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Season Update and Leagues please.


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I have suggests on the season pass that their should be challenges to do for playing the game HH  like daily or week in a way so some people could finish the season pass much easily they come back at the end of the season and they want to finish it. But their isn't a way to finish the pass quickly in a way because it takes too long to finish the pass same thing with the league of lust u couldn't get any of the girls so I would like that to challenges in their as well if is possible. So the community could level up through the pass tires easily like weekly or daily gives like points through the pass I think would be great change through the pass .I just small change in the game if it's possible DEVS.

Thank you if you are ready this.Screenshot_20240331-111613__01__01.thumb.jpg.eacc48df9dd2ab3cb70c69b490216feb.jpg

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Season and Mege Events ("League of Lust" at the moment) are thought to be played the whole months they last and in case of Season: If you use natural regen, the rewards from the Season and other Events and the labyrinth rewards there should no problem for a player after lvl300 to not reach the last tiers. The Season is, like the Mega Events, a feature to encourage player to be active every day the whole month, but your idea would contradict this.

Aditional to this: Mege Events are thought to not be doable with normal gameplay - It's by design that you should invest real money to gain all girls and finish the reward path. It's a part of the monetizing of the game so KK can get enough income.

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9 hours ago, bolitho76 said:

Season and Mege Events ("League of Lust" at the moment) are thought to be played the whole months they last and in case of Season: If you use natural regen, the rewards from the Season and other Events and the labyrinth rewards there should no problem for a player after lvl300 to not reach the last tiers. The Season is, like the Mega Events, a feature to encourage player to be active every day the whole month, but your idea would contradict this.

Aditional to this: Mege Events are thought to not be doable with normal gameplay - It's by design that you should invest real money to gain all girls and finish the reward path. It's a part of the monetizing of the game so KK can get enough income.

Okay sorry 😔


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