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Everything posted by JamesFrancoPhD

  1. An hour early from League reset, but I'm pretty sure this is the final look for my bracket. 102 players in the bracket, coming to a total of 306 battles. I averaged 22.55 per battle whereas Tatouf beat me out with 22.83 per battle. I can't say I'm upset, our averages turned out to be pretty close and I played this week as diligently as I could waiting for people to get off boosters etc. etc. I just got outclassed by someone who has a comfortable lead in levels, therefore stats than me. That's 3 weeks straight now for 2nd place in D3, after placing 1st for 3 weeks in the same Div. Hopefully if this is a trend, I'm back to another 3 weeks in 1st LMAO 😋 Unless I'm stuck with Gogeta for another 2 weeks or Tatouf again, then it's sadboiz for life.
  2. An expected 2nd place finish this week in D3. Gogeta and his level 437 ass came in 1st with a point differential of 255. Aint no competing with that.
  3. A little early, but this one stings. 2nd place, 12 points off of first. 3 weeks finishing 1st broken. Totally could have played this week better and more patiently, just had a really busy week to end November so I couldn't check Leagues as often as I usually do, which made me rush through like 25ish people, so I couldn't catch as many people off boosters to score high. Ah well, 3 weeks placing 1st in D3 was more than I could ask for, hopefully I make my way back on top in the next week or two. What's interesting to me though is that 1st place doesn't run full rainbow. He went with 3 mono/3 rainbow. Not sure of the boosters, but his attack was at 74.8k, defense floating around 17k on 380k ego. So my guess is 2/2 on Ginseng/Cordyceps. Like I said, I probably could have won if I played more patiently and waited for opportunities where peoples boosters wore off, but Hentai_Heroe's setup does intrigue me a little bit. That high attack looks really appealing. I might give it a try if I get lucky getting mono gear this week. j EDIT: LMFAO! I'm in Gogeta's bracket this week. I guess I'm aiming for a top 4 finish then. 😂
  4. With all the confusion out of the way, this makes it officially 3 weeks in a row 😊 Small sample size, but I find I'm scoring more with 2 ginseng/2 cordyceps than a 1 ginseng/3 cordyceps setup. I guess the extra Ego/Def/small attack boost on the 1 ginseng is more useful than the extra 4-5k attack boost of 1 cordyceps in the 3 variation.
  5. I'm pretty sure I managed to win my bracket again unless someone overtook me in the last minute (I saved my last 3 opponents for the last 5 minutes of the season to overtake 2nd place by 40ish points). But never mind that... No league for me this week I guess, didn't get my rewards either ☹️
  6. Back-to-Back. 😊 Just took a scan over my bracket this week. Doubtful for the threepeat. Saw at least 2-3 level 400+ HC's that I'll score low against.
  7. You probably won't confirm or deny, lol, but it's worth a shot anyway. I'm pretty dumb when it comes to what the other stats do, but if mainstat = attack and nonmain = def. I can only assume every other stat credits to either adding to my ego (which I guess endurance?) and the ability to pop off my specialty (so harmony? or excitement?). With that said, I'm guessing maybe 6 rainbow + 4 cordyceps?
  8. Can anyone tell me what a good setup for a KH specialist is? This last league week I finished 5th place in D3 with around 6740 points, didn't lose a single battle, so I thought yeah, top 4 finish most likely. But nope, got popped down to 5th and saw that the people who placed 2nd, 3rd and 4th were like 10-15 levels lower than I am and all of them hit 6850+, which has me questioning... how? My setup consists of 4 monostats and 2 rainbow. I put on 4 legendary Ginsengs. My trio consists of Any, Mizuki and whichever random girl I'm feeling (my understanding is the third girl doesn't really play that much of a factor). I round up to about 401k ego with 67k attack. Am I using the wrong booster? Should I run two ginseng/two cordyceps for attack? Or should I go all monostat gear for attack and four ginseng to boost my other stats for def? I want to at least be able to finish first just once and in the top 4 consistently. Which I had been able to do until these last 2-3 weeks where I've been finishing just outside of it.
  9. Not really an urgent problem as of yet, but I've noticed that I haven't been getting my daily 150 kobans for my Premium Monthly Card. Every other feature has been working just fine, I just haven't been getting the daily kobans for the card. It's currently day 3, so it's not that big of a deal, but as days go by, the lost kobans begin to stack, so I figured I lodge an inquiry before I hit double digit days of my card not paying out kobans. Thank you.
  10. Through 3 days worth of combativity and 6 refills, I've only gotten 3-4 gifts to drop. Didn't get any girls to drop in the last event either. Feels bad.
  11. I probably know the answer to this already, but I just wanna ask for peace of mind. I'm probably going to have a max of 3.4k kobans by the last day of the anniversary, so obviously not enough for a 10x spin for a guaranteed girl, so I'd be better off served using those kobans on combat charge refills than the 540 per spin right?
  12. Was just about to post this same complaint. I was just mindlessly doing Arena battles, only looking at the Ego and primary stat of my opponents, without looking at the changes to my own Ego. Here's the drop, before whatever changed I was sitting at 145-150k depending on boosters. I've lost a third of my ego it seems despite having superior stats to my opponents. Please fix.
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