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Everything posted by epta

  1. Ok but for event i need this sooner. I no had the steward but the money was been spento ty
  2. I have opened a ticket about missing purchase . How much time needs for answer ty.
  3. This is a my doubt because the main part of games are in flash player.
  4. Hello seems that the game works on flash player plugin .I d wanna know if this is true, because i know that flash player will end at the end of this year. Ty for answer.
  5. epta

    Seasons mechanics

    For me it is a bad mechanic. I am blocked ,and i have opponents more strong than me . I refresh and i have the same yet. I use leggendary boost too ,but i can't to beat them. Instead to resolve this bad season mods give me penality...
  6. In my ranking all are 20-40 levels more.....pfffffffffff. How can i do for to obtain girls????? I ve bought pass too with real cash ☹️
  7. Right this system actually sux a lot ,totally unbalced. I ve bought pass with moneys and now i m stuck at 7 tier and make up and down with mojo, so all this is ridiculous, because even spending money you can't make it through the season.
  8. Well what can I say ... I am stuck at level 7 and I paid for the pass with money, but now everything gets complicated and I can no longer continue, this means that I will not be able to go on, even considering that I am faced with opponents with whom I have to lose it by force. But what system is this? They should make sure that everyone, even if it takes more time, can get the rewards that are there. Unfortunately the prizes will be taken 1) always the strongest, who then in the end they will have to spend kobans as well ..... Excuse me but in all this Kinkoid and company what do they do ????
  9. I'm seeing 99% of the players unhappy this season. Kindly you want to fix this absurd thing. Thanks
  10. Obvious .. you have to refresh or lose 100%. Unfortunately, after doing some good work, they put this season on which is just ridiculous. Unbalanced and meaningless
  11. Absurd advancement system.At a certain point it always puts the first ones in front of you and you are forced to replay what you have conquered.You can advance up to a certain point then you have to stop by force, and look at the girls from a distance, why not them you can never catch, even if you throw all the kobans you have on it. The innovation that spoils the whole game. Given the situation and the stubbornness to maintain this mess .. at least put an option in the menu that could hide the icon of this huge crap.
  12. Infatti ho buttato solo 5 euro...vanno avanti solamente i 2-3 piu forti...uno schifo assoluto.
  13. Yessssssssssssss very bad choose. This new arena rewards those with the highest level. I've seen the difference of over 200 levels on my list. What can the low level do this season? Literally nothing, just watch. Apart from the imbalance to reach the level of the second girl, even the highest has to spend cobans to reach it. Really a very devious and incorrect thing on the part of the developers. Keep in mind that at least they earned from the monthly cards, because we know that without paper it becomes frustrating to be there to collect coins. In the end they haven't settled for the gains and want more, but they are running the risk of people getting fed up with all of this and quitting the game.
  14. If you aren't between top in ranking you will never see the stage 35 for the second girl .This isn 't regular and no right for all players here .
  15. Salve. Ditemi cosa ne pensate di quest'obbrobrio...
  16. secondo me è un fake account creato dal team, come ce ne sono parecchi altri fatti da loro per fare piu fumo
  17. Yes, you're absolutely right, new things are good, but they have to improve the game not make it worse. It was much better before. I also spent money to buy the season pass, but in the end I regretted it, because I understood the progress mechanic which is literally ridiculous and unbalanced. After a few refreshes and reaching band 3 the game gets tough, you find yourself stronger opponents than you and you lose the mojo you have won. For me it is the worst news so far. I hope they remedy this colossal nonsense
  18. epta


    Sylnia sorry but before i can t to enter in forum by chrome, now it is ok maybe the bug is fixed...ty for attention
  19. epta


    Hello there is another time the bug on chrome about to connect on forum. Ty for support
  20. Grande Antomon , molto scientifico nella spiegazione. Da quello che ho capito è che passare a competenza conviene comunque e a prescindere; anche se alla fine ne risente il bilanciamento in generale. E ' come se ci fosse una classe un po favorita nel pvp, e questo non è una cosa simpatica. (p.s. chi sei nel game? )(mi puoi rispondere anche in prv se vuoi. Ciaoooooooooooooooooooooooo
  21. Grazie Antimon dell'interessamento. Infatti io all 'inizio ero charm ,per poi subito cambiare in hardcore o prono col frustino :) ; e vista la cosa dei primi del ranking sono tutti, e lo puoi vedere, competenza ,ero indeciso se virare verso questa classe fosse cosa buona, premettendo che avrei pure le 3 ragazze della stessa classe leggendarie 5 stars. Il tempo poi di cambiare il set piano piano... Non so che fare, anche perchè i "marpioni" grossi se hanno fatto scelta un motivo ci sarà. Un abbraccio Alfonso
  22. Salve a tutti. Ieri mentre sfogliano le varie classifiche ho notato che tutti i primi sono di classe competenza, e mi sono domandato perché. Fa che molto probabilmente offre un vantaggio rispetto alle altre ? Un abbraccio a tutti.
  23. Hello i'd want to report a bug when i try to scroll through the pages of the ranking . The game crashes , and when i retry to enter in game i can t because it sells me tht an error occoured. I muste restart modem for re enter in game. I think that it blocks my ip.....strange
  24. Hello i 'd wanna know when this event will finish. At moment nobody affection for girl...i see a girl hardcore there Pit 'Chun is she 5 stars? Please give more drop chance for this girl ty
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