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observed girls image changes


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Changes noticed since June of 2021


Looks like may have been touched up:

Big Bang - all images
Hora - all images
Megane Chevalier - all images
Arbadacarba - all images
Ms. Freedom - all images
Brilliance - all images
RetroStar - all images
The Blonde Menace - all images
The Qum Superior - all images
Beastie Babe - all images
Chatterbox - all images
Gravitas - all images (except 2 star image making the image and icon out of sync)
Inx - all images (except 3 star image making the image and icon out of sync)
Discoball - 3 star images

I know there is no wiki for CH at this time. if requested I can post the 0-star(only) older images if you want to see how they have changed.

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Found a few touch ups to clean up nontransparent areas.

Tek Hope - all images not icons (looks like this was just a fix for some nontransparent border around all the images)

Marid - 2 star image (fixed a lot of the nontransparent area to the left of the leg and chest area, I only see a very small amount still left on the leg)

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From the Patch Notes Week #3:

  • The following Side Quests have been reworked with a brand new art!
    • Hero’s Fortune
    • Supercharged
    • Running boost.(s)exe
    • Caution: Wet!
    • Hocus Pocus Diggus Bickus
    • Ram to fix RAM


Here is what I found when checking next to my backups. (also when I list new BG image if the scene repeats consecutively I'm only listing the first, so basically only on seen changing)

Hero’s Fortune - change from rare to common (guessing since she in now clothed)
scene 15 BG image new
scene 16 BG image new
scene 17 BG image new
scene 18 BG image new
scene 19 BG image new
scene 20 BG image new
scene 23 BG image new
scene 24 BG image new
scene 25 BG image new
scene 26 BG image new
scene 27 BG image new

Supercharged - change from rare to common (have no idea why on this one)
scene 12 BG image new
scene 15 BG image new
scene 17 BG image new
scene 19 BG image new

Running boost.(s)exe
All BG images new

Caution: Wet!
All BG images new

Hocus Pocus Diggus Bickus - (patch notes list name as that but it was and still is listed as "Hocus Pocus Diggus" this may change if they notice)
I see no change at all and I even disabled my cache

Ram to fix RAM - see no art updates
scene 2 text change
scene 3 text change
scene 19 text change
scene 23 text change
scene 24 text change

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From the Patch Notes Week #4:


The following Side Quests have been reworked 

  • Hocus Pocus Diggus Bickus
  • Ram to fix RAM

Looks like they got around to updating the images this go round


Ram to fix RAM - they forget to update the Sneak Peek image to use the new images (the new text from last week still there)
Scene 2 BG image new
Scene 3 BG image new
Scene 4 BG image new
Scene 5 BG image new
Scene 6 BG image new
Scene 8 BG image new
Scene 9 BG image new
Scene 10 BG image new
Scene 11 BG image new
Scene 12 BG image new
Scene 13 BG image new
Scene 14 BG image new
Scene 15 BG image new
Scene 16 BG image new
Scene 17 BG image new
Scene 18 BG image new
Scene 19 BG image new
Scene 20 BG image new
Scene 21 BG image new
Scene 22 BG image new
Scene 23 BG image new
Scene 24 BG image new
Scene 25 BG image new
Scene 26 BG image new
Scene 27 BG image new
Scene 28 BG image new
Scene 29 BG image new
Scene 30 BG image new
Scene 32 BG image new


Hocus Pocus Diggus Bickus - (still in game titled Hocus Pocus Diggus)

Scene 1 BG image new
Scene 6 BG image new
Scene 8 BG image new
Scene 9 BG image new
Scene 11 BG image new
Scene 13 BG image new
Scene 15 BG image new
Scene 16 BG image new
Scene 17 BG image new
Scene 18 BG image new
Scene 19 BG image new
Scene 20 BG image new
Scene 21 BG image new
Scene 22 BG image new
Scene 23 BG image new
Scene 24 BG image new
Scene 25 BG image new
Scene 26 BG image new
Scene 27 BG image new
Scene 28 BG image new
Scene 29 BG image new
Scene 30 BG image new
Scene 31 BG image new


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I started tracking if any of the girls profile data changes, don't see any other post on this so going to add here for now.

So far just found today:

Undercover Megane - battle pose changed from "Column" to "Suspended Congress" (this may be do to of the rares there was no Suspended Congress yet but there is another Column. if that is why there may be a few more updated soon as there still no Doggie Style,Missionary,Nose Dive,Sodomy and there are extras of Bridge,Dolphin and Indian Headstand if the're trying to balance rare)

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Looks like Gravitas 2 star image is in the process of being fixed. The webp version is now correct but the png version still needs this update. so right now depending on your browser it may look one way but will look different to others


Edit: When checking on 2/22 the png is now updated

Edited by Yamiray
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Today's profile updates

  • Bennu Tseer - Hair: Changed from Brown to Orange
  • Dani Angela - Hair: Changed from Red to Orange
  • Sako Sakura - Hair: Changed from Pink to Black
  • Uma Chitti - Hair: Changed from Black to Brown
  • Charlotte Rose de Monplaisir - Hair: Changed from Red to Purple
  • Frauke Freifrau von Vatz - Hair: Changed from Black to Green
  • Melanie Metcalf - Hair: Changed from Blond to Orange
  • Ira Goto - Hair: Changed from Green to Blue
  • Ari Redel - Hair: Added "and Blond"
  • Lilly Lark - Hair: Changed from Blond to White
  • File Classified - Hair: Changed from Ash brown to Purple
  • Gina Harrison - Hair: Changed from Brown to Purple
  • Akari Himari - Hair: Changed from Brown to Black
  • Deana King - Hair: Changed from White to Blue
  • Holly Hagel - Hair: Changed Silver to White
  • Helia Harp - Hair: Changed from Brown to Red
  • Maria Hernandez - Hair: Changed from Black to Brown
  • Nora Jane - Hair: Changed Black to Purple
  • Reya Wren - Hair: Changed from Green to Purple and Pink (this one I expect to change again as I don't thing this is right either also her eyes are listed as green and they are not)
  • Xanda Ux’Zali - Hair: Changed from Pink to Purple
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  • 2 weeks later...

Image Corrections:

Whoriel - 0 star images+icon edges of hair that where not transparent where cleaned up
Gehena - 0 star image cleaned up the extra purple glow at foot and to the left and right of arms

Turbo Gal - portrait image changed as seen in the Quicky side quest or her star scenes

Edited by Yamiray
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I'll start off with needed corrections.

The new Cleocatra 1 star icon does not match girl image

Profile updates

Jennifer Tousketuve - Description: "dream of a golden" updated to "dream about a golden", "," added to the end of "a hot femme fatale"
Sasha Yudina - Description: fixed typo removing the "u" from "virtuallyu"
Renne Orbison - Hair: Corrected from "Golden" to "White"
Lena Volkov - Description: removed "that" from "skin that would",Updated "continent, sweaty" to "continent - sweaty","metabolism.  Until" updated "metabolism - until"

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  • 2 weeks later...

PI Days Profile updates

Anna do Céu Grindell - Description: "the" removed from "least the President","funny" changed to "strangely", "Could you perform some peer review on her work." change to "Could you peer review her work?"
Malaika Murdoch - Career: "Manipulation" changed to lower case.
Sirena - Description:"Atlantits- everything’s better, down where it’s wetter" changed to "Atlantits, 'everything’s better, down where it’s wetter'"

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  • 2 weeks later...

updates regarding Patch Notes Week #12

This update list Art rework for

Sapphire Sorceress
Samantha Vorr Riley
Era Flush
Chibi Cheetah

I do not see any changes to the girls yet but I do see of the ones I have(Sapphire Sorceress[1-3],Samantha Vorr Riley[1-3],Vorr[1-3],Libraria[1]) that there star scenes and portrait have been changed. so I'm guessing they all have. wished I had gotten some warning so I could have finished out Libraria other 2 now older images to archive.


Edit: Looks like the girls images are starting to update, I'm seeing them in fights with the new image now but the new girl on home page is still showing older version.


Edit 2: New conflicts do to change.

Side quests:
Cheetah Meets Man (common) - portrait only thing updated, scenes still looks like the old girl. And new girl hear color changed, profile still listing as Black

The Fountain of JOI (common) - portrait only thing updated, scenes still looks like the old girl. And new girl looks to have new eye color of yellow or gold that profile still lists as Red.

Smart Is Sexy (rare) - portrait only thing updated, scenes still looks like the old girl.(not as noticeable at the other 2)

Edited by Yamiray
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updates regarding Patch Notes Week #13


  • Let's Be Wild! (Looks unchanged)
  • Super Dick (The part with CougarWoman updated the rest unchanged)
  • Tight Backstreet (Looks Unchanged)
  • A Special Offer (The part in the office updated the rest unchanged)
  • Road to Hero (Looks Unchanged)

Most of the scenes where just recolored, the one that changed more then that was Megane Chevalier star 3 scene

And I feel like this one is a mistake Bunny Girl star 2 scene is missing her hair.

as for the poses 2 of these are now on version 3 here is there history





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  • 3 weeks later...

Today's Profile updates:

Jaclynn Hyde - Description: removed the odd space in "S.H.O.C.K.E.R. 's" , "," added to the end of "(and secret super-fan)" and "more, and" updated to "more - and"
Carissa Davis - Career: "Energy Projection" updated to lower case
           Description: "u" in "universe" updated to upper case

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today's Profile Hair Update:

The below 2 Hair changed from Brown to Dark blond
Arianna Lebedev
Euphonia Rizzotti

The below 5 Hair changed from Light Brown to Dark blond
Pinnacle Twins Light Brown
Lucy Broun
Danielle Phan-Tomas
Angela Guerra

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today's Profile Update:

Ruth Ellis - Description:"Heroine" changed to "SuperHeroine"
Rena Omegani - Career: "S" in "Staff" changed to lowercase
          Description: "h" in "Superheroine" changed to uppercase
Beatrice Karamazov - Career: "C" in "Control" changed to lowercase
                Description: "change one thing" changed to "change a thing"
Nana Ah'oh - Description:"," removed from "women, who", "became of age" updated to "came of age,","Super Powers," updated to "SuperPowers","Super Serum" updated to "SuperSerum"

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  • 1 month later...

Today's Profile Updates:

Gabriela Goldstein - Career:"C" in "Charisma" changed to lowercase
                          Description:"So" changed to "Because of this"
Felicia Shaw - Description:"divinely. But" updated to "divinely, but"

Edited by Yamiray
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  • 3 weeks later...

Today's Profile Updates:

Kakhin’me Kahm - Career:"M" in "Manipulation" change to lowercase
                       Description:"has found" changed to "finds","you that" changed to "you, that","days saving people as a lifeguard" changed to "as a lifeguard, saving people"
Tangaroa - Description:"a" removed from "a hair","were" changed to "weren't yet","sooth the" changed to "soothe"

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Noticed a new images so did a scan.

These 2 where overhauled, both there poses and star scenes where updated





These changes I can't tell only a diff site can tell that there some how different
Fle - all poses
Fangoria the Stalker - no star pose
Lioness - no star pose

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  • 3 weeks later...

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