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YoRHa 2B

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. That change singlehandedly destroyed our way to get anything done for veterans.. or everybody else. I can only talk for myself but my income was from Places of Power and their orbs which you get a lot of in time, after you invest 18000! Kobans to upgrade places of power. These orbs gave you a good amount of money when selling these items back. Im at Level 399 and 1 legendary item gave me around 7 million Ymen, now its 436k.. thats not even 10% of its original value. I dont get nearly enough from doing champions or using my combativity. My Harem "only" generates 4 Million when full (550 girls). Also everything else where you have to spend money on stayed the same. Books/Gifts and upgrading girls still cost the same, lets take a mystic girl for example: just upgrading it (without buying gifts/books) costs around 175 Million, thats around 400 legendary items or 400 "Great Pachinko 10 Games" (for simpleness I dont calculate the other items you get from the games as it is quite different every time) instead of just 25 for comparison. And again, thats only the upgrading cost, you still need around what? 250k Affection (1.5k Affection for 625.5k Ymen= 104 Million Ymen) and around 95k (2.5k Exp for 500k Ymen= 19 Million on Books) for them to reach Level 399? Thats roughly 300 Million for 1 mystic girl.. where do we get the money from to do this now? Even 5* Girls are expensive as fuck now. As is stands right now its impossible to continue playing this with just a monthly koban card and im NOT willing to pay for stuff we alrady had in the past, I may drop the game for that "patch".
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