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Everything posted by BadBi3tch

  1. Another suggestion for seasons please refresh opponents every 30 minutes like before in arena.
  2. Seems like it's slowly turning from F2P to P2W like all the junk games out there. A bit disappointing.
  3. Does everyone have the same problem? My buttons in arena and league are moved to the left of the screen from the middle before. Is it intentionally done after the last update or is it bug?
  4. Just want to ask what is the item rewards for the last stage Digisekai?
  5. What's the best villains to do as per reward wise?
  6. Will Villan karole rewards change as I progress its levels because right now I m getting only useless upgrades
  7. How can I know when a season ends in TOF league?
  8. Why didn't my activities not refresh? Says I need to wait 1 day and 20 hours but I have only 3 days and 20 hours of event time. Is it the same for all?
  9. I can't see that informed us the days left until the next one in the TOF board
  10. Can you please add the time of no. of days left in TOF
  11. Only five days of event. So many girls to get from villains and this happens. My event time has lost more than 4 hours already.
  12. Why isn't there a promising reply? Don't the devs don't even care about this complaint?
  13. BadBi3tch

    Event bug?

    I can't get girls shards from this Halloween event from dark lord, gruntt and edwardo. I can't see the girls that I should get in the rewards.
  14. Please add the days left until next for the TOF board.
  15. League new interface is very confusing. Doesn't show the number of days left. Bug in challenging others. Overall very bad change in design.
  16. Seems the devs aren't checking the league new design. Or just ignoring our comments on it. Or just don't care
  17. Same thinking please revert the changes
  18. Doesn't show the days left too. Was much better before the change
  19. Challenge in League is bug. Can't press challenge option or not showing challenge options
  20. BadBi3tch


    I think club should have a daily login system. That way we can know who are active and who aren't. Please consider about it. Thank you
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