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  1. Wish kinkoid would make all new girls 5 stars and maybe make like a third as many since no o ne uses 3 stars for teams, but i imagine that isnt as profitable. I hate seeing a girl that i think is good looking and knowing that she will never be more than a lv 1 and maybe i will see her scenes after all the useful girls do first.
  2. The only girls worth kobans are mythics imo, but i can actually get mythic girls faster than i get the books needed to build them and that aslo means none of my 5 stars get above level one since the mythic read them all. Ive done all the things you said but my girls are still low level.
  3. They fo anventure time and no girl who can stretch? Its not like it would be the first time they made a non human into a girl, missed opertunity.
  4. Im curious on what everyone thinks is better, either getting my mytnic girls to 750 and leaving more of my laby team as low level and low rarity girls or bo ost several of my usual contenders up from the 300 lv range, also i am once again asking for girl xp aid, if i wanted to blow 20000 kabons on books, what wouod get me the most, market refreshes or pachinko or some third thing?
  5. I wasnt on for a few days and came back just in time to see i had all the girls, didnt get any rewards for havong them though. Still vacation was worth it.
  6. Is there any convenient way to know how many girls i have left in epic pachinko, the preview guide is full and new girls show up when i get one, i dont think im close but would be nice to know if its just a few more than a whole page or like ten pages.
  7. Got to the boss of floor 5 a got walled, theybeat 25 teams without taking more than 5% damage to the front girls, ddnt expect such an insanr jump in power from, "i might lose a team to weaken them" to "nothing i have even comes close" How do i multiply my damage by ten times to actually hurt the final boss?
  8. I wasnt knockng the art of mythic girls, but going for mythics for the girl themselves is like buying a sports can for the paintjob instead of the horse power, the op of the line i quoted can get a lot more good art for a lot less stress and kobans by going after non myhtic girls if the affection scenes are their goal instead of team power., Especially if they dont plan to continue using the game and the ppwer of their team means nothing.
  9. Why would you go for a mythic girl, the most stressful type of girl in this game if you might not keep playing? the art for them isnt any better than free girls?
  10. I destroy anyone i fight with 75 points but imto busy to use even half my available battles. I always get just enough fights to get a few shards in sexpert 1.
  11. Just tried hard mode and found out how lacking my harem is, lost right at the forth boss. Each battle was taking 5-6 full teams to get through near the end. I think i need more lv 750's been using whatever girls available til now I got fucked and stepped on and not in the way the game promises.
  12. Really like the rouge parody but the other free girl looks perfect for the zero star lv one club that is growing so fast in my harem. Would love amy and cream but no big loss really, just worthless 3 star ledgendaries after all.
  13. She joined my harem but wont be built enough to go on a team till 2030. Think in going to pull the trigger and stop spending kobans on new girls and just blow my load on books.
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