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Champions stage numbering makes no sense


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At least currently — and I honestly can't say how long it's been like this, or even whether something changed or if it's always been this way... but I don't think so — the stage numbering for Champion Performances makes no sense.

The initial stage shows as "Stage 0 of 5", with the last one being "Stage 4 of 5", and you apparently never actually reach Stage 5.





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Then, I reiterate: "Champions stage numbering makes no sense"

The numbering could be based on the "blob" you're moving from, in which case there are 5 stages numbered 0 through 4. Then they'd be "stage 0 of 4" through "stage 4 of 4". (Though personally I feel that just looks wrong.)

Or, it could be based on the "blob" you're moving to, in which case the first stage you play should be "stage 1" and the last "stage 5". That seems perfectly reasonable to me.

As a third alternative, they could drop the "of N", and just use "stage 0" through "stage 4" for the five playable stages. But having "stage 0" through "stage 4", while saying they're "stage n of 5", is demonstrably untrue when "stage 5" never takes place.

(And, c'mon, let's be real. The most likely explanation is that someone just forgot a '+ 1' in the JS to display the stage number, since I'm sure they're numbered from 0 internally — everything is indexed from 0 in most languages, including JS — and that totally makes sense. Internally. But "n of m" implies iteration over a sequence, and even with 0-based indices, if you have five items numbered 0 through 4, then item #0 is the first of five items, and item #4 is the fifth of five. There's no such thing as a "zeroth" item. Or stage.)

Edited by NYPup2Train
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