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  1. I have now won against enough opponents to qualify for my first reward, but I can't receive it because Bunny still tells me to fight my first opponent.
  2. I'm also forced to continue the tutorial infinitely. Maybe these "The server didn't answer properly"-messages that appear whenever a screen-change is triggered are related to the problem.
  3. Really everything has been changed: -the background -the characters posture, anatomy (especially facial anatomy), skin tone, muscle definition, hair styles and hair colors (slightly) -positioning and coloring of clothing (especially the logo on the hero's shirt) Hentai Heroes ID: 574211
  4. I was able to join now, but the 6 matches I already played have been unaccounted for.
  5. Same problem: I can't join my current league, but I can challenge whoever would be positioned right in front of me.
  6. Password- and email-change options should really be considered standard features to all account-management systems. Whenever an email-address or password is leaked in some security incident, all users are advised to change them for very good reasons. Not being able to do so without contacting support is quite unusual and bothersome. Please add password- and email-change options to the account settings as soon as possible.
  7. Noemy, no doubt. Hentai Heroes ID: 574211
  8. A police detective that might either support or hinder the secret superwoman. Hentai Heroes ID: 574211
  9. Fuck: Delicia Marry: Chamelea Friendzone: Justine Hentai Heroes ID: 574211
  10. I'm with team Avocado. Hentai Heroes ID: 574211
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