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Everything posted by derundann

  1. GPx10: 34 Drops in 300 rolls accumulated to a total of 108 shards. So i have a 11,33% Drop rate with 3,18 Shards per Drop on average. Also just tested 51 GPx1 rolls and got... nothing. As expected.
  2. ❤️Tachibana❤️ HentaiHeroes ID: 2667407
  3. I only got 29 shards of Kaliko during the 5 day event she was in, missing next to no free combativity. Valentina took about 3000 kobans on top of all the free combativity up until 1 hour ago. So your experience is shit, but in line with normal RNG.
  4. Barely got one in the last event in 12 days, will comfortably finish both this event. Shit happens
  5. Hi, I´m currently at stuck right before unlocking a girl in normal office. Every time I reach the new heroine the small dialogue sequence starts before I am able to fill the excitement meter. During those dialogue sequences one is not able to fill the excitement of the girls in the event aswell. I doubt this is intended.
  6. Uh did you actually play HearthStone? During some events the effort it took to get "everything" that is available through the event was minimal. Like achieveable in one rather long grind or by playing like 2 or 3 games every other day.So even the most casual players were able to get everything. Some events did nothing but gift every player free stuff and have a new game mode. Other events were "Gold (one of two currencies) gains are doubled". There never really were "events" you could spend cash on. Some cosmetics were only available through cash and you had the option to shortcut a grind (that can be done as long as you want and not during events only) to get an adventure earlier. Hearthstone is actually the worst possible example you could give. LoL - the arguably biggest free to play game there is- would still be a bad example. You can spend real money and be able to get "all" the rewards if you grind (you can grind some event-exclusive stuff and unlimited amounts of different lootboxes and items). You can also not do that and grind a ton and still get most of the rewards. Even casual players will get loads of free stuff - just not the high end stuff. Didn´t write anything about money You´d still have to"spend" even if it´s your free kobans. You are spending a rather rare resource that you -as you said- accumulated over a couple of weeks. You could also spend those kobans elsewhere to get very similiar results. The event doesn´t really "add" something to the gameplay experience - it just distracts. I could 100% ignore the event and I would miss out on nothing. This is unlike basically every other event in other games. There usually is at least some free stuff. Even a damn avatar or some items would be "free stuff". It does not have to be a girl. But as it is tons of new players won´t read this thread - and they will spend their combativity for Dark Lord or Ninja Spy which nets them subpar results in money and nothing else.
  7. And for the like twentieth time you use a hyperbole or even a strawman. Nobody here argued,that one should get everything for free yet you keep repeating it no matter how often people tell you that nobody wants that. It´s about getting nothing for free which is the case for this event.If you don´t get extremely lucky you get about half a girl. You don´t even get an avatar afaik which is also a very bad comparison because an avatar is purely cosmetic. This is besides the point because people are criticising this particular event or this "style" of event (as I understood it) and not the general feelings around "being f2p" or the games premium currency economics. Well other seemingly experienced people have argued in this same thread that this is not or will not be the only event this month where people who don´t spent will get nothing. And you´ve gotta realize that there is nothing to this event when you don´t spend. There are no extra missions (no matter what they award) or stuff like that as far as I´m aware. For people who don´t spend (or do spendbecause they realize they fall for what veterans here pretty much called a noob trap) this event is nonexistent. And this is straight up bad design. Nowhere does it say that this event is only intended or marketed at veteran players but still you act like it´s totally logical that new players should not get anything because "don´t be so greedy". It would be enough if there were at least some items (or even an avatar) for new players. But not pretty much "get super lucky or all you get is... the chance to get something next time!". I can´t see why anyone would deem this "good" for anything but selfish reasons. It would not be hard to make a event catered at veterans at least yield something for new players.
  8. This "silly idea" that everybody is able to get something from what is communicated and marketed as an "event" is pretty much the standard in all of the biggest free to play games. You did realize that every single sentence started with "I" and all the complaints about this event were about the situation of new f2p players, right?
  9. Uhm when and how did you test this? I maybe wasted like half a day but otherwise my energy bar never reached the maximum. I´ve been playing for 13,5 days now and i´m about halfway through invaded kingdom and level 102. So level 100 in 2 weeks is very possible if you consider logging in 4 times a day and actively playing several hours spread over those 4 logins "being an inactive player". I´m also reading the forums, FAQ and wikia - which most new players won´t. How is somebody supposed to do Ninja to Gruntt in "maybe 1-2 day if you are lazy" when the amount of energy required per the wikia is 2101 for ninja village. In 2 days you regenarate 384 energy. A level up gives 10. Every tenth level up gives you full energy. So if you somehow manage to coincidentally be at 0 energy every time you reach a multiple of 10 (which is ridiculous imo) you average 19 energy per level up so about 90 level ups are needed to get through ninja village in 2 days. What you are saying is mathematically impossible. Unless you claim that one will climb 90 levels within 2 days from Ninja to Grunnt, what strongly contradicts your other statement of "reaching Edwarda and level 100". Also Ninja village and Invaded Kingdom are only 98 energy difference - why should one take "1-2 days if lazy" and the other one 12 days? Reaching Donatien is 3574 energy. So in total reaching Donatien (disregarding gems kingdom) is 7878 energy. In two weeks you regenerate 2688 energy. So 5190 energy missing, 19 per level up (which still is ridiculous and probably a lot closer to 15) means 273 level ups. Am I missing something? Are there more options to gain energy that are not mentioned in the FAQ?
  10. Could you elaborate on this? I started two weeks ago and intended to go for Kaliko. I hoped it might be a bit cheaper than 2k kobans because I only have 3k atm. On what should I rather spent these kobans to be successfull long-term?
  11. With "same position" you mean hardcore(whip),charm(rose) and know-how(bullseye)? As in if the champion is know-how (as the frist one is) it´s best to use know-how girls? Will hardcore girls also do more damage since hardcore beats know-how (and is weak to charm)? What do you mean with "they will cost you extra points"? Do you mean they are harder to level up? Don´t they also have better stats and therefore deal more damage (at the same and slightly lower levels)?
  12. Are you serious? If yes, go read this wikipedia entry. Depending on where you live it might have been illegal.Most US states and I think the entirety of Europe don´t deem it illegal (or at least don´t enforce it) though. There might also be no age of consent whatsoever where you live though.
  13. Would be kinda boring if it didn´t, right? With absolutely no clue about games like this but rather active playing I got to 63 in 5 days. If this kept on I´d be "finished" with the game in 2 months. It´s just kinda tiresome that one does barely advance with the quests (ninja village evil lab atm). It fould feel a lot better if those very big quests would be split up into several smaller ones so it does feel more like one is progessing and not being stuck on two quests for several days when you finished like 20 quests in a few hours before. Like same energy needed and everything but maybe 200 energy per quest for 5 quests instead of 1000 for a single one.
  14. Thank you very much. I guess I could´ve figured that one out myself 😅
  15. Searched on the game overview paged from your link but did not find any.
  16. Uh did I post to the wrong forum? The links you posted are for Harem Heroes. I´m in need of the ones for hentai clicker This is were the "forum" button in the game took me. Thanks anyway!
  17. Hi, is there a list that tells one how much affections each girls needs for each level? I´m very unsure where I should spent my affection first and a list would be good to know how long certain perks would take.
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