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Collectors screwed

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I'm new to the forum, so if a thread like this exists I apologize. I noticed the inventory is seriously lacking for the people that like to collect things, namely the unique Item sets. My inventory is getting cramped at this point, and I always have to equip, unequip many times to have them placed in order.

Is there a chance for some kind of storage, repository or hell even a box for them? IDC if extra slots would cost kobans (if the price is reasonable) as long as I'd be able to store what I want to keep.

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There aren't any item sets or whatever in the game, all items are the same they may change names and icons sometimes but their function remains the same and i am pretty sure that most players keep their inventory empty.

If this game ever becomes RPG (which i really doubt it) then maybe the items will become important.

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I meant the equipment you use for stat boosting, the ones such as the Bunny set or the latest Idol set. I know that for some people is meaningless, but there are players who like to collect random stuff. I also know that they are the same thing with a differently randomized stats and all that, but that's the point in collecting them.

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lol it's not like you can visually see the difference on your avatar, as i said they are just equipment with different names and icons so to make us think that they are an "exclusive set of items" just because the devs are bored to think of a better reward for the mini-montlhy event.

Also this game's goal is all about collecting girls and not about collecting equipment.

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All of the equipment is used for the same thing, sure you can make that argument. However you can also say that all of the sets you get from the seven day event are all completely garbage. So people like myself would like to make some use out of them. So why not collect them? And no, a few extra bucks doesn't do a event specific set justice. Selling it isn't a option for us. If the set didn't have a purpose other than equipping bad stats, then it wouldn't have been made with a different picture in mind of an event.

You have many different players that play this game, other than the ones that only go after girls. Some people don't even have girl collecting as a main goal. Ether way, the game should cater to all play styles, or just one. Picking and choosing which one should be looked at first is a good way of neglecting other players to a point of leaving. (or at the very least, thinking about leaving)

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I used to collect even the cheapest starting weapons in many games all fully custom/god crafted or whichever term the game used which used credits to do.  Then unique food and other consumables, some of which was worth a fortune  as time passed(not that I ever sold my collection). The point is, collecting just girls is limiting, why not have more options? It could be a way to remember fun times with your Harem, it could serve for bragging rights. Not to mention is the possibility for the developers to earn extra cash. As I said, I'd pay for extra slots, even without any in game benefits except taking screenshots and bragging at my possessions, of course for a reasonable price.

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This is one of the only game where I don't have huge piles of useless gear but since they don't change your appearance it's not worth keeping the different sets. Which is unfortunate because having some kind of boost for a matching set of having it show up on your avatar (green dragon armor set) would be a very welcome addition

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I'm not a collector but I was also thinking the other day after I switched class that I'd like a separate inventory tab for storing gear, so that I can store some gear for other classes that I might win during missions etc, in case I switch back again and don't see any in the market very quickly.

I was going to come here and suggest it but then I remembered that good ideas just end up costing kobans so I didn't bother xD

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Maybe in another year time before they get around to it. But yeah collecting those item is good in same sense, but unless a overhaul of item system in place there isn't really any reason or use for it.

I personally collect some myself. Accidentally sold one item of the set though.

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