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When to stop in the Labyrinth

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It seems as if I cannot advance beyond the first step in Level 4 in the Labyrinth. I have refreshed my team but I can play and play and only loose and I see no change in the opposition. Is there a point when you should stop playing? This seems like nothing but a test of patience. Well, mine has run out.

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You could just stick to easy. Though if you make it to floor 4 you don't really lose anything because the coin amounts for easy and normal are the same, you basically get the same amount of coins for floor 4 as you do on floor 3 so anything you can get there is bonus. I don't blame you if you want to just stick to easy though, Lab is very time consuming and for me not fun at all.

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I have a very strong team, usually get through the labyrinth on medium (ie defeat the level 4 boss) with around half my team intact so i thought I had a good chance on hard. Got most of the way through level four before I lost the whole team on hard. Refreshed as only had one battle and the level 4 boss to go to start the new level 5. Lost the whole new team and only managed to defeat 2 of the bosses team.  All the rest were at 100% health, i watched there stats as i fought. Between battles they healed most if not all the damage i inflicted.  Will definitely go back to medium

from now on and hope they have not totally nerfed that.

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If you have a strong team, you may be able to complete level 4 in Medium, if you dodge the red villains. I tried the Advanced level and just managed to complete Level 3. This time I did not refresh the team, because I already tried this before and it yielded no result. I noted that in Advanced Level 4 I was playing against "players" at levels above 700. I guess I may just as well leave the Advanced level some quite a while.

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