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Crits during a perfromance


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11 minutes ago, Slynia said:


This applies during all performances (villains, champions and other players).

Hey. Can I join on this with some more questions?

Does the current dominance scheme still working? (+20% Harmony for Hardcore->Knowhow->Charm->Hardcore)

And if yes, does that bonus applies to the total amount of Harmony? Or does it add itself like other % bonuses?

I'm kinda asking these questions looking at the upcoming changes on the test server and I'm wondering how all those bonuses will interact with each other. Like, will the HC->KH->CH->HC dominance bonus sill remain or not? It's not visible anywhere right now, so it's a bit hard to figure out. And the bonus to Harmony. I assume it adds itself like all other percent bonuses. But how will the crit chance bonus add up for example? There's nothing to compare it to.

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5 minutes ago, GeorgeMTO said:

No, as stated in the patch notes it was removed when BDSM came in.

Right, thank you. Couldn't remember if that was actually the case. And I think I messed up my second question a bit. So what about the Harmony % bonus from dominance scheme, did it apply on top of all other percentages or was it added like other percentage bonuses? It was long ago so I don't remember.

Again, to clarify, I'm asking it after looking at the changes at the test server. And there, the Harmony bonus is applied at the same time as the old bonus to Harmony from dominance scheme. Which makes sense, cause both of them are dominance schemes bonuses. But it's strange cause for example Ego bonus seems to be applied before that. And I just started there and low-level so I can't test it out with legendary booster, so I asked if someone remembers how it worked with dominance Harmony bonus.

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