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  1. Why is 15k Kobans needed? To spam the 50 battle and refill?
  2. I don't like this structure for mythic days. They give us a 72 hour event which is in reality just 32 hours or less considering we have 2 hour gaps before shards get restored and the amount isn't even enough to last 10 minutes it seems. Can you even get the lucky chance to get the girl herself aka 100 shards at once or do you have to battle til you get 100 shards which would cater to whales pounding the heck out of the 50 battles button using Kobuns. I would rather them just put the girl in and give us a shorter window then have us waiting for shards to respawn just for them to be gone in a instant and then wait another two hours.
  3. I've gotten this bug as well a couple of times this season. Was able to make sure it had happened when I passed level 21 straight to 22, I was able to claim the xp for level 22 and yet I did not get the reward of 4 free 10 pulls for pachiko.
  4. So now books...okay. But that doesn't one of the biggest problems with the new drops and that is that you still get the low end items. I think after a certain level, the common or uncommon gifts and books should stop be a drop and it is only epic or legendary. At the very least common shouldn't still be dropping. That is one of the biggest advantage the money dropping bosses have is that you are guaranteed a certain amount each time. Gifts and books will either be great drops or drops that are a waste of your Battle points.
  5. Overall, this is a better system. We might have a lower chance of instantly getting the girl(don't know if the rate for that was changed or not). But the system does retain your progress, so if they do another legendary day event where they have past legendary girls available, you will be able to pick up from where you left off and try to finish getting all the points you need instead of spending another 5k koban just to get nothing.
  6. I just like how her intro is she is the hero who has saved the world many times...gets captured by the weakest boss. Oh well, I'll try to grab her.
  7. Sadly enough If you saved all those Kobans and spent them off on the only thing you should which is the epic pachiko, you probably made a better choice then using them for refills on this event. You can get 25 refills for 5400 kobans at a rate of 216(which at level 224 is what I'm getting charged) which equals out to 500 fights. I think they need to put a counter on theses kind of events. If you fight 500 time, you should get the girl just like you would if you spent the same amount of Kobans on Epic Pachiko. Now some-a good amount may get the girl in less then that many fights and of course there is the natural refill which give a 192 fights buffer. But that means the player will still end up paying 3,456 kobans if they still fight up to 500 times. I think everyone can agree that we need a pity counter so we don't have players going on long streaks without getting the girl. Thank you for reading my post, now back to struggling to get the girl.
  8. thank you for answering my question. So I can wait a little longer before using up the last of my kobans on recharges and hope to get her off of natural recharging.
  9. So tomorrow is the last day to get her or does she vanish in 20 minutes?
  10. Finally after so many fights, I got her.
  11. I have done over 200 battles and still not gotten her. At this point I'm not going to waste more kobans for refills that do absolutely nothing in increasing my chance of getting her. I'll use the points I get as time pasts, but at this point I doubt she'll drop and all this has done is convince me that the game isn't worth pouring money into since it won't help you get the girl because refilling just wastes money and you can just be patience and build up the kobans for epic pachinko and eventually drain that dry to the point that you can start getting all the limited girls released as they come back around. It seems legendary just means shes as hard to get as world girls and should have just been added permanently to the game like they were which is why they have the drop rate...and even then they are also in pachinko.
  12. So The legendary Girl just has a lower drop rate then. Because it seems that people are refilling way more then they should and still not being able to get her to drop.
  13. It is. Being conservative and saying it takes only 9 hours to refill, you will only be able to refill 8 times thorough waiting over a period of 72 hours.
  14. Same, started with 17 battle points and then did a another 8 or 9 refills and nothing. She has a much lower drop rate then most limited time girls it seems. will try more as time goes.
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