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Tifa Uncut

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Everything posted by Tifa Uncut

  1. wow... chill guys. I DID say that the event sucks for players without time or enhancements. I dont even understand why enhancements work in events. They removed perks from events to make it more fair and balanced for new and old players, they should do the same with enhancements i think. I just dont get why some people who can actually finish the event with 2-3 boosters are upset about having to buy them with FREE kobans that the event itself will supply. I totally understand the frustration of players who wasted boosters and still cant finish the event due to the lack of a strong girl or enhancements. My post wasnt directed at you. They should balance events in a way that also new players or players with bad luck can finish them. But thinking that you are entitled to get all the rewards without having to invest some time or use the FREE resources the event throws at you is spoiled brat behaviour, especially when comparing this game to similar ones (on Nutaku for example)
  2. I only made it to 4200 before it slowed down too much, so i just bought x3 clicks, x3 Yemen and Auto Clicker, made one more reset and then finished the event in a few hours of only checking on the game once all skills were ready. I still got 1k free kobans and the girl and I could probably have done it with only 2, possibly even 1 of the boosters. For new players without the good girls/enhancements this event might be impossible, but everyone else is just spoiled. I dont see anything wrong with having to spend a part of the FREE premium currency that comes along with the event. In any other similar hentai game I know, free players get far less from events and no one gives a sh1t.
  3. Nope, mine is different so i guess its completely random.
  4. so wait, was it a bug or did you simply had a wrong piece in one of the corners?
  5. if you want to make sure you dont fail, make some screenshots, number the pieces on the left like this and write it down (just for a quick reference which piece is which number) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and then just look at the screens and figure out which pieces go together. So for example screenshot 1 will show that 4 is left of 12 and on top of 9, so write it down: 4 12 9 then another screenshot shows that 1 is left of 4 and 6 on top of 1: 6 1 4 12 9 another one shows that 9 is on top of 11: 6 1 4 12 9 11 by now you already know that 6 is the top left corner and can move all those pieces, the rest should then be easy. Of course this is just an example of my Y - picture. The pieces might be randomized and in a different order for you.
  6. Im really annoyed by this new instant mojo & affection feature... This is the 3rd time i clicked accidently on the 2500 Koban option to reset and keep my levels. I dont know why this keeps happening, i guess im just too used to click on the first button on the forge menu. In nearly every idle game the instant reset option is incredibly bad and a waste of premium resources, this game is no exception and I believe the only reason they placed that button there is to make us waste Kobans. There should be at least a confirmation or something... Am I the only one too stupid to NOT click on that button?
  7. When someone is stuck at 9600 for 2 weeks then i suppose its because of bosses and not because beating the normal girls would take that long. Your situation at lvl 14000 is different with lots of things maxed. The reason your bosses are easy is because of all the boss multipliers you have. But the topic starter seems to miss most or all of those, so i figure for him the bosses gonna be the main problem.
  8. Boss levels are the ones that make you stuck though, not normal levels. Also those are easy to get. Combined they cost less affection than for example Sa-Lees x6 idle boost (which he already has) and also give an average of x6 multiplier, except that its only for bosses. There might be better perks on some of the other gatcha girls which I dont have yet though.
  9. you are still missing a lot of useful perks, some of which are easy to get. You have many girls I dont have yet but from those I can check you are missing: Felicia's first perk (x10 know-how boss) Vanessa's first perk (x3 hardcore boss) Spring's second perk (x5 money) Clara's second perk (x5 charm boss) Svetlana's first and 3rd perk (-20% know-how prices, x10 money)
  10. I guess im really lucky. I only did 5 gachas so far and got 3 girls Finalmecia - Gambina - Svetlana
  11. yea ,i reread your post above and edited my post already ^^. At what level are you stuck, exactly 1800? Use all skills together and spam click the boss, how close are you to beating it? Maybe you just need to upgrade bunny a few more times.
  12. wait this cant be right. You got all those boosts (are they active in the event? i think it only works if you buy them while in the event) + mojo ring and amulet around lvl 100 right? Thats a huge advantage. I suppose you got the craft for + rewards at a decent level as well. Are you still missing some of the skills maybe? If you got them all then typically what you wanna do is chain all skills together (use Mojo Energizer + Manly Sweat together, then Exciting Flirt, Mojo Blast and Neptune's Touch. Then just spam click the enemy and upgrade your girl when possible. Once the skills run out go afk for 30min and repeat). Edit: I read above you only got bunny so thats a big disadvantage but the mojo ring should make up for that. Keep trying maybe you can still do it.
  13. How long did your final run take? I got very similar crafts and levels but not sure if i can still finish without the koban buffs. You should have leveled the hardcore and charm idle crafts a bit, they only help against 2/3 of the enemies but its relatively cheap to get them to the same % as your mojo amulettes, which means double damage vs those types.
  14. use your strongest idle girl (Felicia > Sa Lee or Bunny if you have neither of them), mojo ring will add tons of click damage based on your idle damage so just click once it gets slow but keep upgrading your idle girl. Make use of the skills if you unlocked them. Powerful aura wont help much.
  15. I also got a lot of click crafts and sex tape, I could easily make a build around Spring if sex tape wasnt that underpowered compared to the ring. In general it seems like idle girls are about 10 times stronger than equal click girls (at least for the first 2 girls), which is reasonable if you consider 10 clicks per second to be the average. A lvl 100 sex tape will add about 1000% of your click damage to idle, which makes Spring almost as strong as Sai Lee and about half as strong as Felicia when it comes to idle damage. A lvl 100 mojo ring on the other hand will add 200% of idle to click damage, which makes clicks at least 20 times stronger when using idle girls... Sex Tape should be at least 10 times more powerful to be in line with mojo ring... then you could make builds based on click damage.
  16. I suppose you dont have last event's girl either cause shes almost as good as felicia. You should definitely get at least 1 more craft. Yes most likely its crap, but if you are lucky you get Mojo Ring or Sex Tape if you get Mojo Ring: checkpot, get it to 50+ , do some clicking at the end of your runs and you can probably even get to 1800 with some effort if you get Sex Tape: use Spring and upgrade ClickToIdle, Click and Rewards. This should give you more idle damage than Bunny and strong clicks on top of that. He got the Mojo Ring... its simply that OP. Btw, you should get another relic as well... you already got several idle upgrades for 100k+ but cant afford a single 400k purchase that might give you an OP craft?
  17. i started this game a few days ago and pretty much finished it as well. there is nothing more to unlock except of the time (or $) gated perks. my 2 biggest issues with the game: - the various bonuses for click damage, idle damage or money gain should be smaller but multiplied with eachother rather than just added. Its boring to have like 20 click damage upgrades which are all useless next to the overall click damage charm, because they only work in very specific situations and then their bonus gets added which will only about double your damage (assuming same level charms). - Estelle: Your income seems to depend mostly on Estelle and not on the stage, which means if you start spam clicking Estelle asap after a reset, you will earn a lot of money even from the early waves, which then allow to upgrade Estelle even higher and so on. It will eventually slow down but that depends on your money charms, starting hero level charm and how fast you upgrade Estelle... if I start a new run and go afk for a minute, I will get stuck around zone 300 (mostly because my starting hero level is 200+) and have a hard time getting much further because my Estelle is underleveled and my income sucks. If i instead spam click Estelle (upgrade bunny only when it slows down), I shoot up to 450 easily and can go to 500+ before i slow down completely. If I use the 5 times income ability (use it BEFORE reset so its working right from the start), I can even oneshot up to 520+. This is a very strange mechanic, to say the least...
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