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  1. Ok, won my first Champion fight but I find myself slightly disconcerted as I only had one leveled Girl the whole fight. Are you seriously telling us we need to have ALL our girls leveled?
  2. You were doing just the boss girls or did you blow it all on the 1800 epic rolls?
  3. The problem is before you only needed to get lucky once, now you need to get lucky like twenty times to MAYBE get enough shards.
  4. I'd give her a great big 🥒 ID 748401
  5. Not everyone can afford to dump money or make this game the one game they play all day. I play enough to clear the activities still trying to claw my way to 300k a day 261k at the moment, and lost count how many girls I still got left to work on. 3 mil on a boss that drops zero money is lame, I'd rather have Karole drop just money rather then terrible affection junk. Least they could of done was made it so the affection items dropped would sell for what Karole would be expected to drop money wise following the pattern of bosses/money.
  6. Yeah, we REALLY don't need cash sinks at this point. I am already broke every time I upgrade a girl and I still got more to do.
  7. Well currently you are probably better off trying to get a boss girl from Pachinko then fighting the boss, they seem to mostly only spit out 1 shard if you x10 roll and rarely drop on single fights.
  8. Yeah, well as close as I was an extra day might of been all I needed to roll those last 8 shards. These events are way too short with this shard system, since before you just needed to get lucky once, Now you need to get lucky a dozen times to MAYBE get one girl.
  9. I didn't have to use refills last event so I had a decent supply of Kobans, and this is all I have to show for Fabienne. Really need to start putting correct dates in as well.
  10. Ah. That makes sense, probably why I wasn't getting it cause I just automatically assumed the excess shards would be deleted.
  11. Been my experience that by the time Devs realize they've hit point #2 it's usually too far past the time to change things, since it's usually a year after they made the mistake and over that time revenue has gone down as the whales and the rest of the players who usually spend money will either be gone or switched to not shelling out money monthly. Granted as much as we complain about the RNG I have seen worse, and at least here you can use Koban's for upgrades instead of JUST a horrible RNG slot machine that spits out low level junk. So why do I put in my two cents if I've seen worse? Because I'd rather have the Devs hate me and a game then wait until it's too late.
  12. Um... I seem to be missing something here. You got the girl and 38 affection flowers in one go? I thought 10x was the most times you can attack in one go.
  13. I've found that I am getting 1 shard at a crack from Karole, but the event girl is up to 11 shards from two 10x draws, with a 3rd 10x draw netting only cash. I already had one of the girls so I need only grind for the one, but if I needed to get both it would get very costly.
  14. I see that now, my first revival girl I got 6 shards from one 10 roll, that makes it three for three on getting shards that way. I know, too small a sample size but it's way too early for me to be blowing through kobans on refilling the combat energy. 1200 kobans for the slow grind on boss girls isn't too bad, way cheaper then the pachinko 10 pull.
  15. Well... so far I am two for two getting ONE whole character shard using the ten attack option. If this trend continues we are looking at 1,000 combat energy and 1200 kobans to get just one girl, so get ready for an endless stream of FOUR day events with FIVE girls to try and get on this system.
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