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The login page doesn't load!


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It started today, at least for me. Everytime I try to enter the hentai heroes site (it's on the browser pc version), the loading finish in the browser, but the login page never shows. It only keeps in the screen attached.

Same happens if I try to reload the page. Tried in different browsers (firefox and chrome), and even tried in different computers. Same problem always happens.

Is it a temporary issue, or is it something in my end?

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10 minutes ago, HEIS3780 said:

Is it a temporary issue, or is it something in my end?

  Maybe it is some Issue mentioned in here.

We had something similar some time ago, disabeling the Filterlist from the Adblocker / Browser might help.

Edited by Der DinX
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When I tried earlier, it still was the same situation. But, for some reason, I tried again now, and was able to connect as normal.

No idea what the problem was, but if it's gone, then problem solved, I guess.

Just hope it doesn't return!

Thanks for the reply, anyway!

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  • 4 weeks later...

As much as I hate to say this, the problem is back AGAIN!

But I found out that it only happens when you try to acess the game via PC. If you try through android, it works.

One more thing. This happens with all the kinkoid games, like Comix Harem and all the others.

Tried to clean the browser cache, history and all the stuff, even tried in different PCs, and still the problem persists.

Last time, the problem sorted itself out after one day, but this time it's like this for 3 days already. I've been entering in android, but my cell is awfull so it's a plain nightmare. And it can't be normal. If someone from the staff can check this out and respond here, I'd be very welcome!

Edit: forget it, just checked the antivirus and it was blocking it. But it makes another problem. Why is it happening? Never happened before, and lately started to...

Edited by HEIS3780
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