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  1. Their 'Temporary PoP' term means PoP that's random, the one which don't give you girls' shards. That's called 'Temporary PoP'.
  2. Can I ask why you said as they'll drag girls' level down to 50 (or 250). On the other hand, other people who said they play the test server say girl level is not be reduced. Do you play the test server? I want to know which one is misinformation. It's too different.
  3. oh thanks, it's not even2% for me for 1 stat with my type (0 in 16), at least there's hope lol -oh, but it may be better for me to wait it at the shop
  4. Has anyone get 1 stat Legendary from Great Pachinko yet? Could I ask how many times you can pull it - I know it should be hard but it's just for stat. Or it can't be at all. All I pull out are always rainbow. Which make me think more and more that x10 is really not worth it -except you're Charm? I guess. (even when I play charm I use one stat, just don't aim at it so much). With this Great Pachinko changed, I will have no easy time in Pachinko contest anymore (x1 is too slow to push up at the end), and the reward seem more worse than I think at first. If I happen to get one it may be another trait anyway . I never pull x1 except it's the free one, now I may never pull x10 again lol, and if I'll not say about last seconds beat in the contest it's fking tired to click x1 between the day anyway ~ They should have 2 types of this x10 Great Pachinko, if it's really aim to improve for us. *And I play Great Pachinko a lot, before they change last time before this one. They decrease Epic/Leg chance A LOT. Now they bring guaranteed rainbow in but x2 cost. In sum, it seem like it just x2 cost for the same old chance (more chance) Great Pachinko.
  5. I'm agree only with this part. Game dev. would not give so much reward (even Koban for 2000th) if the pool is 2000. It's really clear. But people who complaint here are not naive. Actually they can (and currently), in top4, top20 or top 100 in many category. But they just need fair contest. In fact, it's pretty reverse, unlike you I'm even OK with they give absolutely ZERO for >2000 rank that's because I can do better. You misunderstood many thing here ".. stat upgrades are most limited by income, so newest players don't have the advantage there". Yes it's limited by income, I'm also said that myself but we at high lv spend 200k will gain only 10 score if they count +stat as score, but low level player can do much more. That's why I suggest them to use the cost as score. *Now I don't know how they count it anyway because it's also bugged. You'll understand it clearly when you have high lv., you even must pull a trick in many contest against low level competitor because your higher cost. And it's not 'old player' vs 'new player'. It's about - how the game count, to be fair for all player that's active in that period of contest for their effort. - how the game should not punish people who already give effort before this one. If player feel.. they shouldn't already do this, they shouldn't spend the money for that before. It's bad design.
  6. I agree with many people here. This update punish the one who play. I don't care, pay2win. It's understandable. But I hate, not 'play' to win reward. I play cuntwars, and that game event require you to upgrade hero to pass. That way I never upgrade hero except for event task. That's the point I love about this game. There's no this type of punishment for upgrade before (except xp and spend energy which can be overcome by new girl or donate). Now, a lot of these punishment task are introduced. We may think it as additional rewards as fap.. says. But if you put it as that daily event, girl drop are all the same. Then should you ok if the girl didnt drop at all? All contest should be fair (pay2win is also fair for me because they do pay) even old or new. Comparing it as fap.. said is also wrong. aff. contest punish people who have more girl because they usual done aff. her. -1 there. And the reward that pro. for people who not play contest mostly are 'Koban'.
  7. Don't know if you agree with me or not. But if they use 'cost' as score, you can have more chance for sure. It's barely struggle enough to max the stat every time I lv up (for its cost) and do usual thing too. So the cost is so high even though it's just +19*3. Other people with lower stat can upgrade more stat than us but they'll cap with their money too. So max stat people surely have more fair chance. If I remember it correctly nutaku*6=here kobans? I get 126 for 1st rank (21 for 1st?, 11 for 2nd). I'm in the same boat with you. I agree that I get around 1 1st a day, given that avg for contest period is 1-4 days and I'm also usual 1st rank and 2nd in a few game. Tower: top4: 1050kobans, top10: 528kobans, top100: 210 kobans top10Tower: 528*3=1584 NormalContest: 126*7=882 WeekSkipWeek: 1584+882=2466 (You will win Normal Contest easily week skip week because you have 2 weeks resource) 2weeksNormalContestOnly: 882*2=1764 *And my point is use stat 'cost' as score is more fair for whatever strategy you use anyway. You have better rank for what you play. You forgot the WeekSkipWeek can do much overwhelm result. My current money spend*2 is 1.6 times of 1st rank so the one who skip is surely 1st rank another week. (yeah if we didn't type it here and more people will do it lol) To be clear , I'm in top10 and top10x2=1056 while top1 is 2100
  8. The Koban rewards for this contest is much more than daily contest. That's why I concern it should have fair rule. For stat cost as score, people with all max stat like me and you will have some chance to be at top 20. But for stat, people who max it must drop it entirely (goodbye all rewards). Drop daily contest entirely for week skip week maybe much more worth.
  9. They gift Koban&Affection item for 2000th so for me it's clear that the pool is all player except they change it later. ----- For the guy who buy Koban, you should open Epic pachinko for girl, even though you buy so much but you use it for Great Pachinko means you spend so less. Girl's price is already define with Epic pachinko cost which for more higher than Great Pachinko. Although I'm concern great pachinko price changed for another reason, contest. I use it to last sec attack in contest so it'll be really hard now lol.
  10. Stat upgrade reward's really unfair for people who max all stat. At least they should count by cost instead of stat unit.
  11. I'm "Who cares about mojo?" style too lol I don't understand why someone care about them a lot (..for now). But I'm also "grab all those 1st rank contest's kobans" style. I'm forced to change my class with free quota and I think it's required to do. They're the one who outperform the opponent fast so they win before beta/omega come out. For me, beta is important but omega is not, it's hardly come out even with equally opponent. I use omega to level up except there's win arena related content to be safe. For Charm, I think they're worse enough even before this with that harmony skill. I think I've fair opinion here because I play both Charm and Hardcore. I'm not sure you mean 15 levels or 2 levels (sorry for my English) but 15 levels is a lot. So it normally that you lose if he/she's not that bad. And for 2 levels you may consider to upgrade your stat in shop. It makes much different and that 2 levels again allow he to upgrade his stat more than you so the fact that you win him means he's at disadvantage. But the fact that he win you before didn't mean Charm is better. Charm is suck after that skill come out, although I like it because it's fun (And I feel cheat as hell when I'm playing Hardcore that's more fun lol). I must almost full update all my stat in shop to stay in my contest performance.
  12. No, Oliver. You should just exclude 5* Legendary out of the topic. What I'm comparing/answering him is old school 5* (starter) vs 3* Legendary from pachinko (buff by new rarity system). 5* Legendary will surely outperform anything. I already full upgrade that as my lead. I understand you those 5* is a bit (much) cheat right
  13. Yeah, me too but in my case I think epic 3-star will be better (rare should be on par) so I trade in epic 3* in before update. And now I put my 5* back. Those 2* different seem effect a lot. My 5* starter is on par with 3* legendary (full star/lv possible)
  14. 5* starter still better than 3* legendary, the latter has more main stat but still lose in overall
  15. After the real update it seem people including me feel bad for nothing except the upgrade price change. The stat of my starter 5* (@lv207 1035,1035,1914.8) still higher than my epic 3* (@lv210 957.6,1037.4,1795.5). It's even better overall for my legendary 3* @lv210, just a bit lower main type. I think the 5* starter will be more worse o o??
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