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Everything posted by Grnson

  1. I will just note that this rebalance still incentivizes me to stay at 16-30 in one league long after I *could* uprank to the next league, because it's (mostly) a better reward than 46-60 in the next league. So far I took pretty long to get top45 after each uprank. (and the orbs in top ranks are one-offs unless I drop and raise repeatedly, which ... if I can get rank 1 is actually on the average better than staying 16-30? except it prevents league wins in competitions every other week ...)
  2. If you are on google chrome, you can show your saved (autofill) passwords - see instructions on https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95606?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en Most other autofillers will have something like that too.
  3. For reference, I (level 145) am at the third champion, and stage 2 took me 25 tries. I have 16 tickets right now. Either a) I am doing something wrong and should be plowing through faster, 2) I am too lowstat to be wasting tickets on champion progress *yet* (saving them now will get me more progress later, when I will be spending much fewer tickets per stage) or iii) I really should be making progress as soon as I have enough tickets for the next stage. For now I will try to do the last option. But I should also save tickets for the next PoA ...
  4. Yes, that's a thing I am using. I guess it's just another thing I need to wait on until I get ALL the levels, and more girls, and resources to max them out, and my own stats maxed out ...
  5. What's a good draft strategy for champion performances? Should I focus more on filling the aligned position spots, or on using girls aligned with my mainstat? Once I somehow lucked into a roster that did a stage in two tries (even though one was 50 rounds with many reassurances triggered), now I cannot get more than ~150kpts/try again ...
  6. Checking in-game harem for girls matching Mala ... looks like it's indeed her: Mala from Dark Fantasies (I will be back later!) Tentacle Tamer Mala from Pachinko (I think I see her in epic pachinko) Val Mala in Valentine Surprise (I will be back later!)
  7. Well ... this ended up being a little quicker than I thought. Thanks for the tips about nerfing my team for champions (tanked my 1-ticket score from 150k to 30k). That saved many days, obviously. I also got my stats higher a lot faster than expected (even after I noticed I picked the wrong-statted redhead for alpha): either I grind very hard, or (more likely) there are still many dead accounts around me, just waiting to be sniped. Got 15 more easy wins in tower and the rest in season. I also decided to unlock the second path (kb mostly from bonus codes). +1 more girl, and I think the other rewards are a nice kickstart for such a newish player. I see myself finishing the 80 villains task, and then stop. That many pvp wins is so far out of reach for now, it doesn't even bother me.
  8. Honestly, the only big hurdle I see is pvp. If it was pvp fights performed, no problem. But how do I guarantee enough beatable targets unless I am at the very bottom (where abandoned defenseless wimps topple over just from being looked at) or the very top (where there is no longer risk of being matched with 100% players way above my power level)?
  9. That girl is gated behind another 30 "defeat players in pvp". I need to increase my stats by something like 20% or 40%. (and the mission after that is to spend more money than I can have at that point anyway, unless I throw money at the problem)
  10. As a new player, this event seems to be designed to make me leave the game. I just advanced to w2 and immediately depleted all beatable opponents. I am lucky if I see a beatable season opponent after a loss. I will not get even one girl from this. 90 champion performances total? I have one champion unlocked and can do maybe 8 performances per day (that's how many I could do yesterday, to beat stage 1). Even the 30 will be a stretch. Not a welcoming experience.
  11. Can I piggyback here? I am new (started last tuesday, level 85 today, *almost* done with ninja village, got all tier I girls from troll and spy). Should I focus on Himari (my only 5-starrable legendary (the other two are Xmas Bunny Mama and Jordan)), even though I am staying as KH class? So far, I am focusing on Agate and Red, and haven't even three-starred *them* yet.
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