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  1. Indeed looks like a bug. Please use the in-game ticket system to file a bug report, or PM Kaos via the Discord server and see if he can help you.
  2. Pikachu Solveig of course! Rumours say I once wore a very similar hat. HH.com ID: 242605
  3. Cori, definitely. HH.com ID: 242605
  4. I'd give her a tomato, because tomato sauce goes on pizza and pizza is love. HH.com ID: 242605
  5. A B C C. Suppose that's Virginia. HH.com ID: 242605
  6. I uh... may have some experience with clicker games. Discord ID: Sluimerstand#2370
  7. You'll get stronger as you level up your character, the girls in your team, your market stats, and obtain better gear. There is nothing false and unfair about it -- other players have simply played to become more powerful than you. And in turn you can do the same. Out of everyone that promotes to a higher League, some will always be the weakest. That's how leaderboards work, there is no way around that. I suggest you find a League where you can get 16-30th consistently to get some nice Kobans, and when you feel comfortable about your chances in the next League, then promote.
  8. Head: Tanned MarinaTorso: Summer GeeketteLegs: Beach Samane HH.com ID: 242605
  9. The mere realisation that your idea of arguing consists of "no u" (in regards to an off-topic comment, no less) makes me question how seriously any one person can take you. Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing to be wary of viruses, malware, scams, phishing and so on. But I find it extraordinary that you can even consider the scenario where a misbehaving ad could have these complications when there's a team that works hard on the game nearly every day. And yes, I agree that on the surface it definitely doesn't sound like it should be too difficult to temporarily remove or fix the ad. But we don't work behind the scenes. We don't know what might be keeping them, what infrastructures they have in place to manage 6+ servers, or what the issue might be. As for the Koban spenders, some people just do that. We also have $500 dollar Patrons who have been in that position for a long time. If they have expendable income, let them spend it. And we have plenty more people who don't play the game we consider "the right way," let them. If they're enjoying the game, let them play however they want to play. If they don't want to upgrade girls, if they don't want to collect new girls because they want to keep their harem maxed, whatever.
  10. I like how this guy jumps from ad to Russian hackers. HTTPS isn't so fragile that a single ad could do anything harmful. At worst it would refer you to a website with malware at which point it would still require an ungodly amount of naivety to manage actually getting something harmful on your device. But you know, seeing how this "ad" is programmed in by Kinkoid, I highly doubt it has any more harmful elements than the Koban ads. P.S. That tinfoil hat will ruin your hair.
  11. At a One Direction concert, so no one can turn around and see us. HH.com ID: 242605
  12. Lady Meta. I like meta stuff. I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym. HH.com ID: 242605
  13. AC/DC ACA, so that's Bunny's Mom. That's not surprising, out of these three she is definitely my favourite! ❤️ HH.com ID: 242605
  14. Fuck Mavin, obviously. Be a shame not to put her tongue to use. Marry Mani, even is that is a waste of a good vacuum. Friendzone Kalissa, you can't take that girl anywhere on public transportation HH.com ID: 242605
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