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Everything posted by Redbeard

  2. Do not pass go do not collect $200 go to Pachinko Jail or spend the Kobans to get out:-).
  3. This is going to upset the free players as they can't play how they want, the planners as they can't plan, the hoarders as they don't know what to hoard. I guess the Whales may be happy as they can continue to change the tasks until they get an easy task.
  4. This is basically a mini path of attraction. I dislike this because with this and path of attraction. I will not be able to play how I want if I want to get rewards. If want to level up a girl? Nope have to wait until I am on that step. Claim a chest nope have to wait? continue with the story, nope I have to wait until the spend energy task comes up.? The worst part is it is random so you don't know how to plan even if you want. Unless of course you have extra Kobans lying around... It takes the fun out for me. I think I will just do the tasks that are easy or I can do with another event and ignore the rest.
  5. I don't think it will happen often at all.. I think there will be many similar stats but, think about all the differences. You have level, then the different girls. I see very few with perfect teams. Then you have Gems, many top players attack with a different color which will make the stats different. You then have equipment with all it's various differences, Mythic Boosters, even endurance plays a big enough part to make the numbers slightly different. I think they may raise the level cap soon or add something nightmarish like girl equipment to keep people buying and lesson the "sameness" that will be happening soon.
  6. It would cause a rip in the Hentai Hero time continuum creating a singularity that would destroy the Hentai world.
  7. I liked the old version slightly better. Biting lip much butter than duck face....
  8. I like the art. I think it is good. I think that this is the best version of Claudia so far. I agree that the recent mythic girls are in the same mold. Thickish girls with big breasts. I see why they don't deviate much though If Mythics are one of the main cash cows of the game they are going to want to appeal to the widest possible audience. I got her for around 7K Kobans. She is good color, was on a blue gem boss and, I think she is well done.
  9. When I use the term competing, I mean top 4 which I am able to do more often than not. I am already seeing a handful of players maxed out with equipment that I can no longer compete with. I am not a totally free player. Plese go on an tell me how it is laughable that paying players can now win a will for whatever amount of time it takes the non whales to get a complete set of gear. I accept that people disagree. I don't think however the thought that such a powerful game mechanic gives an extreme advantage to the whales and, the making only a few available on no luck related game parts for players is laughable. I will most likely switch from going for top4 to top 15.
  10. Think about it. A fee player has access to what 3-4 legendary equipment a month? Count wrong equipment repeats. That = years.
  11. Mission impossible for free players. When you think about getting the wrong equipment etc... The free player will very quickly not be able to compete in D3. It will take years without a lot of luck for the free player to get the gear required.
  12. I recommended a champions league a while ago. It seemed to be shot down. Open up a new bunch of tiers that only winners of D3 can enter make the rewards good enough for an incentive for the champions to join. This would let the best players start playing each other while also letting others move up and learn how to play the game at at a top level.
  13. They went total Cow, ear tag, cow bell. Never go total cow:-).
  14. I would think that Finalmecia meeting Finalmecia and capturing her would cause the universe to explode. I got Alexa in an epic drop during the 2nd day. Did not have to worry about fighting the champion which I always forget to do anyway!
  15. They have watched too many late night informercials. Folks you can get not 1, not 2, or even 3 but, 4 healing pebbles for the low, low price of $499. Normally these healing pebbles cost $1,000 a pebble but, if you call now you can get them all for $499.
  16. It may be account age. It may be posting in the forums. I combo of both? My account is not ancient of days it is old though. I joined after right after the eldest one's. I post every so often. Gotten lectured by a mod or two:-). Maybe that is the criteria annoyed a mod to get a lecture but not enough to get a point or a ban. Gets you a Platinum Card. I may be on too something:-).
  17. I got a Platinum card. I have not bought a monthly card in a long, long time. I wonder what criteria they used?
  18. Issue's I don't understand why another currency? We have way too many. Yet another buy in requiring Kobans money. I don't get it. I guess people spend 1,000's a month on this game? Putting, actually valuable game assets behind a massive pay wall is not good in a game that is supposed to be free to play. The good free to play game let the paying players get the assets quicker but, if a free player wants to grind they can get the same rewards. A positive The girls look well done and, I am a fan of Bunny's Mom so any variant is Great in my book.
  19. As promised I will give some good feedback about this event. Giving us a 5/5 drop rate was really nice. That along with the fight gift code allowed me to get Gwenaelle, and Darla the only LG I was missing and another 2 girls that I had partial shards on. . I also got Office Kioko with my free girl orb. Add getting Plavala with an Epic orb and it was a good event. Thanks to Kinkoid being a little more generous then normal. I hope this makes the Mod supreme who loves Norou happy. lol.
  20. I did have a good attitude about this game in days past. Changes have embittered me a bit or a lot. True enough. I did claim it still which does count for something. My last post was sarcasm. I however will post a thanks for a good gift.. If for nothing else then to keep a mod happy. Which is the first and foremost job of any poster of course.
  21. Yesterday the gift was great. Anyway done complaining about gifts. When they give out 1 ticket tomorrow. I will post about my endless gratitude and joy:-).
  22. I wish I could share! Trade, I will give you 100 Purples for 10 Green. I can't get a Green drop from anything at the moment:-).
  23. Kinkoid does not like players being happy. They therefore decided to destroy yesterdays good will by giving away Purple Gems which is almost worse than nothing.
  24. Ummm, yes, for this event I used no booster, no money, I picked my girls for fun, I did not lose a point in any fight. I few times my 2nd girl had to fight. So yes, I did get "Free Stuff."
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