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Great Pachinko Girls


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Now, before i continue, you might agree or disagree on whether this is a great suggestion, or wondering whether this is a misplaced thread asking which Pachinko Girls are the best, but i am in fact referring to the Great Pachinko for this one. So with that out of the way, let's continue on to the actual suggestion:

Now, the Great Pachinko holds Commons, Uncommons and a number of Epics, so generally speaking no one will touch it with a ten foot rusty halberd. The Epic Pachinko on the other hand will drop a number of Girls, including Boss Girls (which is what is generally seen as a 'wasted roll').

My suggestion is to move the droppable Boss girls to the Great Pachinko as a secondary place they could drop from, and remove them from the Epic Pachinko, so rolling the Epic Pachinko would get you a girl you would be unable to get for free. This might be extended to Common and Uncommon ranked Event Girls outside of their actual (Revival) Events in case the RNG is being hard on you, though the Epic and Legendary Girls would remain in the Epic Pachinko where they would obviously belong given their... more competitive stats.

Admittedly, drop chances for them would be rather low, but going by the Feedback section there are numerous people complaining about constantly hitting bosses and not getting their Girls to drop, and this would add a secondary means to get them by hitting their preferred farm of choice and trying their chances with the Great Pachinko. To reiterate, it is not my intention to have them be a guaranteed drop, merely to add a 'Grand Prize' of sorts to the Great Pachinko rather than the garbage heap it currently is. And since the Boss Girls can be gotten from the game for free all year round anyway, there's no real harm in adding them to the Great Pachinko as well, all the while making Epic Pachinko more attractive in their absence.

My two cents :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i like your idea very much.
it's too late for me, since i got ALL boss girls now but with a significant number of them from epic pachinko drops :(
but it would be nice to spare new players the same frustration.
it's not just about getting a boss girl from pachinko instead of another... the worse thing is, when there is no event i fight the bosses only for the cash because there's nothing else to drop. that's sad somehow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice idea.

On 12/25/2018 at 5:01 AM, Real Vincent said:

when there is no event i fight the bosses only for the cash because there's nothing else to drop. that's sad somehow

I see it as a very good source of cash. 29,5 k Ymen each 30 min makes Roko Sensei my highest funding "girl" - and I even can collect 300-600 k in a row instead clicking every 30 mins.

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Yeah, i'm just missing 5 Boss girls myself, but when i rolled Pachinko i was keeping my fingers crossed not to get a Boss Girl, which is kind of... counter-intuitive to be honest. I ended up getting Val Battler at the time so it's all ended up well, but yeah... :/

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