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Jan Red Dragon

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Everything posted by Jan Red Dragon

  1. what is your level REDBEARD??
  2. unfortunately it is an idea ... horrible, since the higher level players would always win, although I hope that if kinkoid makes a new update using the guild it will not focus on the tall players since the little ones who are starting and do not have a guild will not find it because we all think we need high levels in the guilds even though they hardly ever play, Unfortunately, the most common mistake of all games, apart from the fact that these players who do not play rarely know how to play (they are seen in the forum asking what to do with energy and things like that ... sorry, you have level 500 and you still don't know that??),... The thing about winning objects and girls, I already sent a ticket a long time ago with the source that we all have in the game (energy would be spent there and if you are lucky you would win from objects, boosters, ... even a girl), But as always they tell you to look at it and time passes and people keep complaining about energy (because it is not the same to go to sleep with 10 energy than with 50, since with 50 energy you will wake up having lost a lot of energy without using) And yes, it is true in the clubs there is much to do but it is better not to touch that issue because many clubs are at the maximum of upgrade but not at the maximum number of people (and it is normal, As the leader of my guild, I cannot allow myself to open the guild so that anyone can enter and get a bonus of + 20% without doing anything and my companions who fought for many months so that we could get it get angry), So in the end the small players will have to suffer a lot to get a medium guild (as is happening in many guilds of the test server that are not yet at the max where, for example, I am) kinkoid is breaking his head with HC so until they get an update there won't be any here (which is not necessary here),the only thing that is necessary is that they do not put girls from old events in the first week of the event, that they do not do two patch attraction events in the same month (and even above in a row), because we are not running out of hair because of the extress and no girls in story mode for not having events like the above But I am nobody to demoralize anyone, keep thinking and giving ideas, maybe one of yours, give it a spin and get to do something (yes;) without thanking you)
  3. thanks ,i no can see the color in my pc when HD update arrived i see all in black(maybe my eyes are closed) And it's true, it would be better to put red in red and yellow in yellow, so there would be no confusion
  4. red orbs is for mythic pachinko??i have 186 because i spend a lot of them in first CONTEST (was the worst decision) i think if i got more girls i have less luck then i prefer no use it well...my activities finished ,now i need a little boost for pvp i send you a little luck and patience for this event POA ,friend
  5. yes,i no use tickets because i use it only in POA (because it is required) my champions are levels 8 ,7 ,9,8 and 4 then now i know for you i no need spend tickets (only do it in POA....or POAs because this month we have two,i am crying for it) Understand you use always tickets all days and no only POAs days??
  6. ;( again a POA waiting between quests is horrible the hands go to the bread yes ,is better do all quest at same time in POA and not wait and wait(spend energy,use combativity,sell objects,kill,....)at least we have more time for us but rules is rules in games (and i hate rules in games ,this game when i started no had POA and was more fun ) well at least no all people hate the POAs... but surely GeorgeMTO likes to be spanked with a whip and walked on his back in heels ,he is an action man and we are old women doing knitting
  7. i am level 400 too i think i understood you are using 500 tickets in 3 champions level 15?? GLUP...my 2200 tickets no enought then when i got level 14 in them
  8. play and play ,you need luck for get her or win in her boss 8 times if no have luck
  9. yes sometimes it happen horible solution:refresh the game
  10. another PATCH OF ATRACTION ...... unfortunately this type of event is the only one that I do not expect all year (I do not receive kobans from it and even above that I spend more than I earn in the whole month, apart from none of the the girls are free) Every time a patch attraction returns I prefer to go eat at my mother-in-law's house and watch old romantic movies before wanting to play this game. And if (it is true) the only thing this event is worth is to get some girl forgotten in story mode or even champions (but since I am so disappointed I do not want to look for even the lost girls) P.D; I'm sorry girls it's the first time this happens to me (no, it's not true we've already had THREE and each one worse), I had better spend money on whores than buying 4 girls here and breaking my head with the missions Today I have to say NO, no girls I don't feel like your sex .... unfortunately today it's ice cream and cry (thanks kinkoid for making me a romantic boy)
  11. If you have the 3 GIRLS you no can get girl then th game understand you no need spend kobans in it (it is a secure term) i have the same problem because i have 2 green girl and one yellow(i have the 3 girls then i no must use the mithic pachinko except the free one)
  12. Today I woke up and I have the same problem as you ..... Could it be a failure in the daily missions? copulation teraphy buzz in the bus the court of chicks deep diving ...
  13. or put in options high definition or low...or nothing definition (emoji evil)
  14. I need a potion so that all the players can get you and other girls from CONTEST more easily (how much work for a little pretty girl)
  15. no is true the server allways slow when event start because a lot people logged at same time and server have more people playing in old reset time had the same problem(and some times the event no worked) the solution is easy(put other bar in blue for example with more combativity ,experience and leagus tickets with 3 or 5 hours waiting),then some people can enter after 2 or 4 hours of starting the event
  16. in test server i no get opportunity for get nothing (only opportunity to get orbs for pachinko but 0 girls and some times i got 1,2 and 10 place)
  17. 0 girls got and 0 girls you offered me in 4 legendary games / days
  18. It is not the fault of the schedule .... Before you had an 8h mission at the event and today you have 4 missions of 2h (so it is not the fault of the schedule)
  19. then the new event start at 5 a.m (european time) or at 1 p.m ??
  20. sometimes the ticket you send is lost because YOU opened a different ticket than the one you sent first . Example: you sent a ticket with ... I DIDN'T RECEIVE KOBANS (that ticket hasn't been answered yet) but you send another ticket. I DON'T LIKE THE NEW GIRLS. then your fist ticket lost because you only can send one ticket in your profile (only can put another ticket if support answer you SOLUTION : pick in your first ticket and write something for example: .... or ANY ANSWER?
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