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Everything posted by ismoke

  1. Yep, but still better than being stuck forever
  2. I just had that happen too, for the first time. Try this: Move some other piece in the solved puzzle to the free slot, and move it back. The progress bar should catch up and it should work again. Maybe it happened because we're too fast for the game/servers 😀
  3. It's nothing permanent, that's for sure. Seems to happen every now and then, I've never really observed it in depth. It could be one of the good days where you can actually cash in twice on the reforge rewards, if you reset, save and relog once between 1am and that weird time, and again after that time 😀 edit: or maybe only reset, save & log out between 1am and the weird time, and then log in AFTER that time - as said, I haven't observed it very much, way too inconsistent play times on my part. It could also be a day where the reset timer seems to just be a flat 24 hours from the moment you reset. I've definitely seen both multiple times, but couldn't tell you if or how they connect, and if it's even what you had there.
  4. *finishes a 10-day event after a few hours* "Oh em gee, so hard, brutal dood!" 😄
  5. Probably was kind of a wordplay for Germans 😛 Hasi is a common phrase here, meaning darling but it is based on Hase (rabbit).
  6. played 3 more times, got a girl on the 3rd roll. that's 13 rolls & 2 girls total
  7. I'm sure they'll fix that in time. I imagine it's working similarly to how buffs, powers etc. used to work before, where only change of levels would update the values.
  8. Yea, ever since the event with Lusamine, I think, it keeps freezing after a few hours, even if you do nothing (!!)
  9. I joined sometime in January, don't remember exactly, and thus got 5 so far - Lusamine, Cupid, Elysa, Sabrina, Keira
  10. Rolled 5 more times, got 1 girl. Total: 10 rolls, 1 girl
  11. ismoke


    No, she's a rookie domina who went into the business to help finance her father's medical bills after he broke his back and cannot work anymore. Sadly she has no talents and uses her good looks to find success. The Charm category obviously comes from her selfless, sweet manner to sell herself to support her family.
  12. You could claim the event rewards ad infinitum. I assume after initially fixing the event, they put a blanket reset on the reward progress upon reload, which enabled you to re-use that over and over again in the same fashion.
  13. There was a bug with severe exploitation potential, so I guess they went the safe route to fix it
  14. I didn't even realize that our harems were lacking butt wings. But no longer! 😃
  15. Yes, that's how it seems to work.
  16. ismoke


    She's a sweet and caring Heavy Metal girl from the swamps of Mississippi or something, the swatter is for the flies 😀
  17. I played 5 times so far, no girls. Worse yet, I just got the same buff twice. What a waste 😕
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