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  1. it might still be possible but you would have to lean more heavily on the league and spending Kobans to do it. So I am also hoping that they rebalance that aspect.
  2. Ryoichi

    Ideas Main

    I have to disagree with you because nullification implies(at least to me) that my idea would make that button completely worthless, which isn't true. Most people either don't have the time or won't take the time to map out when each money collection should take place and will still use that button and pay for the monthly card for the convenience of not having to pay close attention to the game outside of when new daily missions go up. The ones that do have that kind of time are probably already doing it
  3. Ryoichi

    Ideas Main

    I don't know if this has been suggested but can we get an option in the Harem to sort the girls by the time it takes between money collections?
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