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Club money gain #17 not working?


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So I recently upgraded money gain to level 17 but there was no increase for the money girls give. I know for a fact that the numbers are the same as one gives 22134 and it was still 22134 even after the upgrade even though it's by .5% it should have raised a little bit so I think it may be a bug. If it just takes some time to register though I guess that's fine but I'm not sure if that is it because if not there was no difference as far as I can tell between money gain 16 and money gain 17. (Editted to add this:) I also tried logging out and back in to see if that would fix it but even with that unless it does take some time it was still the same as before.

Edited by Udude18
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1 hour ago, Салерион said:

Taria, 5* base one-time inc: 20400



money17=+8,5% profit, if i'm not misstake... so...

Huh... maybe it's because I thought it would be more noticeable for the change I guess. The fact that that makes it go up 102$ and not more than that could be why I didn't notice it because I thought it would be 23000 or something. I still do feel like some of the other girls seem like the exact same values as before though but maybe the lower earning ones like 965 were 957 or something before? Hmm... now I'm wondering if it was a glitch or if it was so non-noticeable at that point.

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