seen of a second MDR for this month?
  12. I suppose it was more a guess than actual knowledge, since they are both 31 days months. As far as I'm aware, the calendar got discontinued, after all.
  13. In the premium path there are 3x 1000 xtals rewards (well, there are 4, but the 4th is given out at the same milestone of the second "free" girl, so uber whales only) that basically make the two premium girl I'd say kind of easily accessible for any active player. That said, a 15,6k price tag to unlock the possibilty of claiming two L5 girls is.... well, kind of meh, even considered their good quality and the other side rewards Undoubtedly, they improved the lusty race format a lot. The sad part is that the starting point was so low that it still is *by far* the worst ME format of all, a giant whale race that really just push me a step closer to the thought of quitting this game once and for all
  14. Sweety's perfectly layered coat is the kinkoid way to wish us a happy new year. By the way, happy new year, my dear fellow forum dwellers!
  15. "I LOVE this event format. Its randomness doesn't drive me crazy at all! I'm as fresh as a daisy, completely stress free! When the same task continues presenting itself back to back is lovely indeed, it definitely doesn't make me want to unalive myself! Oh? You added an extra step? For only other 1000 points? That is so, so, SO nice of you! So generous! You really didn't have to! I'll try my best to get there babysitting the game for these next 4 days!" - Antimon, 30 y.o., stucked at 165 points until tomorrow's daily reset
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