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Everything posted by Esios

  1. I'm pissed... had all the difficulties in the world just to get Juliette (4 days for one girl, in Orgy days...) Maleva was starting way better (60 shards in one day) then... nothing... fucking void... had to use 1500 kobans to get 40 shards, in OD... I'm mad, RNGesus did me real bad this time EDIT : Now that I'm more composed, I realize that this is maybe average after all, anyone can confirm that pls?
  2. I don't know if it can help, but apparently she is " The gorgeous ambassador Rina." (source :
  3. Salut ! A quel niveau as tu besoin de conseils ? A un niveau plutôt technique pour implémenter ton jeu ou plutôt sur des composantes de gameplay / design ? 🤔
  4. Je viens de découvrir ce sujet et je dois dire que je suis sur le cul de voir un wiki aussi bien fourni et géré par la communauté, ça inspire le respect 😮 J'ignore s'il est possible de participer autrement que par le biais de messages sur ce sujet (je suis en pause midi pas le temps de tout lire dsl ) mais je vais quand même essayer d'apporter ma pierre à l'édifice : Penny, la seconde fille de la Saison de la Rose, me semble être inspirée du personnage de Nia Teppelin de l'anime Gurren Lagann Voici le lien de sa page fandom pour que vous puissiez vous faire une idée (la description ainsi que le chara design semblent correspondre !) : https://gurrenlagann.fandom.com/wiki/Nia_Teppelin Penny : Nia :
  5. I'm usually pretty lucky when it comes to Orgy Days, maybe this is karma😅
  6. As @stalker696 said ... Yeah! Maleva ! 😍 Mala, Maleva and Venam, perfect trio (and I have none of them 😅) I will also go for Juliette since the pose displayed in the Event Pachinko isn't really off-putting. Also going to try to get Mary if RNGesus is with me on this one Too bad Cheryl is too far for me to get though 😢
  7. To be fair, I prefer the original girl (Medusa from Soul Eater) but I also like Olivia version : something with the smirk, the dress, the posture... 🤤
  8. I tink that the left girl is inspired by Medusa from Soul Eater ! If so, I need her 100% 😍
  9. Effectivement, j'étais focus sur les anime en séries et pas du tout sur les films d'animation (qui ont pourtant majoritairement contribué à leur diffusion en Europe)
  10. Il y a deux compositeurs d'OST qui sont pour moi les meilleurs et de ce fait incontournables : - Hiroyuki Sawano : on parle du mec qui a produit les OST de : pour les plus vieux : Blue Exorcist, Guilty Crown, Kill la Kill, Aldonoah Zero pour tout le monde : Attack on Titans, Seraph of the End, Seven Deadly Sins, Re:Creators Il a également fait plein d'autres OST pour des jeux (comme pour League of Legends) et des films - Yuki Hayashi : compositeur des OST de : Haikyu!! Death Parade Kiznaiver My Hero Academia Il va également réaliser les OST du reboot de Shaman King (pour les plus vieux :P ) Voilà, deux dieux parmi les compositeurs selon moi :D
  11. Thanks a lot ! I'm your number 1000 reputation point btw
  12. @blaa thx for the constructive return ! I didn't expect the average Mojo gain to be 16 😮 However, while I agree that there are 30 days in a month, didn't the Season of Rose started on monday ?
  13. Hum... i'm not 100% confident in my maths but if they are correct it's a big bullshit : There are 45 tiers, each requiring 200 Mojo to get to the next one. I'm currently at the beginning of tier 3 (with 1401 Mojo) So there are 43 tiers to go, meaning 200 x 43 = 8600 Mojo to win On the other hand, I win an average of 14 Mojo per battle, and I'm able to play 2 times a day, meaning 20 kisses used per day If I consider that there are 26 days to go AND THAT I WILL WIN ALL BATTLES, we got 14 x 20 x 26 = 7280 Mojo available 8600 > 7280... so even in the MOST IDEAL scenario it is impossible to win all the classic pass rewards... Congratulations Kinkoid ! PS : Once again, I'm quite bad at maths so I might have made a huge mistake or forgot something, don't hesitate to tell me why I'm wrong, I would love to improve 😁
  14. Ok, I'm pretty pissed off... 😤 I'm a junior dev, not a genius, but not a dumb animal either. We test things... multiple times... on preproductions servers or test servers. And only when all is good do we deploy features : if anything is changed or is bugged, we fix it and test again! This, of course, is the ideal situation where we have time to do so. To me, these tutorial bugs just confirm what some players already pointed out : Kinkoid are trying to push a maximum of content without taking into consideration players opinions and/or their own employees point of view, in order to make a maximum of cash. Maybe I'm wrong and I do hope that they will return to the koban version of the pass that was available on test servers, but I'm getting a bit upset here. Well, not that they will care, I didn't spend a single penny on their game 🤐
  15. I just did it 10 min ago, tutorial was removed after 10 kisses indeed
  16. Gossy and Riley are my "way to go" for this event, the rest of the girls are well drawn but I don't like the style very much :/
  17. I saved kobans to get the premium pass but now I'm full of doubt seeing the first artworks 😅 Last PoA girls were awesome though !
  18. Got Harmonia aswell ! 50 + 25 + 25, no flowers for me this time, god damn it ! Anyway, all that matters is that she will join Windia in my harem ! I don't know if there is any other Avatar references though 🤔 And thanks to all my spared books, I'm aiming for the double contests victory hehe ! 😎
  19. Thanks a lot ! Now I'm prepared enough to not make a stupid mistake lol x)
  20. What happens when we buy the PoA "premium pass" : do we get all the bonus rewards at once or are they unlocked only when you reach the corresponding level in classic missions ? I intend to buy the next PoA pass so I would like to avoid any bad suprises lol
  21. I might be very lucky but I never had problems to get the girl during LC, no troublesome groups it seems 😅 This time again, I already got 50 shards from first contest and I'm 6th in the second I'm sorry for all of you guys 😓
  22. I'm currently sitting third in my group. Like @Sir Fuck-a-Lot and @Kenrae said can we pls close the contest now 😫 Well I hope that it will at least save me a seat in the top 10 !
  23. Allright ! So i lost more than 4k in kobans, got nothing on Event Pachinko and didn't get Mala (1st waifu in this event 😥 ) but : - I got Asha (one of my waifus 😍 ) - I got Wanda - I got Semana And along the way came two more surprises : With all those girls I finaly have 100+ girls ! Very happy 😄
  24. One day... one day I will get a girl from the Mythic pachinko... 😅
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