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Everything posted by junky_20

  1. is out on nutaku? Because i can't unlock it
  2. have you beat chapter 4 lvl 500 since chapter 5 has been release? edit: anyway chap.6 seems locked for everyone
  3. Just in case, to unlock chapter 5 you need to reach chapter 4 lvl 500 again. Even if you were already at lvl 10000 preaviously.
  4. They barely know how to use the "if" condition in programming, so the covid issue is an excuse, before that problem they didn't know how to fix the basic bugs, witch are still unfixed. Actually we've lost some features because they don't know how to implement again (at lest that is the impresiom they give). About your issue, i'm trying to reproduce it in chapter 2, not improving anything and leveling up the same girls on the same lvl. If you are right, it must be a obviously bug, imposible for it to be a future because it doesn't make sense. Beeing a future, there would be a point where it will be impossible to do something in the game. But who knows, it seems imposible for them to make a basic and common sense decision.
  5. wait wait, seriosly? day after day there were bug reports from the new version and despite that they release that broke game as official???? I can only imagine the hentai clicker team as 2-3 16 years old teens that barely have started to learn to program and to managing a game. Totally agree. I'm scared now i don't want the update in nutaku
  6. Aren't you in the test server? Or am missing something? Have they release the new versión in their main page? I'm playing from Nutaku and the game there is still the old version and the only news i know about playing super hentai clicker is from this post, this beeing the test server. I though everybody was in the test server so they could see some advance instead of a "dead game".
  7. Now it's fixed and you can see in harem that there are 2 new girls locked at stage 25k and 50k. The max stage it's not fixed so i suppose that is for the new version incoming
  8. https://kinkoid.com/news/hentai-clicker-news-en/super-hentai-clicker/
  9. They don't want and don't know how to do it . It's like they are letting the game die slowly, trying to get as much money as they can and the way to do it are the events, so they are doing one event after another. As you can see there are a lot of bug that can be fixed in a day, but they have not programmers but artists, so its easier for them release new girls another than fix things.
  10. Nop, this bug has been in the game for months. And as far as I know, nobody have had any kind of compensation. They just don't care.
  11. Thanks, that's helps, and have fixed webGL bug i had.
  12. Have you reset at least once in the forge to buy and upgrade crafts?
  13. It's another known bug that they don't want to fix. In my case I can't see 14 of my girls. The best workaround (at least works for me) it's enter in the game with private browsing
  14. The problem is that they know how to add popup, but they added only one and in the place nobody asked for, in the arem when you run out your affection. A stupid warning to say something you already know whitch only porpouse is to be a nuisance. They should add confirmations buttons for kobans expends, they should fix the max 13k level problem, they should add girls arrange options (even though it is not priority future its a popular request, so it have some weight), they should add X25, x100, xMax lvl in crafts, they should fix a lot of minor annoying bugs. Almost all the things I said above are easy request that can be implements in less than a day, so if there aren't implemented yet can be because they dont care about their users, maybe that the reason they don't enter in their own forum to see feedbacks and bug section.
  15. 1ª and more important, to get daily affection. With mojo crafts you barely go further, with correct affection perks you can get 200 levels high. 2º When you reach max stage (13000) you stop suddley the mojo grow (anyway as i said mojo craft helps a lot less than girls perks) and your craft will stop, but there are more a more new girls, and you need a looooooot of affection 3º Daily missions are randoms, maybe you can get mojo daily missions or not, i don't know the appeare rate, i have all locked (withouth getting they, because i preffer the other rewards) 4º If you don't care about affection and girls perks, you are right and there is no reason to reset
  16. You will lost the girl if you wait for kinkoid to fix a bug This happened to a lot of people in the previous event, me included. Good news: You will earn the girl Bad news: You will lost the reward previous to girl. In this case 4k ryos. And no, kinkoid will not compensate you due their bugs.
  17. For the same reason anyone would spend 2500 ryos in "instant mojo reset" instead of spend 2000 ryos for the same reward at Shop with "mojo blueprint"
  18. If you look closer you are going to see that in the left side there is not more piece and in the right side the whole first row is empty. Here there is not a miss placing error, here thre is a dev bug that made the next puzzle not load correctly, new pieces dont load, your old ones still are stuck on the board and the only thing that change is the new image, but as is loaded in a smallest space the image shows badly, as you can see too. In order words, his new puzzle has been loaded in that way without putting any piece.
  19. As if they cared about bugs XDD It seems that the first puzzle's bugs are still here (plus new ones), try to find the previous puzzle game event threads, they can have some workarounds. I think this particular bug have a workaround, putting the piece in a incorrect slot. So you need to spend 3 moves instead of one. But i not sure, so better if you try to find it, as i said before, in old threads
  20. Well, make a idle game withouth thinking about middle/late game is a bad idea XD Anyway, assuming that is true, beeing a balance problem, remove the cap shouldn't be a problem, this kind of game have exponential grow, so the only problem would be that advanced a few levels would be more a more harder. In other hands, if they have balance problems, their schedule of updates is a suicidal one, because they are adding more a more layers of complexivity in balance, like the iventory update or kinkpoint update. Again, this problem is ""easy"" to solve too, it will requiered a huge update, just adding some middle game content is solved. There are a lot of idle games where they can take ideas, much of them have new ways to resets. In this case we could have a bigger soft reset, or travel to other world, or call it whatever you want, hard enough to look like you just started playing, but with new mechanic such a second layer in some of the arem girls. Enstead of add new girls they could make some of these V2 girls, that you can unlock beeing in this new part of the game and passing ninth heart in haren ( at least there would be a reason to unlock last escene), and these V2 would be like anoher new girl, new costumes, new history and new perks but with improved stats.
  21. Well, years ago, when i was searching some information about big numbers algorithm I found somes that uses arrays, storing each digit in an array slot. I don't like so much this method, but it's better than nothing
  22. It shouldn't. If is, as other user says, a inner language problem beeing far away from programmers control, I would understand why they need such amount of time to fix it. But if they only need to implement a big numbers algorithm, in a short time, this should be fixed. It could be solved in a week or less givin high priority to this problem, and they should do, because is the main mechanic of the game, becoming this issue in a very high priority problem. As their code looks like beeing badly implemented I can concede a whole month, but have been passed various month and still nothing, and as they say nothing on forums and they only release updates nobody ask for, it seems that they don't care. I could even understand that they know how to fix it on PC, but that fix have terrible consecuences on movile version so they are waiting to have fix on both version simultaneusly. P.S: English is not my main language, sorry if I made some mistakes/misspellings
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