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Everything posted by LanceHardwood

  1. I think it's probably better that they don't want to fix the level cap right now, because if they do there will be 2 groups of players: A) Those who have lots of event/gacha girls and will most likely reach the new cap pretty fast. B) Those without event/gacha girls who will be stuck even further behind in comparison to group A) So unless they change their design philosophy for the game entirely, a max level cap increase will just further divide the player base.
  2. I have the same problem as I imagine a lot of people who just haven't bothered to check or don't use the forum. This has been going on since the start of the last event, we've had 2 hotfixes since then, but this still hasn't been addressed.
  3. Saying an event is better than the worst ingame event, doesn't make it good. The fact that you're thinking this is acceptable is exactly why they do it: Everyone was complaining about lackluster puzzle events, then they give us horrible click event, and now nobody cares about how poor the puzzle events are. Next time when they will give us an even worse event, you'll be asking for the shitty click event back. Bad content shouldn't be accepted, even if there's something worse.
  4. Nobody's arguing that these are impossible. In fact they are fairly simple/easy. The 'difficulty' comes from the fact that you need to screencap several times and play mix and match. If this is intended, then the devs are failing hard at providing real challenge and engaging gameplay, if it's unintended they're doing even worse.
  5. It looks like they're trying to create the first game where taking a screenshot is part of the gameplay. The lack of foresight and imagination on part of the developers is disturbing.
  6. The last non-puzzle event was balanced in such a way as to make puzzle-events appealing. It's easier than solving the problems anyway. But somehow they managed to make this one worse than previous puzzles:
  7. That's exactly the problem I'm talking about. To solve it you need to move a different piece into the last spot, then swap with the last piece and place the remaining one. Net result: 2 additional moves wasted.
  8. Another puzzle event. Another girl with sky high Idle multipliers. Another round of bugs. The very first puzzle bugged for me, causing me to waste 2 additional moves. It's about time this gets fixed.
  9. @Sev is right, level cap is the fix for what I would say are some poor design choices. That's if I want to understate how horrible actually those choices are. There's no SDK update that will help them, the level limit can only be fixed by a core game redesign. They either need to make multipliers additive or significantly tone them down, which will further reduce the incentive to play gacha for girls. Looking at recent developments, instead of working out a more balanced version of the mechanics they've started turning events into the new endgame content, to the point of being ridiculous.
  10. Someone's been paying off RNGesus. Meanwhile I'm at 0 handfuls of candy so Felicia is stuck at 12 multiplier. Previously I was stuck at 8 due to the same item. At this point the whole system seems rather lackluster and broken at the same time, especially considering that the previous event was balanced around having a max multiplier Felicia. Without a way to reliably obtain Enhance items we were better off without them.
  11. Not sure about the girls, but the art definitely seems corrupted. I mean dayum that drop in quality is severe.
  12. I think the problem is that devs don't look at context. While people may have said that events are too easy, they didn't mean to suggest events should be balanced as this one. I think what everyone is trying to point out either consciously or not is that the design philosophy for the game just doesn't work mathematically with all the multipliers and stuff. If they bother to do their job, change how multipliers work, tone them down significantly and rebalance the main game accordingly, then we might be able to have meaningful events also. Until then we're forced to suffer through whatever half-cooked idea comes through with the next event. P.S. Come to think of it, the multiplier enhancements on the girls themselves were a weird addition, possibly to allow newer players to progress in the main game compared to veterans who already have girls with gazillion multipliers. But then to start balancing an entire event around the maximum enhancement of the single best girl in the game is absurd. The logical conclusion becomes that they added those enhancements specifically to introduce an additional RNG factor when it comes to events.
  13. I think what's most evident is that those who can afford a monthly 7200 kobans liked the event, which is high tier and paying players. Players who have most likely powered through the entire game content already and of course the event is designed with them in mind. For the rest, 2-3 of these girls might as well be in the pachinko, it wouldn't make a difference except then you'd have the chance of getting them through orbs at least.
  14. I doubt anybody remembers, but I can tell you one thing - Felicia was a must for pushing the higher levels. While Keira/Cupid might be able to bring you quickly an average level on any event, generally pushing the final levels requires high idle values and idle-to-click conversion which is then helped significantly by the use of active skills.
  15. Why do you keep comparing an event to pachinko. We have other farming events, where you can similarly get 1 legendary girl without even spending kobans, but the cost of getting a second one is much less (sometimes less than 1000 kobans) than either the single-button drop of 7200k or the cost of tickets which you have to buy. As to your second point - nobody's asking to get things for free, because that indeed will make it a non-event. What we're asking is for the amount of effort and resource investment to be on par with other events. Currently the effort (not koban cost) is several times higher than even legendary days.
  16. It has nothing to do with being spoiled. The problem is the enhancements needed in order to complete the event cannot be reliably obtained. Some players may have lucked out to get their girls to x18 multiplier, but the rest will be x10 or less. And a few might be even less than that, because nobody has control over what they get as daily missions. So please get off your high horse and consider that your experience will not match everyone else's.
  17. Well, bought the 2 boosters and that made it for me, but by all indications if I had just bought the 'x3 idle' it wouldn't have been enough. The funniest part is that soon after buying the boosters I did get the mojo candy needed to upgrade Felicia, which would may have helped me beat the event even without the boosters. I didn't upgrade her just to see if boosters would be enough. I do feel that requiring a high multiplier on any of the characters is a very significant no-no, as even with boosters part of this can't be overcome. For example if my Felicia multi was 4 or less even boosters would be useless, unless a player boosts day-in day-out.
  18. I didn't mean to suggest a new puzzle game, but given how bad the balance of the current event is, and the reaction of @fred35, they might have thought it would make puzzle events more appealing by comparison. I wouldn't put it past Kinkoid at this point considering how their latest events in both games are structured and the general fact that whatever constructive feedback players give is falling on deaf ears while they keep pushing forward in a pay-to-win direction.
  19. They might have actually wanted to make puzzle games seem worth it by comparison in designing the current event. It seems the only thing that could do so.
  20. Been having the same issue for a while now, it wasn't like that a couple of months ago. But basically after a point it errors out with some WebGL error, of course due to memory usage. The memory leak is evident by the fact that once you switch to the game window the RAM allocated to the process only ever grows. For me upon game load it's about 1.5GB usage, and I think it gives me an error at about 4GB used or something. In any case, even 1.5GB is an absurd level for a game of this caliber, regardless of how high quality the assets are.
  21. This event is not balanced as the main game at all, that's why I suspect the x3 boosters might be wasted. Interestingly I have all event girls except Abrael and have reached top level in the main office, thus I consider myself quite an advanced player. I just have shit luck with daily quests so my Felicia isn't at the x18 multiplier level required for this event. With that considered, new, or even average-to-high players have little hope of completing the event even with multiple boosters activated. This is the first event to do so, and by far the worst in required time investment for a clicker game, which people usually visit a few times a day where they have free time. This is not the proper way to engage players at all. I'm tempted to quit the game as it is, but I'll chalk it up as a one time thing. The next event with such shit balancing sees me leaving though. I doubt I'll be missed, but I believe my sentiment might be shared by many others.
  22. Usually the ' all idle x3' and 'all money gained x3' multipliers are the best boosters. I'm debating on whether it's worth trying them though, because even though I'm at level 4.4k I'm not sure they will be helpful enough to bring me over the 500 levels needed.
  23. Sorry, wrong. I don't want to imply I'm representing anybody but myself, because I'm not. I am genuinely interested in what the overall opinions on the event are and if I am indeed wrong, I'm not ashamed to admit it. This thread itself speaks to the contrary though, that's why I said what I said. People may want all kinds of things from the game, but this type of event is probably not in their top 10 list. Speaking of egos, it looks like you have a monopoly on the definitions of what adept and inept criticisms are. Pardon me for not complying with your strict rules and believing that voicing criticism might make a difference. I should have known it's all pointless from the start - silly me.
  24. Your history of defending Kinkoid's every move leads me to believe you either have a vested interest or your default mental state is "confused". Interestingly how my opinions seem to be coherent enough for a bunch of people who are not you. As for whether the majority of player base agrees with me or not I choose to judge by their reactions rather than your "holier than though" opinion. Why don't you put out a poll to gauge the actual views on the event instead of touting yourself as speaking for the average player base which you called "entitled" in just your previous post. Edit: I admit I may be arrogant at times, but I don't believe I the game fully figured out, simply because I don't care to invest that much effort in it. As for the developer's responsibility I tend to know what goes on behind the scenes a bit, being a developer myself. Usually all the impacts of new features are carefully weighed before put into effect. Now, if we excuse every single instance of Kinkoid's implementation with "stupidity" or "unawareness" as @GeorgeMTO suggested, this would be the most incompetent software company in history. On the other hand their carefully worded responses, which generally avoid giving out any concrete details to the workings of the game, or more often than not - a complete lack of response paint an entirely different context which I'm basing my opinions on. How many times does a certain thing need to happen before it stops being a mistake and becomes a pattern ?
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