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Everything posted by casey

  1. Sorry Butt plug i don't want to give the wrong impression and string you along,............. i'm currently in two very strong clubs with a well connected club leader (former moderator retired) your post pique my curiosity and just wanted to know more
  2. Fought Visor again today and it took 9 tickets to get the job done
  3. does your club have any incentives to join
  4. i'm still of the opinion that the primary goal of the game is to build your harem so once you collect a champion's girl what is the point of continuing to fight him
  5. just for the sport of it, i tried fighting Visor and it took me 2 tickets to beat him is that unusual
  6. I got Murane a couple days ago (i'm HC ) ............ so i'm done with champions league.......i got the girl i wanted the rest are just another face in my harem and not worth the effort
  7. all of them look like they need a serious dose of growth hormone.............. if they didn't have heads there bodies would be interchangeable
  8. i promoted my minor league team from D1 to D2 this season and i have noticed a major step up in competition In D1 i would not participate in any fights/battles every Monday so as to stay below the top 15 places in D2 i'm going to need to do every battle just so i can finish between 30 - 45th place
  9. Ego isn't everything if you have the right stats you can beat players with surprisingly higher egos than you
  10. are you in any way related to Howard Cosell
  11. that's a great result...........i had the same number of players in my league and ended up with 6531 points for 5th....... i rather finish 8th than 5th
  12. Another case of art imitating life or a least imitating porn games Just like in real life the jerk /a-hole(hardcore player) gets all the girls while the nice guy (charm player) gets to play porn games There is a lesson in there somewhere
  13. i have 6531 points in a 106 player D3 and i have my doubts that i will finish in the top 4
  14. i spent over 500 million ymen to max out hard core and know how
  15. if your a hardcore than whenever a 5 star hardcore becomes available go all out to get her.........it will do wonders for your battle team, and of course max her stats as quickly as possible
  16. your opponent currently has the 3 best HC girls you can have, you only have the 3rd best of the 3. Being a member of a maxed out stat-wise club adds 10% to your numbers which unfortunately makes it mandatory to be a member of a good club if you want to be competitive in league play And lastly he just might be better than you
  17. it has nothing to do with your post.........i was only trying to point out that knowledge/experience girls do better when you are challenging in the "Champions league" also long term hardcore players generally do better .........lastly if you want to win more often maximize your boost of "attack power"
  18. you are right just suffered a brain cramp..........it's experience/knowledge girls that seem to do better
  19. you are aware that charm has an advantage when fighting "champions"
  20. finished 7th last season in D3 ..............the game runners have achieved what they have set out to do, which was forcing all the players in the league to be fully boosted for all their battles if they want to have any chance of finishing in the top 4 in the standings
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