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Der DinX

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Der DinX last won the day on July 17

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  1. Not sure what I did exactly, but something went wrong when I wanted to type some ascii letter in another tab, but accidentaly hit Ctrl instead of Alt. 🤔
  2. Welcome to Bug Harem 😉 Well, obviously KK is more interested in those players who spend real money, and not as much in those, who "only" spend kobans. At least not if those come from free sources. And the Game is not about fairness, and recently even less about fun. It's just grind grind grind, ideally with spending money to get all the needed stuff. Thing is, though you'd have more time now, and there are more shards to get, you'd probably have to spend those kobans anyways. Because you'd gain only a small amount of extra CP to do the fights, which will practically do mostly nothing for your progress. Maybe two or even three drops. Only if you had spent those kobans for x50/x10 on the last day to rush things up, then I might say an extra day would have been beneficial.
  3. Welcome Mythic #31 55 CP were needed for the two remaining drops. That brought the previous incredible drop rate a little bit down to 8,76%, which still is great. And it was all done with stored CP, no extra Kobans spent for refill. (13 left to go)
  4. Menue top right corner >> >> Here you should find the Reward Banner.
  5. Ok, the second batch is gone, didn't partake in the first batch. I started with 8 shards for Abraël, had 399 CP in stock, which are gone now also. And I used 4 SP, what will bring me up to 96, don't think I'll put in another one. Currently, I am at 82 shards, meaning those were 37 drops at a drop rate of whooping 9,27% ❗❗ I hope getting the rest will not be too much of a setback. ---- I did the Laby and scraped together a few CP from other sources, and gave the MDR another go. Well, it still is all swell. 😉 So I could spend another 71 CP and got 7 drops for it, which makes it just a little bit less than 10% drop rate, and a total of 9,36% so far. Rest tomorrow.
  6. Wow, that is quite some amount of work. 😉👍 The first thing that came to my mind right when I saw the opening post was: please add the abbreviations to the event names. You did it it occasionally at the descriptions, but not consistently. That would be sort of a compendium, like we had from Ravi. And here it would make even more sense, as the explanations are much more detailed.
  7. Must be a special "Meme-Lord" background. 😁 I still have the old one, but I guess that seems to be a cache thing. Because when I go to champions and right click on the background to open the picture in a new tab, I get the new version.
  8. I don't think I can see a difference, what exactly do you refer to?
  9. Have you written a ticket? That was the only thing that helped, otherwise there seems to be something really broken.
  10. Well, at least the account is still in use, miss u @DvDivXXX But it is always funny to see me this high up in the league, but of course at this early stage it says just nothing. Still... And it seems I'm not the only "low level" player who likes to fool around with the "big ones". 😁
  11. Adding a counter like at events would be the best solution, but I guess it isn't possible, otherwise we would have that already.
  12. I reached 200 Gurls in TransPSH. It's about half the available Gurls in this game. The first Champion gurl just joined today, after 14 times beating the Champion. Which is much better compared to PSH, where I have beaten the first Champion 17 times already and only got 60 shards so far. Highest League "Sexpert 1" 😁 🙄
  13. I can't compare that picture, because currently I don't have a Club Champion girl in any game. But at contests it was corrected. Maybe it is just in your cache?
  14. Hmmm strange, it didn't work this night, now it does.
  15. Was the flashing of PoG / PoV on Townscreen on the last day a script thing, or did the game this by itself? It seems it doesn't work anymore.
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