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Do great Pachinko rewards scale with level?


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As the title states do the rewards increase with level/ cost? 

If so is it a valid strategy to mass buy items at low levels when prices are cheap to use later on? 

Right now it costs me 11,000$ per role. Any green quality affection or exp item costs roughly 13k. 

So if I get a item I can sell it for 5k loss, if I get anything else I'm profiting. 

If you hold at level 60, you'd have access to all the money making methods (champions, competitions, boss battles, harem) with costs near 6k per roll (from what I can recall). If the quality stays the same it might be worthwhile to spam roll great pachinko to get all the expensive affection items you need for later in the game. 


Edited by wrbhhpsy
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Just to add, since one of the two primary ways to avoid levelling up would entail not doing the daily missions and thereby foregoing the daily 150 kobans completion reward, you'd essentially be paying premium currency to obtain cheap affection gifts.

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