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Everything posted by linkdream

  1. D3 // #102 mot_131 is known to be one of the glitched players so since Gogeta is in the same league, here is a comparison:
  2. Salut charmante Filya. J'aurais besoin d'une potion pour corriger les filles mal dessinées qui parasitent le jeu. En te remerciant. HH: 1421771
  3. Tina est devenue encore plus jolie. HH: 1421771
  4. La première est ma préférée aussi mais j'aimerais pouvoir la désactiver complétement quand je le souhaite.
  5. @Lola Kinkoid Merci pour l'info. Vous avez pensé à corriger le bug des compét où les joueurs niveau 360 se retrouvent avec ceux au niveau 430 avant de mettre en place cet event ?
  6. Finished 3rd this week! Granted it was a weak pool but still! At my level I would never have dreamed to reach top 4 in D3 so soon. I only lost 1 fight and it was by mistake because the guy I was fighting before 6PM got back their boost afterward and I attacked them without paying attention.
  7. It was a hasty decision to remove it like that IMO. They could just have kept it. What’s done is done and what they did to “fix” it did more damage than solve problems.
  8. Certes mais ce n'est pas parce que c'est comme ça que tu surcharges l'animation du combat avec un message qui non seulement est moche et ça ralentit le tout quand tu veux aller vite mais en plus te donne la conséquence d'un résultat qui n'est pas encore affiché (la fin du combat). C'est complètement débile.
  9. C'est plus que bienvenue. Le club est un lieu d'échange qui apporte énormément au jeu à mon sens. Il ne faut juste pas tomber dans les extrêmes.
  10. Poster des réactions, répondre aux questions que certains posent voire raler ou faire des blagues pourries. Il y a toujours des choses à dire par rapport au jeu. On est là pour s’amuser.
  11. Non seulement Kelina mais Kelina bien dessinée et non pas l'abomination à laquelle nous avons eu droit dans cet event. C'est du pur teasing : "Kelina est toujours là mais tu ne l'auras pas mouahaha"
  12. Weirdly enough, Kelina looks like the usual Kelina we know and love in today's mission except it's supposed to be Nika!
  13. Dead eyes, empty look, derp eyes, stickers eyes. They all work. Nice post as always. I don't have anything to add 👍
  14. Those eyes again? WTF Please Kinkoid, explain yourself. What's going on here?
  15. Hopefully this is not an excuse to justify bad drawing.
  16. Last time the event had 2 gorgeous girls so I went for it and even spent 7200 kobans. This time around? The girls, especially the 2 first ones are disfigured beyond recognition (a blond with big boobs isn't enough to make her look like Lola) and the other 2 while are better drawn, feel rushed. Seeing how ridiculous the quests requirements are, I'm starting to question if I'm going to complete the "free" path let alone to spend kobans or real money on it. Nothing in this event IMO is worth spending kobans. I'm going to repeat myself over and over again. Please stop this madness. Make fewer well drawn girls who are worth the players investment and money. Thank you!
  17. Congrats ! This week was probably the toughest D3 for me ever since I started on November 2019? But I managed to finish 11th and I'm very satisfied with the result given the fierce competition.
  18. We're almost sure it's gonna be Orgy Days, Legendary Days and Path of Attraction. The real question is in which order.
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