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Everything posted by Sinner

  1. Woke up in Wanker II. Everyone actively playing is at least 60 points ahead.
  2. It's possible to go around 3 months without getting a single girl dropped. Finding out that girls could drop at all from the bosses was a major surprise for me back when it first happened to me in World 4.
  3. Sinner

    wing a girl

    That is the question.
  4. So many girls available for this event and I haven't gotten even a single one. I really wanted to get the Octopussy girl, too, whatever her name was. Oh well.
  5. I would be happy already if players I fought three times disappeared from the list. Less scrolling that way.
  6. I don't get it, but players in my bracket either have gone for refills, too, or aren't getting enough sleep. Maybe they have overlooked the part where it says that the first fifteen players advance...
  7. So,... anyone using stat booster items, yet? Seems like they could finally come in handy. Or maybe they just stay completely useless.
  8. I can sleep 11 hours straight. Won't change for a game, either. Besides, it's looking good. There's one guy I can't beat, but I guess second, third or fourth place ain't so bad, either.
  9. On the test server it made sense to spam kobans to get ahead. There were only ever nine other people in your bracket, so you'd be guaranteed the higher payout from higher brackets, even when completely outmatched. Spamming also did work, since the time frame was shorter, so you had a good chance getting ahead without your opponents noticing. On the normal server things are different. Now you have 99 competitors and weeks to fight them all. Spamming kobans won't get you anything, since everyone can get all of their fights. And in my current bracket there is no real competition. There's one guy at lv280 with like 20k in his main stat who will win. On the other end there are lots of lv20 guys with no hope at fucking all to win. So from the outset you see who will win and if it isn't you - which it won't be for some time for most guys - you might as well ignore the leagues.
  10. Maybe I'll reconsider once I start losing PVP. Until then, it doesn't really matter.
  11. Huh,... what higher levels are you talking about? I'm at lv248 (94 girls) and always broke. So I guess you guys would buy something like that? Not me. If I'm losing more points overall than I gain, I won't get the item.
  12. You are supposed to spend kobans for refills.
  13. If anyone is interested in seeing such a place with 100% free speech: voat.co is one of them.
  14. At least they are all pronounceable.
  15. I like how you can just power through in the Leagues. Doesn't matter if you're worse than everyone else. As long as the other players haven't figured this out you can get ahead quickly. (I only discovered the test server three days ago.)
  16. It doesn't really matter. The balancing could change any day and the only place really affected is the arena, which gives lousy rewards.
  17. I actually don't plan to do anything with ToF. I'm not really needing the kobans anyway. Not sure what affects the way money is shown. Probably has to do with screen size and then maybe zoom level. I guess it also helps when you're just faking the numbers for a funny screenshot.
  18. Go to your harem, click on the magnifying glass and select rarity legendary. Voilá, now you see all legendary girls in the game and where to get them.
  19. No, that's bad luck. Those girls are expensive.
  20. No, .. no. Not instead of money. I want the money, too. And I think you didn't realize the joke in my post.
  21. I don't mind legendary gifts being only on bosses with girls, but it sucks how they work now. It would be better if each time you don't get a girl to drop you're instead guaranteed to get a legendary gift.
  22. Also, just to make a point, I'll leave you two pictures to illustrate what it means to just collect pictures. This is my harem: --- edit by mod --- sorry, rules are rules. read the pinned thread about preventing spoilers... This could (not) be my harem: and this is just plainly forbidden. For fuck's sake, it's just collecting pictures. If you really want them, it's easy to get them.
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