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Everything posted by dgxg

  1. If they decided to put gems in pachinko too, then it is mechanics to slow you down, and even force you to pull your wallet out to actually progress. It totally have nothing to do with leveling ground. That's just sad...
  2. After just cheeking everything on net i got bored, and i stumbled upon HH (pop-up window, usally i close it but i was bored), and while story is funny, what really hooked me up is extra features like villans, collectibles - i really love collecting in all games. So yeah design of game is still far from perfect (matchmaking for PVP) but im not playing it to be the best but to catch 'em all. Gems really broke this nice feeling of progress i had, i don't know what KK is thinking but all this talk bout leveling the ground for all players sounds like total bulls**t. I posted it before (and i apologize for posting in wrong section of forum) but how the new feature called gems, and awakening gonna help players? It's gonna change how long some played, and how strong they are? I'm level almost 200 and its a second time i hit a wall, i will need to level a bit, and try to get another 5 star legendary girl to progress in Season, and now gems arrive and they gona stall me even more? I'm gonna sit there and pray i'll get my gems when my girls are ready to awaken for ages? This makes no sense at all. You wanna deal with stronger players KK, then do it - don't mess the game risking people gonna get fed up with your idea of leveling ground, and stop playing (and paying). And as for DT why not introduce those for money too, increase number to unlock girl but still leave a small amount for drops.
  3. Just to state fact: this is second time im posting this msg. For unknown reasons my post disappeared leaving only this sublime msg: So let's get back to it shall we? Since Kinkoid might loose this msg again i'll copy it and post it as many times as necessary, so they would get good or bad feedback they care about I was puzzled when i saw gems in test server, diffrent colours, at least 2 types drops from villain - it kinda pissed my off cause it's event and my chances to get shards for girls r lower now, cause 2 new items showed. Didn't know what r they for, but colour me suprised when i decided to level girl and hit CAP lev 50... This is where your gems now come in, you need depending on what type of girl it is certain amount. What amount we r talking about? Let's see: Oh, yes boys and girls thats 350 for legendary girl lev 50 to let you reach level 100. Thats 100 for epic. Don't have any mythic yet but my guess its gonna be sth around 1200? For level 50... You can pbly guess higher you get more shards you gonna need... It kinda sound like joke right? Not only u have to spend time, and save money to level girls now u also need to hunt for some damn gems (and by doing so your chances for shards gets lower). And trust me i get it its game made to MAKE MONEY, but damn r they really gonna introduce mechanics that slows you down, when longer playing players will not feel it as bad as the new ones? It's almost like they don't care bout new players (and potential customers) If this would be something simillar to dating tokens, and you could even buy those tokens i wouldnt mind. But leaving to chance if i will get gems so i can level girls to matter in PVP which is important in Seasons, and most major events? You wanted feedback u have it, and please dont lose my posts again - it's so hard to CTR+V all the time
  4. I was puzzled by those gems that drops from villans, didnt know what r they for.... untill i decided to level one of my new girls and hit cap of lev 50... 100 gems to unlock additional 50 levels... Seriously i think its kinda joke, considering u still need to spend time to get money now u also have to hunt some damn gems to actually level girls? During event u will have even lower chance of getting shards from villans cause 2 more rewards r gems. And seriously 100 gems for rare girl level, 350 for legendary? So going by this logic mythic is what? 1200? So those who played this game much longer and already have leveled girls will pbly not mind this but new players, will just think: "so it will take ages to actually level girls and increase my strength in pvp, why should i play it?" I understand its game to MAKE MONEY, but this choice will kinda make ppl go away, so why do it?
  5. Maybe it has sth to do with those gems they introduced, by the way those gems r awesome idea to lower chance to gain shards for girls during event... If they doesnt work like dating tokens, and its another time-streching mechanics its kinda shame...
  6. Well on test server same issue now... Almost like at certain time both servers got affected...
  7. The latest rollback might be culprit here, but since test server had rollback too and everything works there, something else might be wrong... It would be funny if they take down server again, and we will get another KinkoidIsSorry
  8. Oh right this is some massive bug, i thought its only Harem, well hope they cant fix it before event ends cause some ppl r hunting girls... Not to mention i can't pick my cash anymore...
  9. For some reason cant enter my harem, not from menu, not clicking Harem itself, not from market clicking one of the girls... 10 minutes before no problem, but now i get this: Now, if i would go to sleep i wouldnt mind but i just woke up and got cash and want to upgrade girls and this little msg says no... Does it have something to do with your last rollback?
  10. Well im sure we all wait too see if the problem was solved, but still not used kisses etc its a waste so, as soon some1 sees it started counting, post it here, so we all can catch those girls
  11. I've got same problem, won 8 fights (2 lost), even used booster to get that 8 wins fast, stuck at 0...
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