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Legendary Days Discussion


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As someone that plays a lot of these gatcha style games, I can tell you most of them will eventually cycle in older......whatever the gatcha is for that game, permanently.  Doesn't mean HH has to, but as it was stated by Natstar, even the devs don't know what they plan on doing.  I just don't want to see these legendary days events pumped out every month.  We need a break from events, and it makes them feel less special if they happen too often.

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11 hours ago, natstar said:

You can say the same thing about the people that used koban refills for all the 14 day events that happened before revival events existed as well since if they knew the events would just be repeated a year later a lot fewer people would have used kobans on refills.

I wasn't around for the very early events, like the first Christmas or Valentine, but I have never heard of a person dumping 10,000 kobans on a regular event and getting no girls on return, so I think the scale of regular events and legendary days is very different.

I know that I would be very mad if I had to spend 10,000 kobans for a legendary girl to discover that I had a second (and even a third) chance to get her for free.

I anticipate a lot of rage, and lengthily complain topics at the forum, if Kinkoid re-introduce the legendary days girls on an equivalent event.

9 hours ago, Masters said:

As it is, the Event Daily Mission girls are NOT available in Revivals. That's a year and no chance at a girl which was available a year prior. So those who were not here a year ago for that Event's original run have zero shot at the EDM.

Yes, they are.

Santa Claudia, Cupid-chan, Spring Spirit, Ishtar and Geekette were available at the Sexy Calendar 2018 revival event. The only Event Daily Mission girl who has yet to be available at a revival is Boku Mi Mai, and it has already been confirmed that she will be available at a future revival event.

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26 minutes ago, Jack_HH said:

Yes, they are.

Santa Claudia, Cupid-chan, Spring Spirit, Ishtar and Geekette were available at the Sexy Calendar 2018 revival event. The only Event Daily Mission girl who has yet to be available at a revival is Boku Mi Mai, and it has already been confirmed that she will be available at a future revival event.

Fair enough I suppose. Still, being migrated permanently into Pachinko after 2 years is, IMO, not too much to ask for.

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2 hours ago, Jack_HH said:

I wasn't around for the very early events, like the first Christmas or Valentine, but I have never heard of a person dumping 10,000 kobans on a regular event and getting no girls on return, so I think the scale of regular events and legendary days is very different.

I know that I would be very mad if I had to spend 10,000 kobans for a legendary girl to discover that I had a second (and even a third) chance to get her for free.

I anticipate a lot of rage, and lengthily complain topics at the forum, if Kinkoid re-introduce the legendary days girls on an equivalent event.

Yes, they are.

Santa Claudia, Cupid-chan, Spring Spirit, Ishtar and Geekette were available at the Sexy Calendar 2018 revival event. The only Event Daily Mission girl who has yet to be available at a revival is Boku Mi Mai, and it has already been confirmed that she will be available at a future revival event.

Getting them is based on luck I have people spend over 10k kobans to get the event girls on discord before but it is worth it for those players because they villain girls to get still in epic pachinko so they are still saving kobans by doing refills i recently did 20 single spins of epic pachinko and got no girls so doing refills is better than doing single spin epic pachinko at least.

The hardcore and know how legendary events were not announced in the news part of the game for some players playing in different languages so they missed out on the event not knowing it was even on so that is a lot more unfair to them and no revival event will be available until at least a year later so you got them a year early so it more than fair plus it is hard to the 3 star legendary girls from epic pachinko during events with that many kobans because you have other girls in there and they are only 3 stars, not 5 stars so it is worth the kobans.

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3 hours ago, Masters said:

Fair enough I suppose. Still, being migrated permanently into Pachinko after 2 years is, IMO, not too much to ask for.

I am guessing most players move on before the 2 year mark so they won't care.

Those who do stick around, doubt they would be the sort to want to wait 2 years for a legendary girl, so time well spent for them getting them early.

I can't see 5 star girls being available though, as it would reduce focus on the legendary girl of the day. From a PvP perspective [and the 5 star legend girls are really for PvP and real life money spending ocd whales] it doesn't matter which girl you have as long as you have at least 1 or slightly better 2.

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1 hour ago, Masters said:

I'm talking about *any* girl. Once she is two years old, she should be permanently moved into Pachinko. Two years of playing hard to get is enough.

I don't know how to express it but I really don't like your attidue towards the girls in this game. It feels like you really want every single girl (a feeling I can understand, they are all sweet) while also saying that because they have been aroud for a while they should be obligaded to join your harem. And I just don't understand why a girl being avaiable in the game a few years ago means she is guilty of not joining your harem when you are the one who missed her.

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Well, i'm pretty sure every single girl will come back in a way or another. Otherwise, what would be the point of showing all not recruited girls in your harem with the message "I was available in... , I'll be back later!"?

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1 hour ago, CopyBoop said:

I don't know how to express it but I really don't like your attidue towards the girls in this game. It feels like you really want every single girl (a feeling I can understand, they are all sweet) while also saying that because they have been aroud for a while they should be obligaded to join your harem. And I just don't understand why a girl being avaiable in the game a few years ago means she is guilty of not joining your harem when you are the one who missed her.

The game motto, which is repeated to us constantly from official banners and announcements is: Got to get them all.

If the Devs expect us to "got to" then them girls need to be "got-able".

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46 minutes ago, Chthugha said:

This has rather little to do with legendary days though.

So I suggest to move this topic to another more appropriate thread.

Legendary days have the most hard to get girls. Discussing a way to get them, even if it takes 2 years, *is* part of this topic

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So I see it like this

Legendary Days are when the purchase of kobans with real money is highest, so it's in the dev's interest to have more of them. Revival events will save the cost of new artwork, but some players will have gotten the girl the first time. We will probably again see the compromise of new events and the revival of past events, but this time with the Legendary girls.

Further down the road, however, what happens when players have 2 or even 3 Legendary girls with 5 stars of their specialty? Battle Orgy teams have 3 spots. What's the next step to encourage players to buy kobans once they have 3 Legendary girls of 5 star quality? Not my problem, but food for thought.

A quick off-topic note about a comment above

6 hours ago, Masters said:

Two years of playing hard to get is enough.

If she doesn't put out after the third date, it's ok to dump her. By that point, she's just teasing you and testing how far she can manipulate you. 

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There is a flood of new girls every month. Events, revivals, girls added to epic panchiko. You can't collect them all unless you spend money and if you tried to collect all the ones from the past you would be spending thousands of dollars.

I seem to recall from the discord thread or somewhere that the Devs are planning to "finish" the game and move onto other similar projects. I'd guess at that point, they could just recycle content. Aside from the mega whales, it would keep the game going for a long time.

After all, if you don't have her, a girl is new to you, much like books.

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I'm sorry if this topic is becoming sidetracked, @Chthugha. I promise this is my last comment on this thread.

The Epic Pachinko is already glutted as it is, and it's already hard enough to get event girls with so many permanent and bosses girls. If you add old event haremettes to the equation, the new event girls will become almost impossible to acquire.

Also, consider that some players don't want to "get them all", they are interested in specific girls and decide to leave certain haremettes that they don't like (Gork is a perfect example of this). So reviving and making those girls permanent at pachinko wouldn't only considerably decrease the chance to get the new event girl that the player might want, but also increase the chance to get a girl that the player might have decided to skip.

I guess this could be fixed by creating several epic pachinkos, maybe one for vintage girls, one for current permanent ones, and one for special events. But there is still a problem that Some other guy already pointed out: even if old girls are revived and placed at a pachinko, you would need thousands of dollars to get them all.

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10 hours ago, Masters said:

Legendary days have the most hard to get girls. Discussing a way to get them, even if it takes 2 years, *is* part of this topic

No it is not, because it wasn't about the Legendary girls anymore, but about girls in general.

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As someone who tried to get every legendary, with lots of daily clicking and some koban refiils, and failing to get any of them, I sure do hope the come back. I really don't see it as unfair to those who got them: if 6 months from now there's a legendary revive, players who got it already will be able to focus on getting legendary affection items, daily missions that concer fighting the highest boss available, etc. On top, they will have a big advance on the development of that girl's level and affection, and will have had a lot of time reaping cash from her. In the meantime, the one who will try to get her again will most likely get few to no rewards, will waste time and money on a lesser boss and will still need to get enough resources to upgrade the girl, if he/she gets it.

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Is there really any substantive difference between them offering a new legendary girl of the same class vs bring back an old one.

Considering the dominance of the Alpha girl over the Beta [as Snake from the Simpsons once said, "Oh no, Beta"] if someone who didnt get the first girl gets the second one, he won't be that far behind someone who got both.

Also with a new girl, everyone can go for it. Those who got the first girl and work on getting a kick ass Beta, those who don't can go for a kick ass Alpha. A revival, only does the second.


Bringing back legendary girls, when are you going to fit in that event, something else has to give and that something else will be new legendary girls.


Also not bringing them back does bring a sense of urgency to getting her which sops up those spare kobans and well, it isn't as if this game and it's developers are a charity. If they can get whales spending, as long as it doesn't break the game for the rest of us, have at it lads.


Once I get my third HC 5 star legendary, it is no concern for me what they do, but they are better off and the game is better off to not bring back old legendary girls as long as they are willing to develop new ones. If they stop developing new ones [Aka they feel the game is finished] then by all means bring back the old ones, better than nothing.

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6 minutes ago, Masters said:

Add to the existing timers on the ToF's Left Column, an EVENT timer:
1) remaining time of *current* event while in progress
2) and until NEXT event starts when between events

I added this to the current Patch Notes thread, but I'ma repeat this here. It'll help REDUCE/ELIMINATE event ambiguities.

My initial thought was to add a new timer to either the Activities Page (additional timer to the Missions tab, or add an Event Tab) or the Town Page (under the Adventure button)

But then I notice the ToF's left column has a couple timers and figure that's an good place for it too.

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1 hour ago, Masters said:

I added this to the current Patch Notes thread, but I'ma repeat this here. It'll help REDUCE/ELIMINATE event ambiguities.

My initial thought was to add a new timer to either the Activities Page (additional timer to the Missions tab, or add an Event Tab) or the Town Page (under the Adventure button)

But then I notice the ToF's left column has a couple timers and figure that's an good place for it too.

i'd do the timers on the home screen. it's the most prominent place to put such a prominent feature.

and i'd do both in parallel. the official calendar from july is very ambiguous and it is possible that the revival starts seemlessly after main event ends. to make this clear both of your suggested timers need to be displayed simultaneously.

btw: during real events the remaining time can already be seen on the pachinko screen. but the legendary days and possibly other future "happenings" miss one.

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41 minutes ago, Habi said:

btw: during real events the remaining time can already be seen on the pachinko screen. but the legendary days and possibly other future "happenings" miss one.

It's an incomplete/imprecise timer. It ONLY counts days and hours, nothing less. Once it reaches under 60 minutes it reads as "0 days, 0 hours"

But then, I'm also not happy with the loss of the constant seconds from the rest of the timers. I'd like to see them returned.

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55 minutes ago, Masters said:

It's an incomplete/imprecise timer. It ONLY counts days and hours, nothing less. Once it reaches under 60 minutes it reads as "0 days, 0 hours"

But then, I'm also not happy with the loss of the constant seconds from the rest of the timers. I'd like to see them returned.

well events always end with the reset. so you can at least figure out yourself when it ends if it says 0d0h. ¬¬

but i second the return of the precise timers. i miss them aswell.

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I would hope that when the next legendary event comes that there is an official thread clearly marked as such.


Something titled.

Official <Month> legendary event for <Girl's name> make all posts here.

And that such a thread is created before the event runs.


It is annoying that people post their joys, woes, complains and whatever and you have multiple threads running on the same topic.

Unless that is someone wants to run a stats collection thread, collecting data from a general thread is just too much bother [not that people didn't post all sorts of non data on the stats collection thread because well...  I ain't doing it again, I know that much.

I also wouldn't mind seeing multiple threads on the same legendary event shut down before they take on lives of their own.


I'd also like to have a five way way with Kate Micucci, Zoe Kazan, Alyson Hannigan and Lauren Lapkus but I think my odds are better with the above request.

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26 minutes ago, Some other guy said:

I would hope that when the next legendary event comes that there is an official thread clearly marked as such.


Something titled.

Official <Month> legendary event for <Girl's name> make all posts here.

And that such a thread is created before the event runs.


It is annoying that people post their joys, woes, complains and whatever and you have multiple threads running on the same topic.

Unless that is someone wants to run a stats collection thread, collecting data from a general thread is just too much bother [not that people didn't post all sorts of non data on the stats collection thread because well...  I ain't doing it again, I know that much.

I also wouldn't mind seeing multiple threads on the same legendary event shut down before they take on lives of their own.


I'd also like to have a five way way with Kate Micucci, Zoe Kazan, Alyson Hannigan and Lauren Lapkus but I think my odds are better with the above request.

hmm, I think you should try to go for that five-way xD

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