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Market changes


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3 hours ago, LwDwn said:

This change has both good and bad points. 

1. You can't upgrade your harem from the Market.

2. you can't track your Harem from the Market. (ex. Bunny is 1 of 900 in my Harem) and yes, for those of us that track our girls is small bit of info is important.

3. You can upgrade and max out with a single click. Great addition .

4. Visually it's hard to work through the interface. This is a pain point that will just take time to adjust to.

so we got 1 plus and a bunch of negatives.

Agreed on 1, 2, and 4, but disagree with 3.  Getting back to point 4, it sucks that we have to adjust to it, a simple revert back to where the game's program was at on Tuesday would fix all the problems right away, and then the programmers would just have to figure out how to work that max-out button you like into the game without changing the Market UI drastically like they did.

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56 minutes ago, Antimon said:

Well, by using the new filters in the harem that's an easy feat...

You fail to understand that we are discussing the Market changes, not the Harem. Those are different things. And these filters could've been easily coded, tested and implemented in a single day. It's literally just a single SQL query, nothing fancy.

30 minutes ago, bolitho76 said:

And with the improvements in the Harem it's faster than in former times

*Go to Harem* —> *Wait till tomorrow* —> *Scroll/Change filters/Whatever* —> *Choose the girl* —> *Click '+'* —> *Give books* —> *Curse the devs for the gems* —> *Click 'X'* —> *Wait once again till the next morning* —> *Choose another girl* —> *Repeat*

I fail to see how that is simpler than just:
*Go to Market* —> *Click on the book tab* —> *Scroll right or left without waiting till tomorrow* —> *Give books* —> *Curse the devs for the gems* —> *Click left/right* —> *Repeat*

Or, if you want, you could:

*Go to Harem* —> *Wait till tomorrow* —> *Scroll/Change filters/Whatever* —> *Choose the girl* —> *Click '+'* —> *Give books* —> *Curse the devs for the gems* —> *Click left/right* —> *Repeat*

Both ways are valid, and both of them are easier than what we have now.

Or the same for the affection levels:

*Go to Harem* —> *Wait till tomorrow* —> *Scroll/Change filters/Whatever* —> *Choose the girl* —> *Click '+'* —> *Give gifts* —> *Upgrade* —> *Repeat N times* —> *Click 'X'* —> *Wait once again till the next morning* —> *Choose another girl* —> *Repeat*

Instead of:
*Go to Market* —> *Click on the gift tab* —> *Scroll right or left without waiting till tomorrow* —> *Give gifts* —> *Click mouse wheel* —> *Click left/right* —> *Repeat for the number of girls you need* —> *Ctrl+PgDn through the browser tabs* —> *Upgrade each* —> *Reload the Market page* —> *Repeat till you're done*

Yes, the latter scheme wasn't perfect, but it was 10x times faster than what you are suggesting. Not even mentioning the separation of "Buying/Using" and these godawful 5-column tabs.
I hope you're not a Kinkoid dev in disguise just trolling us again.

Edited by El Daro
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